Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1398: Before the game

In the past few days, another major shareholder of the Nets and the second owner of the team, Konrad Koch, has been sitting at home, and every time his grinning and grinning photos appear on the front page of the media, next to it Coupled with a set of bright red game day income, all fools know that the Nets are making a lot of money!

How could Yang Cheng be dissatisfied?

It's just that he couldn't leave his subordinates with a frivolous appearance, so he had to pretend to be calm, put down the report lightly, and said indifferently, "Good job~"

Sean Marx let out a sigh of relief, and the chicken thief smiled, "Boss, as long as we reach the Eastern Conference finals, if we can play 7 games, I can guarantee that our revenue will exceed 100 million in that round!"

Yang Cheng glared at him, "I don't want to be so exciting. If I can play 4:0, I will never play 4:1. However, the Cavaliers have James, and 7 fierce battles say it can happen."

Waved his hand, "Forget it, don't think so far, right now the first game of the second round hasn't started yet."

The corner of Sean Marx's mouth was grinning to his ears. He didn't feel disappointed when he heard Yang Cheng's words. He just nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's right, but for today's game, our ticket price is raised again. At the end, the total income from the surrounding area is expected to exceed 20 million US dollars."

Yang Cheng finally smiled, "Very good."

Just as he was about to praise a few words, the office door was knocked, and when Konrad Koch came in with his beer belly, Yang Cheng couldn't help but joked, "You're fat again~"

"Hey, can't your kid say something nice?" Conrad complained pretentiously.

However, he immediately changed to the smiley face that has always been seen in newspapers recently, "Have you seen the report?"

Yang Cheng picked up the report and shook his head with a smile, "No, just after reading it, I didn't expect New York's football market to be so popular, I always thought that New Yorkers only love Yankees!"

Conrad also picked up the report that he had read countless times again, and said with unsatisfactory thoughts, "Who would say no, I ate with my family yesterday and talked about this matter. They all praised me for making a shrewd investment."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Is the gas station built nearby by Koch Industries already in operation?"

Conrad said proudly, "It's not Koch Industries, it's my own investment. It has already started operations, and it has caught up with the last train of the hot market."

The traffic volume near the Barclays Center is increasing, because in addition to the Nets games, the Barclays Center will also host various entertainment activities, such as concerts, etc. As more and more activities come to the door, Barclays The center has almost become another entertainment center in New York. Countless people come here to relax almost every night. Naturally, there is a demand for supporting facilities.

Originally, Koch Industries built several gas stations in the Atlantic Yard project, but there were none right next to the Barclays Center. Conrad also took a fancy to this market gap and used the Barclays Center halfway. The identity of the owner, investment in construction and making money are inevitable events.

When Sean Marx saw the two bosses chatting, he was very witty and said goodbye. After all, it was match day, and his general manager needed to make decisions in all aspects.

Yang Cheng and Konrad Koch chatted in the office for more than an hour. When they came out, the game was about to start. When they entered the stadium, there was a warm-up entertainment.

Because of Yang Cheng's Chinese identity, the Barclays Center has added a lot of national Z elements since the beginning of this season. The fresh and beautiful Z national red has become the perfect embellishment of the Nets' black and white logo.

Not only that, the performances of the Chinese lion dance team and acrobatic troupe before the opening of the game have also become the new favorites of Nets fans. The lion dance team from Flushing will invite the audience in the middle of each performance, mainly children For the main entrance to experience the fun of lion dance, these never-before-seen children naturally have fun. They are happy. Parents and spectators do not hesitate to smile with their hearts, and the atmosphere is peaceful.

Of course, basketball-related interactions are indispensable for the warm-up, such as midfield three-pointers, auditorium three-pointers, full-time three-pointers, etc., various entertainment activities, stimulated by small bonuses or free burger packages, The enthusiasm of the audience was completely ignited.

As the scene lights slowly dimmed, the large screen hanging in the middle of the venue began to show the wonderful highlights of the star players, which meant that the battle was about to begin.

As the Nets opponents today, the owner of the Charlotte Hornets, Jordan, also followed the team on the away game, but he did not choose to watch the game from the sidelines, but went to the VIP box, where he could ignite his love without scruples. Cigar.

Neither Yang Cheng nor Konrad Koch are interested in accompany the basketball **** in the box. They can feel the fierce atmosphere of the game most intuitively on the sidelines. Who will go to the box to hold it back? This is the playoffs!

The work of accompaniment had to be handed over to Sean Marx, but he was used to it anyway.

The lights came on again, and the warm-up players quickly evacuated. The players wore warm-up suits and trot out of the player channel to warm The two leading stars Chris Paul and Dwayne Wade ushered in as soon as they came out. A wave of cheers from the audience.

However, they did not respond too much today, but went directly to the sidelines and hugged and shook hands with the two bosses.

Yang Cheng and Konrad Koch didn't put them under too much pressure, but encouraged them to play hard and show momentum. The result of the game is not important.

Nonsense, how could it be unimportant, but there are some things that can't be said directly.

Chris Paul has a fierce look. It can be seen that he was holding his stomach to vent to his opponent tonight. After all, his performance in the first round was not perfect. There were many mistakes that shouldn't be made or he didn't work hard due to injuries. His actions were very annoying.

This is the closest to the final floor in his career. He can't let the failure go from his hands again, he will never allow it.

So in the face of the two bosses condolences, Chris Paul almost issued a death order, "Boss, we will definitely enter the Eastern Conference finals, I will let the Hornets fall in Brooklyn!"

Yang Cheng and Conrad looked at each other, and the game tonight is stable!

A super giant that is about to explode with fierce energy, the energy that can burst out is unpredictable, unless the opponent also has a super giant that can explode.

Obviously, the opposite ace Kemba Walker is not Paul's opponent!

What's more, beside Paul, there is also Dwyane Wade, who is getting older and more demon. At the end of his career, he developed a three-pointer that can always be used at critical moments. For Wade who relies on breakthroughs to hit the world , There has been a qualitative leap in strength.

With Paul's connection, Wade has a lot of opportunities to challenge the three-pointer, who dares to let go? Bet him not to enter? It is better to commit suicide!


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