Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1421: Miss Line Girl

Yang Cheng’s ideas slowly matured. Although Jeffrey Cassenberg didn’t know much about the vast market on the other side of the Pacific, he had been cultivating this industry for decades, and he could always come up with something impressive. the opinion of.

These empirical talks are precious knowledge that you can hardly acquire from how much money you spend or how many books you read. Yang Cheng listened very carefully.

After talking for nearly an hour, the two went to the production teams of several projects to take a look at them and express their concern from the upper-level leaders.

In front of the gate of the DreamWorks Animation Park, Jeffery personally sent Yang Cheng out, "Jason, come here more if you have time, at least let the studio employees feel the care from the parent company."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I understand, I will tell Donna when I look back, even if I don't have time, she will come to inspect on my behalf."

After getting in the car and returning to Los Angeles, Yang Cheng thought about the layout of the film and television industry in Country Z. He barely said anything. The black and white double brakes in front did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing Yang Cheng's thinking.

Until the car drove into the city center, Yang Cheng looked at the slightly strange street and asked, "Where is this?"

Hansen said, "A small street in downtown, the main road is a bit congested~"

Yang Cheng thought of Concubine Liu Yi and nodded, "Is this close to USC?"

Andrew said, "A few blocks away~"

Yang Cheng said immediately, "Don't go home, go to Southern California first~"

Rolls-Royce immediately changed lanes and turned right at the intersection. Not long after, the side entrance of USC appeared in sight.

Yang Cheng got off the car at the door and told Hansen and the others to stay farther away. They went to the drama school alone, and grabbed a student casually. After inquiring, they learned that a drama performance class was about to end. Leaning against the stone wall at the door, waiting quietly.

I went to the parking lot just now and saw Liu Yifei's BMW 5 Series, otherwise he would not waste time.

About 20 minutes later, a noisy sound came out of the building. It should be the end of class. The students filed out, mostly turning a blind eye to Yang Cheng's existence. Several curious students cast gossip glances at him. .

Obviously, Yang Cheng is regarded as the rich son of the younger sister.

Not long after, I saw Liu Yifei walking down the stairs in a simple college student dress. Sure enough, she looks good in everything she wears. An ordinary gray knitted cardigan with a white t-shirt and jeans can be worn out. , Fendai's face is fresh and refined, with a proper sense of sight.

Seeing her from time to time when she raised her head and smiled and talked with her classmates, Yang Cheng was stunned. If this scene could be recorded by the camera, it would definitely be the most beautiful scene on the big screen.

Yang Cheng put his hands in his pockets, his business suit added stability, but he deliberately took out his shirt from his pants, and his tie was hung loosely around his neck, making the whole person more chic and unruly.

As Concubine Liu Yi approached, she turned her head and looked at her telepathically, facing Yang Cheng's eyes, her scorching eyes met in the air, time seemed to freeze, the warm sun in the afternoon was slanting down, and the space was stained with orange red The romantic tone of this, I did not say, it is another classic scene.

After Liu Yifei froze for a while, she smiled sweetly, and the little bird ran over like a homing, "Why are you here?"

Yang Cheng stroked her hair dozingly, "I just went to Glendale to talk about something. I stopped by to see you. Have you finished the class?"

Liu Yifei's eyes curled into a smile and nodded, "Today's class is over."

"Hungry? Take you to eat something?"

"Not too hungry~"

"Then go and drink something~"

"Um~ wait a minute, I'm going to talk to my classmates, I originally planned to have coffee with them."

Yang Cheng suggested, "Would you like to be together? Give me a chance to bribe your friend."

Concubine Liu Yi hesitated, "Let me ask~"

As soon as I turned around, I saw the blonde beauty who had just chatted with her coming over, "Crystal, is this your boyfriend?"

Concubine Liu Yi asked Yang Cheng with her eyes, obviously she wanted Yang Cheng to answer this question.

Yang Cheng didn't think there was anything to cover up, and nodded openly, "I am her boyfriend, so glad to meet you, call me jason~"

"Hello Jason, my name is Oliver."

Liu Yifei took Oliver and introduced, "Oliver is a good friend I just met. She is very good and runs her own self-media channel on YouTube."

Yang Cheng pretended to be sad and said, "From the media? Why not go to the headlines?"

Oliver did not recognize Yang Cheng. In fact, under Yang Cheng's deliberate low-key, apart from industry practitioners, or other channels, such as team fans, it is really difficult for ordinary people to recognize him at a glance.

I don’t understand why Yang Cheng asked, Oliver truthfully said, “The competition in Toutiao’s app is too fierce. I just started, and the resistance I encountered in Toutiao was too great.”

