Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1466: Still making money with arms 2

Hansen received Yang Cheng's eyes and asked immediately, "Leiden, let's talk about it. As long as the information is confirmed, I will pay you immediately."

Leiden would not question Hansen’s character, so he was not hypocritical, and said directly, “The warehouse where I am now has nearly 30 million dollars worth of arms, mostly submachine guns, with a small number of pistols, and hundreds of The mortar firing units are all new."

Yang Cheng's eyes turned red. Damn, the U.S. military is really extravagant. It puts a large number of brand-new thermal weapons and throws them in the desert to accumulate dust?

It's violent!

No need to ask Yang Cheng for instructions this time, Hansen knew what to do, "Man, these arms now belong to us, right?"

Leiden chuckled, "Hanson, it seems that you have been with the capitalists for a long time, and your brain has been corroded. If you become a profiteer with a total of 30 million dollars in weapons, you will give me 10,000 dollars?"

Yang Cheng heard this and immediately made a yeah. In the current situation, it can also be regarded as 200,000!

Hansen nodded to express his understanding, and said to the phone, "200,000, I will give you 200,000 dollars, cash, check, bank transfer, as you choose, tell me your address, and help me get through the link!"

Now it's Leiden's turn to get lost. You must know that he gave a leg for the country and didn't get 200,000 compensation. Now as long as his upper lip touches his lower lip, he will receive 200,000 yuan? This money is too easy to make, right?

Fortunately, Leiden’s brain is not broken. He knows that the 200,000 dollars is not so easy to take. First of all, this batch of weapons cannot disappear out of thin air. At least there must be a reasonable reason to report it, such as damage, theft, etc. It must make sense, otherwise, once someone is held accountable, he will definitely not be able to eat.

So Leiden coughed twice to cover up his emotions and said, "If you want this batch of goods, you must get the support of my boss, otherwise you don't even want to take a bullet!"

Then he added, "You know, I belong now~"

It is the United States Department of Logistics, which provides strong logistical support for US military bases and joint operations around the world, whether in peacetime or in wartime. It is also the confidence that the US military dares to dominate the world.

If it were to be regarded as an enterprise, it would be the most complex and also the largest enterprise group in the world.

As early as the Cold War, the US Department of State’s annual budget for support functions exceeded US$100 billion, and the number of personnel engaged in support work in logistics departments at all levels alone reached 800,000.

For this reason, the U.S. military began to actively promote the logistics revolution in the late 1980s, greatly reducing the scale, and transforming the traditional low-efficiency logistics into a new type of high-efficiency logistics, which was born and powerful.

But the earliest history can be traced back to the Second World War. At that time, the huge consumption and demand of ammunition and supplies made the logistics department come into being. However, it was officially listed in the 1960s. By that time, it had become The U.S. military has powerful combat support forces worldwide.

Its headquarters is located just outside Washington, with a total of more than 28,000 civilian and military employees in all 50 states and 27 countries abroad. The scale is extremely large.

It is precisely because of this scale that it can provide all guarantees for the US military operations, from daily groceries to aircraft fuel, and of course the disposal and scrapping of discarded equipment and materials.

For more than 40 years, from the Southern War to the Gulf War, from the Kosovo War to the Iraqi War, they played a vital role.

The first battle that made its reputation greatly increased was during the Gulf War, which provided more than US$3 billion worth of food, military uniforms, medicine, and maintenance services to the multinational forces, including the United States.

Subsequently, it provided humanitarian aid worth US$6.9 billion in food, clothing and medicine.

The busy and orderly supply capacity has opened the world's horizons. It has also made many countries realize the importance of logistical support and began to follow the imitated mode of operation and apply it to their own military activities.

The division of labor is clear for all departments under it. There are four supply centers, 24 defense material distribution points, a strategic material reserve center, and a defense recovery and sales center.

Including the Columbus Defense Supply Center, the capital of Ohio, USA, which is responsible for sea and land weapon system support;

The most important city in Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia National Defense Supply Center, is mainly responsible for the supply of food, military uniforms, medical supplies and industrial products;

The Richmond Defense Supply Center in Virginia is mainly responsible for aviation support;

The National Defense Energy Support Center is mainly responsible for the supply of fuel, gas and electricity.

Another 24 material receiving and dispatching points are located all over the world, and they are responsible for receiving, storing and distributing materials.

These 24 distribution points are of extremely important significance to the U.S. military. They enable materials and supplies that are vital to the U.S. military's operations to be quickly transported to the theater of operations and immediately put into battle.

The National Defense Recycling and Sales Service Center is responsible for handling everything from vehicles and office equipment to the disposal of naval vessels scrap and hazardous National Strategic Material Reserve Center is responsible for the storage of strategic raw materials so that the United States will be in wartime situations , The source of strategy does not depend on foreign countries.

In recent years, with international changes, the Strategic Materials Reserve Center is selling off its daily necessities in stages, and in order to keep up with the pace of the electronics industry, the United States Defense Logistics Agency has also established an e-commerce center, which is said to be sold by the Strategic Materials Reserve Center. , To feed a large number of retailers, of course, to feed a group of guan staff at their location.

In fact, it is not just a strategic material reserve center. In recent years, as the US military's use of military power has changed from a combination of "forward deployment" and "rapid reinforcement" to a combination of "forward presence" and "power projection," a large number of US military Weapons and equipment, combat materials, logistics departments, and units have been withdrawn to the mainland or sold locally. After several rounds of base adjustment and closure operations, a total of hundreds of large facilities have been closed.

After years of compression, the U.S. logistics scale has been reduced by almost a third.

The warehouse where Leiden was located was one of the two-thirds that survived. There is not much more than this one, and a lot less than this one. It would not hurt to shut down another one.

Yang Cheng thought so, but first of all, the relationship must be opened up. Everything can be sold with peace of mind to make money, otherwise it will become a smuggled arms, not on the table, and have to find a way to launder the money, which will cause a series of bad effects. How could he, a serious businessman with a conscience, do such unreliable things?

Regardless, Yang Cheng has found a way to make quick money, which can quickly supplement his recent capital consumption, which is of great significance to him!


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