Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1497: F 15 is foul

Yang Cheng's question is just unnecessary. The dignified local tyrants in the Middle East and the American brothers Big, Big, Big, and Great Britain want to buy a few Chinooks, but there is no way out?

   want to be blinded!

   No, when Mansour is embarrassed and doesn't know how to answer the conversation, Yang Cheng knows he is silly.

   waved his hand, "It's okay, just say that, but I have the Apache in my hand. If you want it, you can take it away without any effort."

What he called the "work and effort" refers to dealing with relevant US officials. After all, without them nodding, even Boeing would not even want to sell the aircraft to the United States. Of course, everyone is mutually beneficial. The officials symbolically block it. Guowei, and Boeing is also very witty, just a little bit, and let go of the mouth, no one will delay anyone.

   If anyone is obstructed by his fate, Boeing will definitely let him know who is his father!

   "Apache~ Well, the military does have a batch of Apaches whose service life is close to the limit. It is not impossible to change batches, but..."

  Mansour’s tone seemed a bit tangled, Yang Cheng didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t say anything to death at all. This is hope!

And in Yang Cheng’s view, the countries on this side of the Gulf are rich and rich. They bought a bunch of big toys that seem to be so famous that they can scare people to death by just calling out their names. It is not uncommon for the defective product to be shot down or thrown down to play with it. It is often the case that the mosquito is beaten with a missile and then bitten by the mosquito.

   Apart from anything else, how many did Apache fall? Almost fell into the Americans' doubts about life—this is what I have used to break foreign meaning these years?

   So Yang Cheng's thinking is very simple. Anyway, if you have money, you often fall for fun. Shouldn't you keep more stocks? Once you fall down during training, what should you do if there is an emergency and there is no use of the plane?

   As for what Mansour was struggling with, Yang Cheng was waiting for him to take the initiative to explain.

   No, the other party struggled for a long time, and finally said, "Qatar is going to buy a batch of F15?"

   Yang Cheng was strange, but nodded sincerely, "Well~ this single self will handle it!"

   "How about selling it to me?"

   "What?" Yang Orange was shocked.

   This guy is really shocking and hesitating, cut off Qatar? What is the UAE going to do? Are you ready to join forces with their Arab brothers to sanction the traitor Qatar?

   But the most equipped UAE seems to be F16, right? Especially after the neighbors next door made the F15 reputation bad, it seems that the Middle Easterners except Qatar have to buy a batch of F15 as protection fee, and other countries seem to rarely introduce F15 again. . .

   No way, Saudi Arabia is too capable, or the entire Middle East world is very capable, anyway, rich and willful, the "reputation" of the advanced weapons of the United States is basically stinky by these Gulf countries.

  Especially the F15 halberd Middle East, which claims to have never been shot down, was done by the Saudis!

   F15 claimed to have never been shot down in the propaganda of the US military and was exported to many countries. It is also the main aircraft of the US military in active service.

   The funny thing is that I was beaten down by a group of guerrillas (Houthi armed forces). It was a big surprise. It is said that the US Air Force, which received the news, almost sent an F15 squadron to restore its reputation.

The UAE is considered to be the best among the many countries in the Gulf with a lack of brains. At least the IQ performance is still online. Because of the "local tyrants", the military equipment of the Gulf countries is generally more advanced, as long as it is available, regardless of the main force. Aircraft, or main battle tanks, are the latest weapons developed and equipped by the United States and Europe.

  Like, etc., such cutting-edge weapons and equipment can be seen everywhere in the Gulf countries like mascots.

But what is regrettable is that after these big killers arrived in the Middle East, they really became "toys" for local tyrants. They were often given to polar bears as real targets, so that new weapons developed by polar bears were sent to the Middle East as soon as possible. , Brushing a wave of American live targets, after making a profit, go back to mass production, and then sell them to make money. This is about to form an industrial chain.

   Why is the UAE special?

Because the UAE is also equipped with advanced weapons, but its military performance in the Middle East is as good as the reputation of "Dubai" in the world. The Middle East country, which claims to be the leader of the Arab world like Saudi Arabia, is in trouble. As the leader of the coalition forces, the UAE directs operations.

   It’s sad to think about it. I don’t know how many times the land area of ​​Saudi Arabia is larger than that of the UAE. Although most of it is desert, there is no luan use!

The Saudi-led coalition has made almost no substantive progress in intervening in the Hussein armed war. Such a poor performance has also made the outside world begin to doubt the real strength of the Arab world equipped with advanced combat weapons and whether it is golden or not. The paper tiger in it.

   Especially the Apache and M2 main battle tanks that he spent a lot of dollars to buy were either shot down or captured directly, and lost his face to his grandmother's house.

However, as the UAE accepted the invitation and participated in this mess, when leading the coalition operations, it pushed the front line to the forefront in one fell swoop and directly cut off the supply line of the Hussein armed forces. In this operation, the UAE army was the main attacker and the other coalition forces The state is responsible for air cover.

   It can be said that the UAE’s military performance has blinded the 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of countries all over the During the operation, the UAE has also become the Gulf region, the first country to successfully conduct an "amphibious landing operation".

   This operation also gave the UAE great confidence, trying to reorganize the military strength of the Gulf region!

  Of course, ranking is more of a symbol. The UAE needs to continue to strengthen its military strength to ensure "freedom" of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz

Today, the main force of the UAE’s air force is composed of F-16  E/F and Mirage 2000. There are more than 130 fighters in total. In the sky of the Gulf region, it is definitely a force that should not be underestimated. It stands to reason that with such a composition, it seems The demand for F15 is not so strong anymore, is it just to disgust Qatar?

   You have to know that this is not 1.2 billion US dollars, which is a full 12 billion. No matter how rich the UAE is, it will not spend 12 billion, just for the disgusting people?

   But if they say they have a demand, isn't it good to buy F22? For the same price, you can't do this kind of thing for a normal person to buy an old plane that doesn't know how many times it has been updated.

   Yang Cheng is puzzled. The relationship between him and Mansour is very good so far. He is a mutually beneficial partner and has good personal relationships. Therefore, he has to remind him if he is reasonable.

   "Thank you, you should know what the significance of Qatar's order is. The United States has made it clear that it will cheat them, and the UAE does not need to participate."

  :. :

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