Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1440: Deterrence

After watching the press conference, Yang Cheng has only one feeling-I can edit it! Even better than a street writer who writes a novel!

More than 50 people are right, but it seems that there is no armed pickup and motorcycle team. If there were these, they would have been dead, still in the mood to watch them bullshit?

But no matter how exaggerated, the effect is the main thing.

After looking for a few more news articles, Yang Cheng lost interest. The purpose of public opinion building is to get more people to stand on your side. Only in this way can you have a basis for the next step.

Now that the layout is complete, dealing with a group of stragglers, and it cost him so much brain cells and energy, it is worthy of them.

Now he needs to go back to a *meimei sleep, and replenish his energy to wait for the good news from Hansen!

. . .

Sleeping in the dark until the next morning, a bodyguard who took over Hansen’s safety for Yang Cheng knocked on the door and reported to the sleepy Yang Chenghui, “Boss, Mr. Abramovich said he was waiting for you in the restaurant. Eat breakfast."

Yang Cheng gave a hum and waved his hand, "I see, I'll get down in a while, where are Hansen and the others?"

The white bodyguard with a scar on his face said, "The captain and the deputy captain led the team. Now we are only around me and another teammate. The captain asked me to ask the boss if I need to transfer someone from the United States."

Yang Cheng shook his head, "No, I'm not going to go out. The hotel still has Roman and their bodyguards. The security should be okay, and we just had such a big incident. If Nigeria lets the people from Boko Haram sneak in, they will simply disintegrate. Forget it!"

The bodyguard patted his forehead, "By the way, a Nigerian guan member came to ask for a meeting early in the morning, but I refused. You were asleep at the time."

Yang Cheng said, "It's good to refuse, I am not in the mood to see them now."

I simply cleaned up, without even changing my clothes. I just went out in the hotel pajamas and went down to the restaurant. I saw that Abu and Conrad had finished eating and were drinking coffee and chatting.

Conrad, who was facing Yang Cheng, immediately waved his hand when he saw him coming down.

"Good morning, how about a rest?" Abu asked while turning his head. Anyway, the hotel has been packaged, and the restaurant is not even a outsider. The waiters are all ten meters away. There is no problem of disturbing the people.

"Morning, not bad, after a dozen hours of sleep, my head is almost exploding."

Conrad smiled, "Normal, just experienced such a life-threatening life, it is not surprising that you sleep for 20 hours, that is, you are young and in good health, and I have to lie down * for three days."

Yang Cheng sat down with a smile on her mouth, and immediately a waiter came over to deliver breakfast.

"Have you read the news? North America is about to fry the pan~" Conrad asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

Abu laughed, "Not only in North America, but also in the United Kingdom. This is the first time that ten billionaires have suffered a terrorist attack? I heard that there are still several tabloids that want to gain eyeballs and spread the rumors that you have gone to heaven. "

Yang Cheng was speechless, "Is there anything else? Fuck, I'm alive and well~"

Abu is the one who has received the most media attention among the three. When he marched into the UK, he was often ridiculed by the guys on Fleet Street.

It can be said that he contributed 50% of the newspaper material in those years!

So he comforted, "Don't take it too seriously, the **** on Fleet Street want their queen to die a few times a day, and still care about you, a rich foreigner?"

Yang Cheng whitened this guy with a ridiculous expression. Don't give an example if you don't give an example. It makes a headache. No, it hurts even more!

Conrad smirked and smiled, "You learn how good I am, low-key is king."

Roman said uncomfortably, "Don't get into trouble, now Jason doesn't have the energy to handle the company's business, you have to take responsibility."

"You don't need to say that the interests of North Sea Petroleum are my interests. How can I relax? Speaking of which, if we make good use of this matter, it may be able to help us get more benefits in Nigeria."

Yang Cheng's face turned black, "Are you human? I'm like this, you still want to use me to benefit?"

His opinions can only be retained under the joint suppression of Abu and Conrad.

"Jason, when you shot this time, many people were shocked."

The two briefly communicated a few words and discussed how to blackmail Nigerian ZF, Abu turned his head to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng didn't know, so, he hadn't eaten anything all day, and he was hungry right now. The bread and scrambled eggs that had no special features were flabbergasted by him.

Chewing bacon in his mouth, widened his eyes like a curious baby and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Just a call, the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs doesn't say anything, even the green beret was mobilized by you. It's amazing!" Abu said, seemingly admired.

But Yang Cheng didn't know whether this nasty guy was telling the truth or lies.

I could only say with a smirk, "Isn't I in a hurry? I just thought about I didn't think about that much."

Conrad nodded inscrutablely, "Roman is right. Your response to this retaliation was quick and steady. The resources you mobilized have attracted the attention of many people. I believe that after you return to the United States this time, within a short time No one will try to provoke the majesty~"

Yang Cheng's heart was stunned. For others, such a power might be worthy of joy, but for Yang Cheng, this is not a good thing. Now that he is so powerful, how many people will hate him in the future!

The major consortiums in the United States have never been Guanyin Bodhisattvas, and there is no concept of harmonious coexistence in their thinking. Life and death is their lifelong purpose.

In fact, the consortiums that have been able to multiply to the present are basically stepping on the bodies of countless so-called "new kings". Each era has its "heroes" from each era, but most of them have become names in history books. , Their family? Long ago annihilated under the ruthless suppression of the consortium.

Either join them or die, there is absolutely no third way.

Conrad's words seem to be congratulations, but is it not a warning?

The Koch family is also one of the upstarts on the American continent. The crises they have encountered before are by no means Yang Cheng can understand.

Secretly reminded myself to wake up, and on the surface still said calmly, "I never take the initiative to cause trouble, but the trouble is found, I can't avoid it, right?"

Conrad gave a meaningful smile, "When I return to the United States, I have the opportunity to sit at home. My father has always wanted to see you."

Yang Cheng's heart moved, and she said in a dumbfounded manner, "Of course it's good~ I must go there when I have time. I would like to ask the two Mr. Koch for advice!"


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