Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1360: Dig talent

After Easter, the streets of London resumed their busy and orderly scene again. White-collar workers who were running for the pound sterling came out of the subway station, holding a black umbrella, and walking quickly to their respective companies.

Yes, it’s raining again in London, and the rain is not too small. Rolls-Royce drove through a low-lying street and splashed half a meter of water. Fortunately, there are not many pedestrians and they are all far away. Yang Cheng in the car will definitely be greeted by the eighteenth generation of ancestors with a vertical middle finger.

Originally decided to fly back to the United States the next day after the dinner, but because of Corey Energy, the decision to return was temporarily cancelled, while waiting for investigators sent from New York.

For long-term cooperation with McKinsey, these pre-acquisition investigation tasks are usually handed over to them.

However, the person who led the team this time made Yang Cheng a little surprised. He is a senior director of Chinese descent, that is, a senior partner. Undoubtedly, the ability to achieve this point is something that every poor student can touch after struggling for a little half of his life. Highest position.

With an annual income of hundreds of thousands of dollars, becoming a VIP guest of an airline and taking a secretary to walk among the Fortune 500 companies in the world is what most ordinary people yearn for.

The Chinese partner who will be meeting today can be said to have left a more legendary comparison at McKinsey. From the most common consultant to becoming a senior partner, she only took a few short years. With more excellent Appearance, she has become the goddess of the workplace in the hearts of countless people. Her name can always appear on the top of the list of headhunting companies.

Yang Cheng had heard of her for a long time, and had thought about digging her to the company before, but the other party seemed to be very firm about his job at McKinsey and did not want to change jobs. Yang Cheng regretted but did not force her. Everyone has their own ambitions. It is impossible to kidnap everyone's will, but I didn't expect that they would meet in a foreign country in such a way.

He made an appointment at a restaurant near Tower Bridge in London, called thetable. This restaurant is famous for brunch and has a very charming view. In the early spring, he had a cup of fragrant coffee with soft and waxy flowers. Fu cake is also a kind of enjoyment.

When the car stopped, Carson got out of the car and helped Yang Cheng to hold up the umbrella to avoid the rain to wet his suit. He escorted him into the restaurant all the way. The waiter led him to the reserved position. A black professional suit with hair curled up The lady with light makeup was already standing there.

She gave a soft smile like sunshine, "Good morning, Mr. Yang, I am Wang Yitong, I am very honored to accept your invitation."

She used Chinese, and Yang Cheng naturally replied in her familiar mother tongue, "No, this is my honour, please sit down, I hope you won’t keep you waiting." Qiqi novels were published on the whole network.

"No, I just arrived." Wang Yitong didn't sit down, but waited for Yang Orange to take a seat first, then followed suit.

Yang Cheng turned to Carson and said, "Go ahead."

Carson is going to renovate an ancient building in the manor, so he naturally has to report to the relevant department.

"Good sir, I will pick you up in an hour."

"How about an hour, you go first, I will call you when it's over." Yang Cheng really wants to have a good chat with the other party, so there is no time limit.

After Carson left, Yang Cheng beckoned to the waiter. The two ordered meals according to their own tastes. Yang Cheng spread the napkins on his lap and said, "Miss Wang, no, maybe it's time to call you a lady. I didn't expect you to be a mother of two children at such a young age."

Wang Yitong smiled, "It's okay. Just call me by name. My husband and I are first in love. After graduating from university, we got married without hesitation. Afterwards, having children is a matter of course."

She is indeed not too old, at least compared to senior partners who are generally around 40 years old, she is just 33 years old, and she is one of the youngest partners.

"Then I will be unceremoniously calling you a Tong. I thought this project would be handled by McKinsey's UK branch. I didn't expect you to lead the team to the UK." w~w~

"That's it. Taking into account the friendly cooperation between you and us, the company decided to re-adjust for Mr. Yang and the New Times Media Group. All future projects entrusted to us will be led by senior partners, regardless of the size of the project."

This is a small preferential treatment. Yang Cheng has worked with McKinsey for a long time, but the company has just started for less than 2 years. It can be seen that McKinsey is still willing to work **** his quality customer.

But he knew that the more important reason was that the contract between the two parties was about to expire. McKinsey had been sending people to try to complete the contract in advance, but the consulting company that came to the door was more than McKinsey, so Yang Cheng wanted to wait and see. Before making a decision, it doesn’t matter if you don’t renew the contract. It’s a big deal in the future for each business to sign a separate contract.

Therefore, he didn’t express too just to express his gratitude lightly, "Thank you for your kindness."

"I value the acquisition of Corey Energy Company very seriously, so I have to trouble you to do the most detailed investigation, especially with regard to the problems faced by this company, you must be cautious." Yang Cheng emphasized.

Wang Yitong also solemnly promised, "I understand that it is about a billion-pound acquisition. You can't be too cautious. Please rest assured, Mr. Yang, and ask Mr. Yang to trust our professionalism."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Very well, I appreciate your confidence. Okay, I asked you to meet up alone, not for official business."

At this time, the waiter came to deliver the meal and temporarily interrupted the conversation. After waiting for people to leave, Yang Cheng took a sip from the coffee cup, and then said, "Yitong, do you really plan to work at McKinsey for a lifetime?"

Wang Yitong had a hunch that Yang Cheng might ask her to talk about joining, as expected.

In fact, the reason why she agreed to this date was also because the idea of ​​continuing to work at McKinsey was not as firm as in previous years.

Over the years, I have made a lot of money. Although my husband does not earn as much as her, he wins in stability. There is no need to worry about family life. Therefore, Wang Yitong also began to think about his life goals. As a schoolmaster, he has no challenges and loses his motivation It was a terrible thing. After passing the stage of material needs, the spiritual satisfaction reached an unprecedented level.

So she came. Faced with Yang Cheng's problem, she also said frankly, "If the conditions are right, I am willing to change to a new environment and accept new challenges."

Yang Cheng smiled with satisfaction. This was what he wanted to hear, so he said very simply, "The position of the president of the second-tier subsidiary of New Times Media is up to you. Within 5 years, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to the group based on your performance. Headquarters and enjoy equity incentives."

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