Yang Cheng nodded. In fact, he could totally look at Liu Yifei’s face and offered to help, but instead of doing so, he naturally changed the subject, "Crystal and I are going to have a cup of coffee, you want to be together Is it? Oliver?"

Oliver subconsciously refused, "No, I don't want to disturb your romance, let's go first, and see Crystal tomorrow."

Concubine Liu Yi stopped, "Let's go together Oliver, after drinking coffee, you drive my car back, and you can return to me when you drive back to school tomorrow, otherwise I can only leave the car in the school parking lot."

Oliver hesitated for a long time, but still accepted Liu Yifei's invitation and took over the car key.

The three of them walked side by side in the USC school. The air was full of books, calming people's minds. No matter how depressed they were, it seemed that they could be relieved here.

Yang Cheng called and asked Andrew to drive to the parking lot to wait for him. Oliver on the way went gossiping, "Crystal, how did you meet your boyfriend?"

Unexpectedly, this girl, who looked slightly black, could be so gossip, Yang Cheng thought helplessly.

Liu Yifei hooked her hair in embarrassment. She couldn't say that she got together with Yang Cheng because of some kind of exchange of benefits, right?

But the first time they met, it was really full of accidents, so they said, "We met because I accidentally ran into his car. Later, in order to compensate for the cost of repairing the car, we met once and again."

Oliver's eyes flashed with flames of gossip, "Wow~ this is a scene from a TV series."

Yang Cheng added the sentence in a dubious manner, "That must be a failed TV series. No one likes this kind of **** bridge."

Oliver disagrees, "How could it happen? Have you seen "Fifty Shadows of Gray"? That's the real dog blood. I don't understand why this novel is liked by so many people and it is made into a movie. Many, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were from San Fernando."

Yang Cheng touched her nose unnaturally. This girl absolutely had a grudge against herself in her previous life, so she didn't mention working for her opponent. She even criticized her company's films in front of her.

Concubine Liu Yi smirked and covered her mouth with a sullen smile, obviously she knew where Yang Cheng was depressed.

Oliver didn't know it at all, and said to himself, "That **** movie is a small H movie with a plot. The two sold for more than 1 billion. The producer is going to make a big profit. This film has no cost at all."

Yang Cheng was dark and didn't want to talk. Liu Yifei smiled happily. I don't know why, seeing Yang Cheng deflated, her mood is as bright as the California sunshine!

When approaching the parking lot, after hearing all the ridicule all the way, Yang Cheng finally couldn't help but said, "You know San Fernando Valley well?"

His original intention was to satirize the girl’s unique hobbies and like to watch movies with se, but the girl has only one tendon in her head, her thinking is simple and stiff, she doesn’t know how to turn at all, and she doesn’t understand the deep meaning of Yang Cheng’s words. .

Nodded calmly, "After doing research, you also know that people in our industry must be curious about everything, and my self-media channel focuses on exploring all things people are familiar with but unknown. "

Yang Cheng was unhappy and said strangely, "Similar to Discovery Channel? Decrypt Bermuda and Decrypt aliens?"

Oliver scratched his head, "No, how can I say is to dig out some things that people are interested in but can't find the answers themselves. It is more realistic, not the kind of illusory unsolved mystery."

Yang Cheng heard a little knowledge, but Liu Yifei helped to explain, "Oliver often took a video camera to record all interesting things, such as a neighbor’s black man scolding a white JC; a middle-aged man was a lawyer during the day, but was sleeping on the street at night. Be a tramp, or something."

Suddenly, Yang Cheng said to Oliver, "So you have been to the homeless area?"

Oliver nodded triumphantly, as if he had done something extraordinary, "Next I am going to go to Iraq and Syria to interview local refugees about the United States."

Yang Cheng twitched the corners of her mouth, and just wanted to praise this girl for her courage, but she swallowed it when she said that. This is not courage, but stupid! Naive! ignorance!

Just her small body went to the refugees' gathering place, how many people could play?

The Americans brazenly invaded other countries for their own benefit. It would be good if the locals didn't fight you hard. Still accept interviews? Talk about your views on the United States? What do you think? Really regard yourself as the savior? I slapped them, then turned to ask them if the slap was good.

Not much to kill you!

Concubine Liu Yi knew a little bit and couldn't help but care, "Oliver, this is not a joke, the war zone is very dangerous."

Oliver smiled innocently, "I know, but in order to let more people know the truth, you always have to take some risks, and you can rest assured, I will make careful arrangements, such as hiring a local guide, and There are bodyguards!"

Before Concubine Liu Yi could breathe a sigh of relief, Oliver suddenly suggested, "Why don't you go with me? I believe this will be an unforgettable experience in a lifetime."


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