Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1495: Luxurious Beef Wellington 1

If Mansour sells Manchester City, it will definitely be followed by a series of negative news, such as the bankruptcy of local tyrants in the Middle East and the inability to support the advancement of Jinyuan football; the opening of Manchester City supermarkets and other news.

   Of course, Yang Cheng doesn’t care if Manchester City will be sold. He has Liverpool. This toy is big enough for fun. There is no need to change to another opponent. He cares about the Manchester City players.

Since Mansour joined the team, Manchester City waved a check to grab people all over the world. Countless potential new stars and famous stars could not resist the temptation of the British pound to join the Blue Moon family. Once Mansour withdrew, These players have naturally become the target of many opponents.

  Especially Manchester City's midfield line, undoubtedly the most coveted!

   "n?" Mansour shook his hand helplessly in front of Yang Cheng's eyes. Can this be distracted?

   Yang Cheng came back to his senses and said apologetically, "Sorry, I suddenly remembered something, but I didn’t pay attention. What are you talking about?"

  Mansour certainly doesn’t really blame it. Everyone gets distracted by thinking about things. “Ms. Zhao and I are talking about shipping. I believe you must not be interested.”

   Yang Cheng said, "Yes, I have never been interested in industries with low profit margins."

   Zhao Anqi glared, "I'm fierce", "Is it?"

   Yang Cheng laughed and begged for mercy, "Just kidding, kidding~"

   Because of such a joke, Yang Cheng finally turned over the distracted article and asked Mansour to prove, "Xie He, do you really plan to sell Manchester City?"

Mansour froze for a moment, and said in thought, "How do you say? You know that I am an investor, making money is my job, if someone can come up with a number that makes me feel short of breath, I am willing to transfer Sign the name on the book."

   Yang Cheng laughed, this is equivalent to not saying, the number that can make you short of breath of the local tyrant in the Middle East? It is estimated that the top ten assets on the Forbes list must be added together?

   Forget it, I knew that I was whimsical, but who knew that he was about to change the subject, but Mansour took the initiative, "What? Are you ready to rob?"

   Yang Cheng knew that his thoughts were not overshadowed, so he had no choice but to admit, "Yes, if you are going to sell the team, why not?"

   "In fact, it's not impossible now, but Liverpool seems not interested in Silva, right?"

"Who? David Silva? Manchester City are going to sell Silva?" Yang Cheng is not surprising. Silva is Manchester City's midfield magician. Only with the midfielder of him and De Bruyne can he be called. Luxury, if De Bruyne is the engine of Manchester City’s supercar, then Silva is the ground bearing that continuously transmits power to the tires. These are the most important parts of the car and are indispensable.

   Anyway, if you change to yourself, you will never replace your own midfielder, unless there is a seamless alternative.

In this regard, Mansour took the initiative to explain, “You know, Manchester City will usher in a new captain in the summer. Pep has his own football concept. When I met him, I could fully feel his attention to gorgeous football. Understand, I think he is the best candidate to lead Manchester City to play a beautiful football. That being the case, I naturally have to fully support his surgery on the team."

   "So, is Pep asking to sell David Silva?"

   "No, he doesn't seem to have made up his mind yet, but I don't mind helping him make this decision."

Yang Cheng opened his hand, "Why? Maybe I don’t understand football. I think it’s hard to find a midfielder like David Silva in the Premier League. He has the rhythm control ability of Harvey, but he doesn’t Without Iniesta’s ability to suddenly speed up and give a scalpel pass, I can hardly imagine a coach who would not like such a player."

Mansour shook his head, "You misunderstood Jason. Pep never said that he didn't like David Silva, but he always thought that David was not suitable for the style of the Premier League. It is easy to get lost in violent physical collisions. Himself, and frequent collisions make him extremely vulnerable. If he is used as the tactical core to build a team lineup, once he is injured and not on the field, the team's strength will be greatly reduced. Instead of having a headache then, it is better to solve the problem at the source. ."

Yang Cheng understands what Mansour means. No matter what, this is an opportunity. With Messi’s official joining next season, Liverpool will be the main player on the ground. Of course, Harry Kane is the fulcrum in front, enough to guarantee the team. When the situation is not open, the simplest and rude way is used to solve the battle. Although Kane is not a traditional standing center, the team does not need him to exert his full strength in this aspect. Ground penetration will still be the team’s Main tactical ideas.

Especially after Messi’s arrival, such tactics will be clearer, but from the perspective of Liverpool’s current midfield combination, it seems that it is difficult to find a perfect metronome after Gerrard. If you can introduce the David seat Erva, can this problem be solved?

