Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1454: 1 drink to New Zealand

Yang Cheng is now the biggest behind-the-scenes contributor to Liverpool’s victory. This is a fact recognized by the team and fans. There is no way to refute it. After all, without his large investment and the tilt of his media resources, it would be difficult for Liverpool in just two years. Salted fish turned over, broke the spell in one fell swoop, and won the first Premier League championship trophy.

On this day, no one sleeps in the entire Liverpool area. Even the most sane fans can hardly suppress the excitement and excitement in their hearts. Not rushing to the streets to party is already a restraint.

Drinking and getting irritated, it is said that the turnover of the entire Liverpool bar that night broke the historical record. The carnival lasted until three o'clock in the morning before it gradually subsided.

At this time, Yang Cheng, who was supposed to be with the team to celebrate, had already flown over the Europa continent, and there was a sense of heroism that he shook his clothes and hid his name.

Of course, Yang Cheng will certainly not be too peaceful on such a day worth celebrating. There is plenty of space and rich entertainment facilities on the Yuanshan for their entertainment.

Before boarding the plane, Yang Cheng specially sent someone to purchase a batch of beer and transported it to the fuselage warehouse. On the days of the carnival, you must drink beer, and it is only cold beer, otherwise the pleasure will be a little less.

The Boeing 787 used as a commercial flight has a maximum range of about 16,000 kilometers, but almost no one dares to fly on this line. Some margin must be set aside to deal with risks. Therefore, 12,000 kilometers is the most suitable ultra-long flight distance for the 787.

But the 787, which has been transformed as a private jet, has a lot more. The fuel tank has been specially added to cope with this kind of round-the-world flight that spans several continents.

Because of this, the Yuanshan could not fly directly to the destination. After all, the actual route distance from Birmingham to Queenstown International Airport is more than 20,000 kilometers. Therefore, they had to land in Singapore for resupply and took off again, arriving at the world's most beautiful destination. The airport of Queenstown International Airport.

Before landing, the captain deliberately reminded a group of drunks to enjoy the beautiful scenery, snow-capped mountains and magnificent pristine lakes, and these beautiful breathtaking natural scenery have a panoramic view.

There is only one runway at the airport, and it is difficult to take off large aircraft like 747 and 380, but it is not a big problem to land the 787, although most of the running distance is still used.

Queenstown International Airport is located in the middle of a fjord. The rugged mountains on both sides are magnificent. After falling, you will be immediately attracted by the blue water on both sides of the runway. The sky is filled with thin white mist, like being in a fairyland. general.

Yang Cheng staggered off the plane, rubbed his drunken eyes, took a deep breath of fresh air, and his brain cleared.

William followed closely behind and did the same, stretching his limbs lazily, and said with a flushed face, "That's why I like New Zealand."

As soon as the voice fell, a small cold wind blew by with the salty taste of the South Pacific. The two shivered unconsciously, not daring to scream, put on their coats, and smiled bitterly at each other.

md, patronize the dress code, forget that New Zealand is now in the middle of winter.

Cold? Nonsense, it’s located in a fjord at 45 degrees south latitude. It’s not cold, but it’s completely different from the snowy scene in the hearts of people in the northern hemisphere. New Zealand at this time looks no different from spring. If you’re on the North Island In Auckland, you will find palm beaches and green grasses there, except that the temperature is lower than in summer, it seems to be no different, the sun is still so abundant.

But as a long and narrow island country, Queenstown, located in the south of the South Island, is amidst the verdant green, with more pure white color, not much, and it can only be seen on the mountain, and the plain is still green and grassy. Bicao can be used as a wallpaper without any adjustment or ps.

The white-headed peaks are reflected in the clear water, like a girl with a cold temperament, smiling at you, and suddenly feel that the world is so beautiful, even if the temperature is low, it can't match the warmth of that amazing glance!

There are few visitors to Queenstown this season, and most people who come to Queenstown this season are for the fun of skiing.

The Southern Alps is a natural ski resort, with magnificent snow-capped mountain scenery, exquisite snow fields and perfect services, all of which make Queenstown in winter show its unique charm.

However, the best snow season in Queenstown is from June to September, and most ski resorts will not officially open until early June.

But these are not a problem for Yang Cheng and William at all. Privileges are everywhere, and New Zealand is no exception.

This time, Yang Cheng and the others will stay at Apartment 25 Belfast, which is located on the hillside in the center of Queenstown. When you open the windows, you will see the beautiful lakes and rolling snow-capped mountains.

After everyone arrived at the apartment by car, they simply cleaned up and gathered on the terrace on the roof. At this time, the temperature of about 4 degrees above zero could not lock people firmly in the house. Put on suitable clothing. Outdoor barbecue is also special.

Especially in the face of such beautiful scenery, I am afraid that no one can refuse the triple excitement of food, beautiful scenery and beauty.

Because of the mess on the plane, Yang Cheng and William voluntarily gave up their plans to continue drinking. They had to adjust their state to conquer the snow-capped mountains, otherwise they would go skiing with a drunk, not for excitement, but for death!

The situation of the two ladies Luo Yue and Kate was worse. They were unavoidable on the plane. They were bullied by Yang Cheng and the others when they were playing a wine table game. They went to lie down as soon as they entered the apartment. Even in the face of the aroma of barbecue, he still stands still.

Reluctantly, Yang Cheng and William had to go to the terrace by themselves, took out the marinated Tomahawk steak prepared in advance, and placed it on the grill with a stab. The aroma of grease and marinade instantly filled the surrounding air. People swallow Man, shall we go to Excellence Mountain tomorrow or Cardrona? "

William was referring to one of the most famous ski resorts in Queenstown, but Yang Cheng had a different view, "Go to the Three Cone Mountains? Go directly to the underworld. After the state comes out, we can go to the wild road."

Yang Cheng's proposal hit the bullseye, and William rubbed his hands enthusiastically, "It's so decided, **** it, I must go to bed early today."

"After eating, I also went to bed~" Yang Cheng felt the same way. Now he has a splitting headache and is dizzy and swollen. Fortunately, the cold air that blows through from time to time helped him wake up his brain, otherwise he has to be like Luo Yue and the others. I didn't think about anything when I went into the bed, and talked about it after a dark sleep.

Two successful men with money and status, as if they had been hungry for a few days, were holding tomahawk steaks on the terrace, biting them without image. They should be thankful that it is a thousand miles away from Fleet Street, otherwise Must make headlines!

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