Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1357: Queen's sister's daughter

Yang Cheng squeezed his brows, and just reluctantly rejected a bar group. That's all. Anyway, it is the service industry. Although there are many fixed assets, it does not help its social influence in the end. Pure value-added investment is for For Yang Cheng at this stage, it is no longer the most important thing.

But this company named Corey Energy is an investment in infrastructure for the people’s livelihood, and waste recycling power generation technology is also an important part of the future development of new energy. It can be combined with Westinghouse Electric to enter the second and third world markets together. , Corey Energy seems to be able to rise to the height of strategic investment.

Seeing Yang Cheng lost in thought, completely different from his previous attitude towards "King Green", this made William a little excited, and it seemed that Yang Cheng was moved.

It is good to be tempted, tempting means that there is investment possibility, and William can also earn a lot of commissions from it.

Some people might say, dignified prince of England, as for the world to pull pirates?

The answer is that the world says that the British royal family plays a role of more than 80 billion US dollars in assets, but in fact 60% are intangible assets. After removing fixed assets such as artworks and castles that are difficult to sell, the assets that can be used for activities are only a few hundred million pounds. .

is it a lot? There are many, but Windsor is a huge family. Not to mention, the annual maintenance of castles and servants' salaries in various places is enough to make the Queen a headache. How can there be more money to support the extravagant life of their children?

Anyway, if William wants to maintain the current standard of living, he must find a way to make money.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

Although I just made more than 100 million yuan a while ago, in addition to repaying debts, I also used some to help my brothers and sisters. In the end, I didn't have much left.

He is optimistic about a project recently that requires an investment budget of more than 20 million pounds. Obviously he does not have that much money, otherwise he would not be so active in promoting Yang Cheng.

To this end, he absorbed the mistakes made in recommending the "King Green" and made more adequate preparations this time.

Instructed Yang Cheng to sit first, and went to the study for a circle. When he returned, he handed in a stack of documents to Yang Cheng, "This is the information I sent for investigation. You can take a look."

Yang Cheng simply took off his tuxedo and put it on the back of the sofa, changed a comfortable posture, tilted his legs and read.

At the same time, William said, “The amount of waste generated in the UK each year is significantly more than that of its existing waste-to-energy facilities can handle. Although the amount of waste recycling and reuse has increased, due to continued consumption and population growth, it is expected that the overall The amount of waste will continue to grow.

Therefore, in the UK, the person responsible for waste disposal can only make one decision, either to transport the excess waste abroad for disposal or to bury it in a landfill.

But everyone knows that no matter which one you choose, there are big limitations. "

Yang Cheng didn’t lift his head, but just echoed with a hum, saying that he understands the truth, but how can it be, garbage recycling power generation is also saturated, once the saturation is exceeded, the recycling center cannot receive the excess without limit. Rubbish.

Then the extra **** is **** with no use value.

William has clearly read the survey report, and a lot of it can be said without reading it. "Due to geographical constraints, waste export is only an option for parts of the UK. Even in areas where this option is feasible, you can I know that there has been a lot of noise recently due to the referendum, and the sharp depreciation of the pound has caused the cost of exports to rise sharply.

Moreover, although I am not sure, once Brexit becomes a reality, the direct consequence is that other countries will largely refuse to import waste from the UK.

In fact, country Z decided to ban the import of various types of solid waste from abroad as early as the beginning of the year, and now all of Europe and the United States are about to pile up garbage. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help but sneered when he heard this. Of course, this sneer was not noticed. Now he is always a member of the capitalist camp. Some things he can't do are too obvious, for example, he still cherishes the motherland. It was done secretly. Everyone turned one's eyes and closed one's eyes. You should not be able to see it. But if you brazenly support it, you will definitely get a blow from the entire West. The Yang family cannot bear this kind of pressure.

Therefore, Yang Cheng is reasonably sensible. Although he is very disdainful of the Western double standard, at least he will not directly counterattack the angry youth.

Fortunately, William did not entangle this issue, and went on to say, “Most of the waste landfilled in the UK landfills is subject to heavy taxes for every ton of landfilled. This reflects the UK zf's commitment to reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills , Which means that landfill is an increasingly expensive option.

When the existing site is full and not replaced, the available landfill capacity is gradually decreasing.

