Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1408: Go to mars

"In terms of cost control, RB companies will never be able to catch up with country Z! With the same technical level and quality assurance, country Z products will always be cheaper than what you sell. If it is you, do you want cheaper or more expensive? "

Koji Ito opened his mouth, still speechless after all!

"Cost control can't keep up with country Z, and the technical level can't get rid of South Korea. Do you think JDI has any value?

Unless you find that there is a civilization on Mars that lags behind the earth, maybe you can find a new market on another planet. "

The irony of this sentence was far greater than before, Koji Ito felt his face swelled from the left and right sides.

Turning his head to face Mitsui Jiro sternly, "Mr. Mitsui, I respect you very much, so I did not choose to tear my face, but still sit here and have a friendly conversation with you.

But the premise is that both of us are sincere, and I am willing to accept your non-excessive conditions. This is my sincerity, because I know that if I want to resolve the Westinghouse acquisition case smoothly, I cannot do without your help.

But I did not see your sincerity. JDI company is not enough to make me pay more than 500 million yuan, and I might as well tell you the truth that I can't come up with 500 million yuan in cash without asking the bank for help.

Of course, the bank will probably not lend me money to buy a company that is clearly about to be finished. "

Mitsui Jiro pressed his hand, "Don’t worry, Yang Xiaoyou, I feel your sincerity, so I won’t let you down. In fact, JDI is applying for a cash loan of up to US$1.5 billion from Apple. When it arrives, even if it is to recover the principal, Apple will place an order with JDI.

As far as I know, Apple has always wanted to develop low-end models. The use of LCD screens on low-end models or OLED screens that are slightly lower than the top level is an inevitable event. This is also the vitality of JDI. "

Yang Cheng grasped the core contradiction and went back directly, "Since I have this cash loan, there is no need for external financing, right?"

"First of all, the US$1.5 billion Apple still needs time to discuss, and JDI must be prepared with both hands.

Secondly, if Yang Xiaoyou can become a shareholder of JDI, it will undoubtedly increase Apple's confidence in borrowing;

Finally, JDI has never given up the research and development work of OLED technology, and it may not be possible to catch up with Sanxing in the future. "

Yang Cheng learned the gesture of laying hands on the other party, and said unceremoniously, “Don’t draw a pie with me. God doesn’t know about the future, so I won’t rely on the possible future prospects to make a very risky one. investment.

What's more, this so-called prospect is only a statement from your family. "

He paused, "In addition, although I don't have much contact with Tim Cook, I still know his personality. This is an excellent operating officer, but he never fears anything that can benefit Apple.

There are many benefits to borrowing from JDI, not only can you gain a stable screen supplier, but also further reduce costs, and even negotiate with Sanxing on this condition to lower the price of Sanxing's screen supply.

It has also opened up a new profit channel and lowered the price range of the product line, which will undoubtedly make more people afford Apple products.

These are all unfavorable benefits, and there is no reason why he shouldn't do it with Tim.

Apple has at least 100 billion cash flow overseas, and staying in the bank is a bunch of numbers.

And they are fully fault-tolerant, so in my opinion, if the loan is not unexpected, it will be approved soon.

With this money, JDI also has life-sustaining blood, and there is no need for an irrelevant person like me to intervene, Mr. Mitsui, am I right? "

Mitsui Jiro nodded sincerely, "You are right, but this is the only condition that allows me to come forward and solve Sato Yuji."

Yang Cheng frowned tightly, "Mr. Mitsui, is this an ultimatum?"

Mitsui Jiro was silent and did not directly respond to Yang Cheng.

At this time, a beautiful RB girl in a traditional kimono walked out of the bamboo forest, with small steps, and Yang Cheng was so tired for her.

The beauty boarded the bamboo pavilion, leaned over and whispered a few words in Mitsui Jiro's ear. Mitsui Jiro didn't wave a hand, and the beauty departed.

Mitsui Jiro stood up and leaned slightly, "Yang Xiaoyou, I'm sorry, I have something to deal with here, so let Koji stay with you for a while. Yulu tea is available in unlimited quantities."

Yang Cheng simply stood up and said, "No, I have the opportunity to taste Mr. Mitsui's Yulu tea another day. I have to rush to meet with my subordinates, so I won't bother too much."

Mitsui Jiro hesitated for a moment, and apologized, "I'm very sorry, this time I didn't entertain him well."

"Mr. Mitsui is polite, then, I will leave first~"

After saying no more nostalgia, he shook hands with Ito Koji and left directly.

Coming out of the tea room, Yang Cheng went to the hotel where the negotiating team was staying. The meeting hosted by Wang Yitong was going on.

Yang Cheng asked Wang Yitong to be called out. He ordered a cup of coffee in the cafe and didn't drink it. When Wang Yitong came over, he didn't wait to sit down and said, "I met someone from Mitsui's called Mitsui Jiro , Do you know who he is?"

Wang Yitong quickly sat down, frowned and thought for a while, "The Mitsui family is too low-key now, and the core members of the family hardly show up outside.

But the name Mitsui Jiro, I must have heard of it somewhere~"

Seeing Wang Yitong contemplating there, Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Who is he, look back. I can't agree to the conditions he put forward. If you want to ask him to help, you must take JDI shares, at least US$550 million."

As a partner of McKinsey, Wang Yitong knows well-known companies in various countries, "JDI? RB Display Company?"

"Yes, a slack business~"

"In order to solve the problem of consecutive years of losses, they are preparing to apply for a loan from Apple."

Yang Cheng was slightly surprised, "Do you also know this news?"

Wang Yitong smiled, "McKinsey's demand for information from companies like Apple and Microsoft has become critical. Even if Apple fired a cleaner last weekend, it will be solemnly recorded because it is very likely. It is the beginning of Apple's extensive layoffs!"

After a pause, he joked, "Of course, I'm just giving an example. There is no sign that Apple is going to die."

Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee, "Well, McKinsey does have something to praise.

In short, I would never want JDI, not to mention how much value is left, it is far from our main business. I don't know what it is to get it in my hands except to wait and die. "

"I heard that Sony Entertainment seems to be selling its film and television business?"

Yang Cheng's eyes trembled, "The film and television business? Isn't that Colombia? Sony has reached the point where it is about to sell its core assets?"


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