Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1551: Too loud

Yang Cheng can be regarded as the best use of his brother's loyalty. As for whether William can get what he wants, it depends on his own ability. Can't Yang Cheng go to Chuang to help out?

Luo Yue looked at William's back into the flowers, and pouted dissatisfiedly, "How do you usually cover each other?"

Yang Cheng sneered and strongly denied, "How is it possible~"

I added another sentence in my mind, "I'm not so unreliable in my work, how can I be known to others."

Luo Yue put on an expression of believing you to have a ghost, and then said, "Don't worry, I won't tell Kate about this, I'm not that stupid yet."

Lin Ximan glanced at his girlfriend unexpectedly, did not say much, but the shock in his eyes was beyond words.

"What's wrong with Manman? Are you uncomfortable?" Yang Cheng went to fetch them food, and Luo Yue only noticed that Lin Ximan's expression was a little wrong.

Lin Ximan shook his head slightly, smiled bitterly, and finally couldn't help but said, "I just didn't expect you to grow to this point. You are no longer a young girl, but a mature woman who knows how to care for the family and consider men. ."

Luo Yue was taken aback for a moment, then followed up with a wry smile, half-heartedly joking, "No way, the reality is too cruel, forcing me to adapt as soon as possible."

Lin Ximan questioned, "Don't you feel wronged?"

Luo Yue glanced at her girlfriend in surprise, "Wronged? Why should I be wronged? My current life is what a woman dreams of. The fiancé is the son of a big family and the only heir; he has his own business outside and looks quite successful; He holds a small amount of power in his hands and can speak in the ZZ domain; he is not so handsome, but looks comfortable, sunny, and masculine; he loves me, respects me, and cares about me idea;

If all of this is there, and I am not satisfied, then even I myself will despise myself. "

When saying these words, Luo Yue's expression is always full of happiness and hope for the future. It is different from the sweetness of a little girl falling in love, but more like the satisfaction of a mature woman after she finds her own belonging. .

Lin Ximan opened his mouth and found that he was totally unqualified to speak on this matter. The two had a good relationship and were as close as sisters, but after all, they were friends who were not related by blood. No matter how deep the relationship was, they couldn’t compare to becoming two. As a family of Kouzi, what qualifications does she have to comment on other people's lives?

Moreover, Lin Ximan also has his own careful thoughts. Maybe his girlfriends can be happy, and he won't have those messy thoughts, right?

Luo Yue didn't know what Lin Ximan was thinking. She had forgotten the uncomfortable life of William Fangdang and the idea of ​​fighting for Kate, and she was immersed in the bright future with Yang Cheng.

At this time, Yang Cheng broke two plates and came back, with some roast lamb and matching vegetables on it, "Here, I will take some casually. Let me eat some first. There are so many things. I can take whatever I want to eat."

Luo Yue hurriedly took the plate, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

Yang Cheng blinked, "When I took the mutton, I stole a few pieces. The taste is quite good, not inferior to NMG's roasted whole lamb."

On the other side, beside the bonfire, I didn't know who suggested that they actually played a game. Luo Yue and the others ate a few bites quickly and participated in with Yang Orange. No one was sleeping tonight.

. . . . . .

The next day, the entire island was shrouded in morning mist, like a fairyland, but you can’t take a closer look. If you walk to the beach and see the messy scene, you will definitely mistake you for the wrong paradise, otherwise, how could paradise be wrong? So messy?

Several workers in charge of cleaning are taking care of it carefully, but obviously this is not something that can be done in a few minutes.

This is the trace left after the carnival last night. The party lasted until more than 2 in the morning. Most of them found their favorite temporary partners and returned to their rooms for the second half of the carnival. There were also people who were not charming enough or had no intention of playing at all. Go back to the room alone to sleep.

Of course, this does not include Yang Cheng!

After the party last night, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue played a body art exchange through Jiu Xing, which suffered Lin Ximan.

Originally because of the stimulation of alcohol, the nerves were extremely sensitive, and the demand in certain areas was extremely strong, but the sound of live broadcast came from my ears, and the sound was endless for three days, even if she closed the door! I covered my head with a quilt and pillow, but the magic sound looked like a long eye, and I kept digging into my ear.

After the battle ended at four in the morning, she was very relieved and fell asleep. At the same time, she swore that when she woke up, she must go out and open another room. Even if she sleeps in a tent outside, she feels better than here. Torture is strong.

The mental injury is far more serious than the physical injury.

The direct consequence of the parties staying up all night is that they did not have the slightest sign of awakening until three poles in the sun.

In fact, it was not just them, the whole island woke up very late today.

Breakfast was moved to the afternoon, when the sun was strong in the afternoon, which was also strongly requested by all guests. The resort naturally had to meet all the needs of guests.

Just after the afternoon, Yang Cheng opened her eyes and moved away the white legs that were pressing on her body. She rubbed her eyes fiercely. Just about to get up, she subconsciously took a breath of cold air. The soreness of her body was so refreshing.

Luo Yue was also awakened by the sound of inhalation, opened his sleepy eyes, rubbed his tousled hair, and asked cutely, "What's wrong?"

Yang Cheng grinned and said, "It's okay, let's go to bed again, don't get up in a hurry, I will have breakfast delivered to the room."

Luo Yue hadn't slept well in the first place, Yang Cheng's words were just what he wanted, and fell asleep without saying a word. It was especially sweet when he returned to the cage.

I got off chuang lightly, went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, washed away my fatigue, wrapped a bathrobe casually, walked out of the room, and closed the door smoothly.

As soon as I entered the living room, I saw Lin Ximan with a pair of big panda eyes, biting croissants angrily.

Yang Cheng wiped her hair with a towel while Not only was she surprised, "Get up so early? What's wrong? Who made you angry in the morning?"

Maybe it was too angry. Lin Ximan didn't care about this boyfriend who was a girlfriend, and said sarcastically, "Who else can it be? It's all good things you did!"

Can you close the door tightly when you work in the future? Don't you know that the sound conference disturbs the people? "

Yang Cheng froze for a while, clutching his stomach and laughed. The more he smiled, the more exaggerated he was, and he collapsed directly on the sofa. Lin Ximan almost burst into flames as he watched.

Biting his posterior molars, "Is it so funny?"

Yang Cheng smiled and waved her hand, "Are you stupid? There are so many rooms in the villa, you wouldn't find one far from the master bedroom?

Or is it just what you want to hear? "

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