Combining all these factors, I think the development and investment of waste-to-energy plants in the UK has very broad prospects, and it is worth your heavy bet. "

Yang Cheng still didn't answer, he became more and more capable of doing two things, listening to William's bewitching. But the eyes can stare at the investigation report, looking for key information at a glance.

In fact, he also found the information he wanted to see. This survey report comes from the research department of the investment company under the royal family, and it still has a certain degree of credibility.

There are currently two types of waste-to-energy projects on the market, the difference lies in the technology used.

The first type of project adopts traditional combustion and incineration technology. Numerous waste-to-energy plants in operation across the UK fully prove that combustion and incineration technology has generated enough confidence in the market. Project developers can not only from equity investors, but also from active in the UK More traditional debt banks in the waste treatment sector obtain project financing.

At present, there are mainly two contractors in the market engaged in such projects. They have experience and financial resources, and can use their own technology to continuously deliver results to the market. Therefore, at least until these contractors are too busy to undertake new projects In this regard, new contractors rarely have opportunities. The fastest updated novels https://

The second type of project using more advanced waste treatment technology is usually a form of vaporization.

In this market area, various technologies have not been verified in the UK, and technology suppliers have almost never had the interest, technology and financial resources to deliver to customers.

However, this does not mean that this new technology has no prospects. Many developers are still interested in advanced technology. The reason is simple: the possible zf subsidies, environmental protection and higher processing efficiency gimmicks, are more likely to obtain the necessary planning Permission to implement development more quickly.

However, developers’ confidence in these advanced technologies is not always recognized by investors. Although there are still many equity investors who want to invest in these types of projects, there are other investors with a small pattern and lack of vision, and almost All debt banks have not considered these technologies as part of their potential investment portfolios.

Corey Energy is facing such a problem. The management wants to develop and invest in new technologies in order to expand its market share to the entire British Isles. The board of directors and debt banks headed by major shareholders are not willing to invest more funds. I would rather use the annual income to invest in real estate.

When there are irreconcilable conflicts between the management and investors, finding new major shareholders has become a matter of course.

For Yang Cheng himself, investing in the new energy field is an opportunity and a challenge, and Westinghouse Electric is his first step, and Corey Energy is likely to be the next step!

It's just that he still has doubts in his heart. Once this Corey Energy Company is a huge pit, no amount of money can be enough to fill it in.

Close the folder and place it gently on your lap. The aura from the top investors slowly spread.

Influenced by this aura, William slowly put away his smile and became serious.

"How about? What do you think after reading the report? From our relationship, you can speak up if you have something.

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "Your survey report mainly describes the current situation and prospects of the waste recycling power generation market. I have not seen any information about Corey Energy from it!

I mean valuable information such as the company's liabilities, development plans, and so on. "

William crossed his fingers and clenched his fists against his chin, and said seriously, "Cory’s largest debtor is Santander Bank. Three years ago, in order to expand the garbage recycling center and landfill, including several power generation patents, Xiang Sang Tand Bank’s loan of 200 million pounds, plus the previous liabilities, is now responsible for between 300 and 400 million pounds. The specific figures need to be reviewed by a professional audit team."

"300-400 million" Yang Cheng muttered this number softly. Compared with its stable income of nearly 50 million pounds a year, this debt does not seem to be high.

"So the biggest problem now is not debt, but the contradiction between management and the board of directors, causing major shareholders to seek to sell shares?"

William opened his hands, "Yes, according to the news I received, the major shareholders themselves have encountered a relatively large debt crisis, coupled with the contradiction with the management, and the suppression of corporate debt, which makes it difficult for him to continue The company transferred profits, so under comprehensive consideration, it decided to cash out its shares."

It sounds like this is a more legitimate reason, Yang Cheng did not find the fault from William’s words, "Well, I’ll send someone to conduct a preliminary investigation of Corey Energy. If it is consistent with the facts, I can entrust you as an intermediary and formally ask Corey Energy issued a tender offer."

William's awkward expression flashed away. After a few seconds of entanglement, he said, "Forget it, let me be honest. In fact, the major shareholder of Corey Energy is a relative of my family."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Your relatives? So it's a nobleman?"

William shook his head, "No, how can I say, according to the relationship between relatives, the other party is considered my uncle, and his wife is also my aunt, and is my grandmother's sister, Princess Margaret's daughter Sarah."

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