Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1523: Gang rally

"Let me think about it. For me, this is a very important decision. I can't make it lightly."

Yang Cheng couldn't help feeling funny when he saw Santander's bitter hatred. As for?

"Well, Pawnee, you can talk to Matthew, about me!

I believe he will show you a way. "Yang Cheng is very confident and is not afraid of Matthew saying bad things about him!"

Santander sighed, "Well, maybe I should have a good chat with Matthew about you."

As soon as the voice fell, the two of them looked down at the time at the same time. Santander apologized, "I am very happy to have lunch with you. It is a pleasant afternoon. I will be at a party in the evening. I'm sorry I have to go. "

Yang Cheng was stunned. This is what he wanted to say. Suddenly he had a strange hunch, "It is presumptuous to ask, but I also want to go to a party. Will we go to the same place?"

Santad had the same hunch, and tentatively said, "Long Island?"

Yang Cheng then said, "South Hampton?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Santander said with emotion, "I didn't expect it~"

Yang Cheng felt the same way, "Yeah, I didn't expect that we still have this level of fate. Wouldn't it be a waste of money for Matthew? Even without him? We would know each other?"

Santad laughed hard, "This is God's best arrangement."

Yang Cheng got goose bumps all over the place. How did this sound like a confession between lovers?

Shaking his head, "Then let's go there together?"

Santad thought more, "I think we'd better pretend we don't know each other."

Yang Cheng pondered slightly, and understood the other party’s concerns. The Koch brothers’ gang was not large. If there were several smaller groups among them, it would be a strong sense of betrayal and crisis for the Koch brothers. !

For Yang Cheng, this newly joined member, this is definitely not a good thing.

Looking at Santad gratefully, "Thank you for your reminder."

Santander waved his hand, "This is nothing, let's see what happens in the evening~"

. . .

New York has several great places to view the skyline. One of them is on Long Island. Compared with being in Manhattan, jumping out of the floating island and looking from a distance, it is definitely an extraordinary shock. .

But right now, Yang Cheng is not in the mood to watch the night view of Manhattan. He finds that he still has a lot to learn. For example, the traffic volume in the direction of Long Island has increased significantly today, and they are all ordinary B-class cars, a bunch of luxury cars. It is particularly conspicuous.

When he arrived at Koch Manor, he found that ordinary vehicles were parked in the public parking lot of Koch Manor. It seemed that everyone was as low-key as possible and didn't want their whereabouts to be noticed.

David Koch's butler, at this time, was responsible for welcoming guests at the gate. After taking Yang Cheng out of the car, he leaned forward and said, "Mr. Conrad invites Mr. Yang to the study."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, then followed the servant through the crowded living room to the study, knocked on the door and went in. Conrad was talking.

After quietly waiting for him to finish the call, Yang Cheng wondered, "What are you calling me up for? I don't want to be misunderstood."

Conrad was startled, and said with a laugh, "You guy, of course there is something to find you when I come up to you."

He threw the phone on the table. "I just received the news that someone submitted a proposal to cancel the nuclear waste fee. The proposal includes compensation for past charges.

how about it? Is this good news? "

Yang Cheng's surface was calm, but his heart was upset. The strength of the Koch family really cannot be underestimated. The news that Richard Debin had just revealed to him would be known in a blink of an eye?

Is this Nima broken?

No, I don't dare to play like this when I hang up! It is easy to be banned!

It may be that he was too indifferent, which aroused Conrad’s curiosity, “You don’t seem to be excited at all. If you know that it’s done properly, this is billions of dollars in compensation. You don’t get a penny. It’s a Westinghouse Electric in vain, and I can enjoy it~"

Yang Cheng rubbed her nose angrily, "I already know the news."

Conrad patted his forehead, "No wonder you didn't respond much. I thought my emotional control nerves were broken."

Spread his hand, "I wanted to give you a surprise. It seems that the surprise has failed. Damn, this feeling is terrible."

Yang Cheng could understand that she tried her best to deliver a surprise but failed. It was really bad!

But at the same time, he was also very speechless. After all, they are not boyfriends and girlfriends. What surprises are there?

But he said with comfort, "It doesn't matter, at least I have confirmed the authenticity of this news and can start to operate."

"Alright, all right, shall we go down? I will show you some new friends~"

The two went downstairs and entered the living room one after the other. At this time, dozens of people had already gathered, but obviously not all of them. This party needs a certain degree of confidentiality, so everyone has not brought family members, otherwise there will be more people. .

Different from formal banquets, everyone is dressed very low-key, ordinary black suit shirts, or simply denim casual jackets, looks like going out shopping, seemingly similar parties have been held a lot, everyone knows it. What kind of attitude to deal with such a scene.

With eyes like a falcon, Yang Cheng found Bony Santander who had arrived first. The old man was surrounded by a few It seemed that they were not very young, but they all faintly centered on Santander. , One of them had an extremely flattering smile on his face.

Feeling Yang Cheng's radio-like gaze, Santander looked over subconsciously, nodded slightly to Yang Cheng's gaze, and quickly moved his gaze away.

"Who is it?" Yang Cheng pretended not to know, and slammed in Santander's direction.

Conrad glanced at it and said, "Pony Santander, an independent person who cooperates with the Donkey Party, also participated in this year's competition. Unfortunately, it failed, but the reputation is very good."

Yang Cheng pretended to be puzzled, "Donkey Party people?"

Conrad pressed his throat and said, "At least one-third of the people present today belong to the Donkey Party or are cooperating with the Donkey Party. Not surprisingly, everyone is for personal benefit, but they can gather here. At least Prove that he agrees with the idea of ​​freedom first."

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, and followed Conrad into it.

Walking through the crowd, I came to a tough-looking lady. Her short hair that had just reached her shoulders, matched with a gray-brown lady's suit, looked very capable.

Conrad quickly introduced, "Bessie DeVos, 57 years old, is currently the leader of the "Help Children of America" ​​and the former leader of the Michigan Elephant Party. Our plan is to make her in the traditional Public schools and charter schools are competing for students as the head of education.

Because of the enrollment decision on state and local ZF education funding subsidies, there has been frequent chaos for student sources. Some school districts, including the Los Angeles Unified School District, have reported the loss of thousands of students and millions of dollars in funds. This will be what she will face after taking office. The primary topic.

Of course, this is also the magic weapon for her to succeed in getting the position of bu long, we are confident. "


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