Matthew Mellon’s memories lasted until Sol made a meal, Sol said, "Okay man, let's eat first, and after dinner, we will talk about your sad past."

If it weren't for the good relationship between the two, Matthew would have turned his face off, not so ridiculous.


Three people clink glasses, ordinary German craft beer, most suitable for drinking among friends.

"Hey, Jason, how did you and Matthew meet?"

Yang Cheng probably talked about the process of getting to know the two, and Matthew suddenly said, "I didn't expect him to take back Westinghouse Electric so soon."

Saul glanced at him unexpectedly, "Why didn't you expect it? You asked Jason, didn't you just trust him?"

Matthew said meaningfully, "No, it has nothing to do with ability. Westinghouse's ZZ is far greater than its economic value. I believe Jason must have a deep understanding of the acquisition process."

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "Yes, RB Youyi has caused me a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the other party is also an egoist, so I found an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"Anyway, the result is good, let us have another toast to celebrate your first successful cooperation!"

The three clinked glasses again, and Saul said again, "If it wasn't for Matthew's ill health, we should really go to Vegas, where is the paradise for men."

When Matthew was young, he was okay. He naturally understood what Saul was thinking. “Don’t think about me. I’ve been alive in a few years anyway. If you want to, let’s go. I finally get out of the nursing home. I have to have fun. ."

Saul's eyes lit up, "Are you sure? I'm really afraid that you will die* and can't get up."

Yang Cheng immediately waved his hand and said, "Hey, I said you two, so Vegas will not go. William and I are going to have a special island party at the Ammanpulo Resort in the Philippines for three days and three nights. You might as well save some money. Energy, indulge in the Philippines then?"

When Saul heard it, he was so excited, "Really? That's great. What do I need to do? How many models should I invite?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, Victoria's Secret level is the best!"

Thor struck his neck, "Of course, it will be the best~"

"Wait for my notice!"

I tasted the salmon salad made by Koussol, not to mention the taste is not bad, of course, this is inseparable from the credit of the top ingredients.

When it comes to salmon, people must first think of the very famous RB salmon.

But in Europe and North America, Scottish salmon is the most recognized by the majority of lovers, because Scotland is the only place in the world where you can eat the best wild salmon, farmed salmon and smoked salmon at the same time.

Despite this, Scottish salmon is still like a master in a hidden forest. It is difficult to know its beauty and goodness unless you find and taste it yourself!

Today Sol uses Scottish smoked salmon, which is very suitable for salads.

"Authentic smoked salmon!" Yang Cheng said, squinting.

Saul clapped his hands excitedly, "The greatest sense of accomplishment in being a chef is to satisfy customers. You are good at eating jason."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Of course, from snacks to big things, even if you don't eat them for a long time, you can't forget the taste."

As the Scottish salmon, which is as famous as the whiskey, it is not so much that the Scots create salmon wealth, it is better to say that salmon is the wealth that nature gives to the Scots.

Scotland is vast, rich in natural resources and sparsely populated. The clear and vast water resources are the guarantee of the high quality of whiskey and salmon.

Sol put a piece of salmon marinated in whiskey and grilled on the plate in front of Yang Cheng. "Taste this, fresh wild west coast salmon, which was shipped by air this morning."

In fact, among wild salmon, farmed salmon and smoked salmon, Scottish smoked salmon is the most popular in Europe and even North America.

Of course, the people of Scotland also love to eat smoked fish. This is nothing new. It is not surprising that salmon is made into smoked products. Scotland has a very long history in the production of smoked salmon. And the taste is also rich and varied.

The creative Scottish people even combined Scotch whisky with salmon, and smoked the salmon in a used aged whiskey barrel. Not only can it remove the fishy smell, but it can also immerse the mellow aroma of the whiskey into the tender fish, making the meat more delicious. Delicious and unique.

Stir it into the salad, the taste is even more outstanding, Yang orange was conquered, of course, Sol's ingredients are still very particular, without using too much spices, but using lemon and other fragrance fruits as auxiliary , Highlighting the scent of smoked salmon, while using the fragrance of fruit to get rid of the greasiness in salmon fat.

Obviously, Sol's cooking skills are not blindly imitated, but the result of brain thinking.

Yang Cheng tasted the grilled wild salmon. Compared with the unique aroma of smoke, the delicate meat quality was lost due to the hot broiling, but the whiskey deep in the pickling process, but when the knife edge cuts the surface of the fish steak, It turned into juice and permeated out, cut off a piece and stuffed it into the mouth, the aroma of wine flowed through the body along the breath, and there was a slight drunk in an instant.

In addition, Sol also mixes salmon with various vegetables and sauces to make various rolls or pies, such as potato salmon rolls, salmon cheese rolls, salmon vegetable pie, The whole fish feast.

It made Yang Cheng suspect that he was not Thor, but Poseidon, the **** of the sea, so he loved salmon?

In Yang Cheng's view, salmon is delicious, but it can't stand to eat it every day. If you eat it once in a while, you can experience the long-lost freshness, but it is really greasy to eat too much. Maybe he is not suitable for living in cold and humid Scotland.

Putting down the knife and fork, Yang Cheng said sternly, "Sol, you called me, isn't it really just for eating?"

Hearing this, Matthew put down his knife and fork tremblingly, and said, "I asked him to call you. I want to tell you something about Westinghouse Electric."

Yang Cheng listens carefully~

"In the hands of Westinghouse Electric, there is a member seat of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The NRC is a relatively independent agency of the Federal ZF. It is directly responsible to the General Assembly and accepts congressional supervision. Its mission is to protect public health and nuclear energy-related issues. Safety."

Yang Cheng nodded and expressed his understanding. He had also heard of the NRC organization, but it was rather mysterious and did not understand it thoroughly.

Matthew continued, "The NRC was established under the Energy Restructuring Act of 1974 and began operations in 1975. Its functions include supervising reactor safety, issuing reactor and radioactive material licenses, and supervising spent fuel storage, security, recovery and disposal, etc. .

NRC can impose fines on nuclear power plants through inspections, or even shut down nuclear power plants directly.

They have established the highest safety standards in the industry, and each nuclear power plant operation is better than these standards.

This set of standards has also been recognized by DHS, and in recent years, the cooperation between the two parties has been deepened and the relationship is extremely close! "


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