Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1450: William the Restless

American Indulge in Life 2014 Chapter 1450 The restless William "Hello, this is William's cell phone. He is taking a bath. If there is anything, I can convey it for you."

Yang Cheng closed his eyes. The other party should be Irish, or had lived in Ireland for a long time, because the accent is too heavy, to the point that Yang Cheng must listen carefully to understand.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Yang Cheng always feels that she can hear a hint of pride and a deliberate cover-up in the voice of the other party. What is it to cover up? Of course, she is in the same room with Prince British at this moment!

The breathing becomes louder unconsciously, seemingly expecting Yang Cheng's approval?

Well, it may also be that I think too much, and Yang Cheng comforts himself so much.

He took a breath and said, "Excuse me, please inform William. I called and told him to call me back when he was free."

After speaking, he didn't give the other party a chance to follow up, and he just turned off the phone.

To such a stupid woman, Yang Cheng would be a waste to say one more word!

About 10 minutes or so, the cell phone rang, and as expected it was William's call back.

Directly connect to the channel, "William, can you find a smarter woman next time? Not only did you connect your cell phone privately, but also pointed out that you were taking a bath.

Or you can be careful yourself, and remember to keep your phone within sight when taking a bath, otherwise if Kate calls, you will be dead! "

William smiled bitterly, "Don't mention jason, wtf, I've driven that idiot away, it's the most idiot I have ever seen, what good will it do for her?"

Yang Cheng sneered, "Of course it is good, she is the one who has slept with the prince!"

William was speechless, and Yang Cheng didn't bother to care about him, and changed the subject directly, "Don't say this, I have something to ask you, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"Convenient, that woman has already fucked, and I am alone in the hotel room."

"That's it. Just now a person who claims to be the president of British zz consulting company found my company. He said that on behalf of zf, he proposed to us to cooperate, hoping that we can open the back-end data to them. For this, let us also mention conditions. .

I want to ask about this company. "

William was puzzled, "zz consulting company? There are many companies of this type in London, with similar names, most of which are private companies of some parliamentarians and even more senior leaders."

Yang Cheng hesitated, "That means the other party is not qualified to represent zf?"

William hesitated, "I can't say the same. If they reach a private agreement with zf, from a certain angle, they can represent zf. After all, some unseen things, zf also needs this kind of company to deal with."

Yang Cheng expressed understanding, "Then what I said, do you think it might be the order given by zf?"

William pondered for a long time before he said, "I can't be sure. It may be true, or it may be a gamble by them. They succeeded in bluffing you and asking you to hand over the data. They can use the data to cooperate with zf when they turn around. No matter whether it is bought out with money, or sold to other forces, there is definitely no loss."

He paused and said, "If the name you gave is not wrong, this company should have something to do with Blair. They and zf cooperate very closely, and they can often carry out early operations before some news is released to make profits."

Yang Cheng sighed. Through William's explanation, he knew it in his heart. In a word, the other party should not be as confident as he thought.

"Thank you, William, for helping me a lot."

"You're welcome, we don't need these between us."

"By the way, you are now in Ireland?"

"Yes, attend a noble party in Dublin."

"Do you have time this weekend?"

Hearing Yang Cheng's question, William second thought about his intentions, "Invite me to watch the coronation ceremony in Liverpool?"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Of course, at such an important moment, you cannot be without you, the honorary chairman of the Premier League."

William thought for a few seconds, "Well, I was going to go skiing in the Southern Alps this weekend."

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Go to Zhuoyue Mountain Ski Resort? Damn, you will really enjoy it~"

William laughed, "Comeon, I love skiing, don't you know? Besides, it's winter in the southern hemisphere. Isn't it a pity not to go?"

Yang Cheng thought, "What you said is very reasonable, I can't refute it, why don't we go together? After attending the championship celebration, take my private jet?"

William said immediately, "Good idea, take your fiancee with you? Let's have a family party."

"Awesome~ It's so decided."

After hanging up the cell phone, Yang Cheng immediately called Luo Yue and asked her to set aside a few days on the weekend to go to the UK together and then fly to New Zealand.

This flight almost spans the globe. His Dassault Falcon may be difficult to support, but the 787 is more comfortable.

A week’s time was fleeting. Luo Yue flew over from Los Angeles the night before. Recently, he was busy preparing for a new company, and Yang Cheng gave them a new project. He hardly slept. Yesterday he went home and fell asleep. After being lost for a long time, the two of them have not been tired for a long time.

Not getting up this morning, Yang Orange's resentment almost broke through the sky, Luo Yue still smiled heartlessly.

Yang Cheng glanced at her bitterly, saying that the baby was very unhappy, the kind that couldn't be coaxed.

In the end, Luo Yue saw that he was pitiful, and offered him a step, poked his head and whispered in his ear, "I'll talk about it later on the plane."

Don't forget to give a wink after finishing talking, it is a little appetizer.

Yang Cheng's face immediately changed, and her smile was brighter than a flower.

"Didn't you say that Manman is coming too?"

Luo Yue sat down again and stretched out his arms lazily, "Yes, but the company is busy with a lot of things. I didn't want to go to the office, but you said it was a family gathering with William and the others. I can only push my work. Give it to Manman."

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand and rubbed her You don't have to work so hard. The new West Coast Headquarters is a system project. There is no need to rush for a while, and we do not lack office space. "

He intended to comfort her, and didn't want her to work so hard. Seeing how she was when she was in chuang last night, it was false to say that she was not heartbroken. The reason why he encouraged her to start a business was not that she had more free time and space. Now It seems backfired!

Luo Yue shook his head firmly, "No, this is work. If we take orders from other people, can we delay it like this?

Certainly not, so you don't have to think about it so much. If you can't persist in this work, we won't be qualified to start a business. "

Seeing her solemnity, Yang Cheng didn't try to persuade her.

After a short while, they arrived at the airport. The brand-new "Yuanshan" was ready for takeoff. After boarding, they closed the hatch and slid out of the apron~

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