Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1542: Foundation of the consortium

Larry Ellison's thinking has always been wild, and it is not surprising that he suddenly has the idea of ​​forming a consortium, especially from the perspective of his few years of life remaining, it seems that it is natural to want to achieve greatness.

But David Ellison’s temptation is definitely not only as simple as hearing Yang Cheng’s thoughts, but also trying to test whether Yang Cheng has joined or not, or to give their family a hand, which is a bit ugly. The idea of ​​being a running dog!

Not to mention that Yang Cheng has just joined the small group of the Koch family. It is no less than a consortium. Even if there is no choice this time, Yang Cheng will not choose to cooperate deeply with Larry Ellison.

That person may be a good friend, but he is definitely not a good partner. A suspicious and perverse person would allow a tiger who is no weaker than himself to exist around him?

If it does, I guess I won’t sleep for several days.

Yang Cheng lacked interest here, but William was a little concerned.

"As for ZZ, maybe I can use it."

Everyone is not stupid. You don't need to think about what these words mean. Ellison showed a heartfelt smile, and Lawillia's entry into the water was something he thought about for a long time.

"Of course, if you can't use it, who else can do it?"

William added, "To complete the construction of the consortium, a monopoly must be achieved in a certain area, at least a partial monopoly."

Regarding this, Ellison Wu said with great confidence, "Oracle has completed a monopoly in the database field, and of course the software design language."

Yang Cheng didn’t doubt this. Oracle’s life was quite moist thanks to its database monopoly. However, with the rapid development of big data and cloud computing, Oracle’s advantageous business was the first to be affected. In recent years, the Ellison family has been It is seeking transformation, but the effect has not been achieved. Now it has embarked on the road of taking its roots.

Otherwise, relying on Larry Ellison's domineering character, he will not use the excuse of forming a consortium to find allies.

As for the software design language, when Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems, it also acquired the Java programming language developed by the company. Even if you don't understand the words composed of these letters, you have more or less heard of the Java language.

Whether it’s the Symbian system that helped Nokia dominate the world in the past, or Google Android, which is now divided into half of IOS, it is written based on the Java language. If the skin is thick enough, it can be said that the success of Google's business in the past 10 years , A large part of it comes from their ability to put their search engine and advertising business on Android, which runs on nearly half of the world’s smartphones.

From this point of view, Oracle has indeed completed a monopoly in a certain area, and it is still able to determine the key areas of Internet development.

However, this is far from enough. Take a step back and say, can people continue to live without the Internet and computers, and can they not eat or drink?

Obviously not!

Therefore, in order for the budding Ellison consortium to succeed on the dominance stage, it is necessary to show muscle in the field of people's livelihood, and this is precisely what the Oracle department lacks.

In fact, Ellison and his son must be aware of the core of the problem, so David Ellison first came to try with Yang Orange.

Judging from the recent investment trends of Yang Cheng, the energy sector of the people's livelihood is his main investment direction in the near future, which coincides with the requirements of the consortium.

But in the face of Yang Cheng, Ellison maintained unprecedented patience. This is a friend worthy of his long-term investment. Can't he turn his face down because of Yang Cheng's unwillingness to cooperate?

No elementary school students can do such a thing.

After all, I came here to relax. After a few simple conversations, several people changed the subject tacitly.

Ellison said, "I have to subscribe to all Liverpool games next season. Oh my God, Messi has joined the Premier League. The entire sports world is boiling. What level he can play is what everyone is looking forward to. ."

Yang Cheng shook his head speechlessly, "Don't put too much pressure on Leo, I believe that as long as he can play his 70% level normally, it will be enough to help the team."

William shook his head, "As the only superstar in football that can match Ronaldo, and even faintly overwhelmed, Leo inevitably bears pressure far exceeding his own weight when making a transfer decision. .

No matter how others can help him, it is difficult to relieve him, he can only rely on his own performance, not much, as long as one game, as long as he plays a beautiful game, it is enough to offset people's doubts about him. "

David Ellison obviously does not understand the ball as well as William, and he said with a lip, "It means that Messi is not healthy and it is difficult to withstand the violent confrontation of the Premier League. In the past, in the Champions League, Messi did not perform well against the Premier League. Not bad."

William chuckled. "It's not only not bad, it's already very good. If I remember correctly, Messi has already scored 20 goals against a Premier League team, right?"

Yang Cheng couldn't remember and said vaguely, "Almost, but what I am after is his commercial value. I am a businessman. Can I make money for me? This is the assessment of this investment. The key factor of correctness."

William was helpless, "I don't dare to say too much. At least next season, Liverpool will definitely be the club with the most revenue in the Premier League."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Do you think Liverpool's total revenue can surpass Manchester United?"

"If Messi is not injured, this is obvious, and once Messi can play the level of his time at Barcelona, ​​you will definitely make money, believe me~"

Yang Cheng smiled very low-key, saying nothing at this time was inappropriate.

But he believes William's words. As far as he knows, the BBC and Sky TV are already adjusting their broadcast plans for the next season. Liverpool is undoubtedly the top priority. There is no way, who will let them have Messi.

While the three were talking and laughing, Conrad also walked into Yang Cheng's villa under the leadership of the butler.

"Hey, it's been a long time, Uncle Conrad." David Ellison cried out weirdly.

Although it's correct to call it this way by seniority, after getting acquainted with each other, it is better to be friends than younger generations.

Conrad himself didn't like to hold the identity of the elder, stepped forward and hammered David Ellison in the chest, jokingly, "Your kid's chest is still as soft as a woman."

Yang Cheng immediately said, "Who is the score compared with, if it is compared with the level A, I still think he is soft."

David Ellison covered his face and vowed viciously, "I will exercise when I go back. If I don't get my chest muscles back in three months, I will never touch a woman in my life."

Let me go, for him, there is no difference between not touching a woman and death. It is really a vow, and even cursing himself when he is cruel.


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