Yang Cheng didn’t expect to come to the Middle East to solve the team’s problems. Thinking of this, he quickly sent a message to Ian Al, asking him to ask Loew as quickly as possible and have a chance to win the David seat. Erva, do you want?

   It’s tea time in the UK, and Ian El should be able to see the message from Yang Cheng soon.

   Sure enough, after almost 5 minutes, Ian El used a yes and three exclamation marks to give Yang Cheng a very positive response.

   Put away the phone and looked at Mansour with a smile, "Sheikh, sell David to Liverpool."

Mansour was stunned, "Wait, this is too fast, I need more time to discuss with the management and Pep, although I can make a decision to sell Silva, but I must not let Pep feel that I disrespect. In addition, if he wants to sell, Spain is the most suitable place. If he sells to rivals in the same league, I will be scolded by the fans as shit!

   can make him say such things at the expense of his image, showing how ridiculous his heart is. He really did not expect Yang Cheng to make a decision so easily. It seems that his power in Liverpool is very concentrated!

   Similarly, Yang Cheng did not rush to hammer. David Silva is at best the icing on the cake for Liverpool. It is better, and nothing will cause fatal harm.

   So, the two changed the subject tacitly. At this time, the waiter began to serve everyone the main course. There is no doubt that it is Gordon Ramsay's most proud Wellington steak.

   was also translated into Wellington beef, there is no difference between the two, but the name is different.

But every time, Gordon Ramsay can make this dish new, this is the biggest reason everyone is vying for him. While maintaining the steadily increasing taste and texture quality, it also has the innovation of the dishes. It makes sense for others to succeed.

   Someone also asked Gordon Ramsay, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He has developed countless classic dishes. Why do you have a soft spot for this dish?

  Even in the food show he hosts, the Wellington beef dish is mentioned almost every season, and many celebrities who are good at cooking have also regarded this dish as a tribute, and repeatedly mentioned it on the camera.

   Why on earth?

   Yang Cheng once talked about this topic with Gordon Ramsey. He said, “For the chef, this dish is not only delicious, but also represents a mature technique.

   If you don’t have a mature western food technique, it’s hard to get the essence of this dish! "

   Yang Cheng agrees with this statement. In the chef competition, the four main points of Wellington beef are the sauce, beef maturity, crispness of the puff pastry, and the seasoning and taste of mashed potatoes.

Yes, the most original Beef Wellington, its side dishes are made of mashed potatoes. The salads and even French fries seen elsewhere are the chef's changes according to his own preferences. Ordinary people may not feel the difference. , But people who really understand food don’t even need to eat, they can see the essential difference at a glance.

Of course, another reason why Wellington Beef is so famous is because the British cuisine field to which it belongs is so "dark" that suddenly a world-famous dish popped out and it was taken by the whole of Great Britain. Polaris is generally viewed and understandable.

   It’s just that, in the eyes of outsiders, Wellington beef is such an exquisite cuisine that is completely out of touch with the dark style of British cuisine. I didn't deliberately mention it. Who knows that Wellington beef actually originated in England?

   You need to know the style of British traditional is so simple that you only know how to cook in an oven or cook in a pot to complete the cooking.

   If it weren't for a Frenchman who accidentally used French cuisine's exquisite cooking skills to transform it into a dish with more luxurious materials and more exquisite presentation, who would know what the **** is Wellington?

Mansour gently cut the meringue covering the steak, revealing the fragrant steak inside, and said with a chuckle, "This dish is too much to test a chef. It will only make it impossible. The choice of ingredients is also the same. The big test, just this grain-fed beef tenderloin is enough to stop a large number of chefs trying to cook this dish."

Yang Cheng nodded and said, "Yes, every combination of ingredients in this dish has reached a perfect fit. If one is missing or the origin of the ingredients is changed, the taste will be slightly different, but if it can be passed by the chef Hand, let this difference not be noticed, this is considered a success.

   Others are okay. The choice of foie gras is a bit more stringent than steak! "

And Mansour, a very extravagant local tyrant, has higher requirements for ingredients. "You must try today's Wellington beef, from foie gras to mushrooms and wild mushrooms, as well as the important meringue. Even in terms of ingredients and seasonings, including garlic cloves, dried shallots, olive oil, butter, egg liquid, thyme, black pepper and salt, they are all selected.

  Salt, for example, is flaky sea salt from the Malden Sea on the south coast of England!

   I am confident that this beef Wellington dish today will be the most delicious one you have ever eaten! "

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