Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1562: Righting

Yang Cheng had to sigh that the ability of an industry expert cannot be underestimated.

Schuberg’s analysis and a few small routines accurately pinched the core of the problem. Yang Cheng believes that these simple small routines can open up a whole new market for Norwegian Airlines without actually demonstrating.

Looking at Schuberg again, his eyes were full of appreciation.

Schuberg said that he did not pay attention to the changes in Yang Cheng’s eyes. “Once these marketing strategies are implemented, they can help Norwegian Airways establish personal connections with target customers. The purpose of this is to show customers. Norway can provide travelers with discount and interesting travel service experience.

Of course, just relying on some marketing methods is not enough, but also to find ways to enhance the brand image and influence, such as creating an interesting and fully committed company image, the unique user experience created by this will help Norwegian Airways survive the fierce market competition It becomes the safflower in the green grass, allowing passengers to see Norwegian Air at a glance on the booking website. "

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, "What else?"

At this point, his test can be declared over. Shuberg passed the test with a perfect score, but Yang Cheng did not interrupt Shuberg. He wanted to know how much preparation this guy had made.

Yang Cheng didn't believe that these were all temporary thoughts of Shuberg.

Schuberg interlaced his fingers, and his fingers kept beating, reflecting that his thinking was also constantly moving.

"Then how to reduce the cost of long-distance routes is what Bjorn is most concerned about, but in my opinion, this goal is basically impossible to achieve."

"Oh? Why is this?"

"Because low-cost airlines have achieved the ultimate in all aspects in order to reduce costs, there is no room for compression.

For example, the most basic airport service personnel, Norwegian Airways are all outsourced employees. They pursue efficiency and have no time to communicate with passengers. This will cause a serious degradation of passenger experience, which directly affects the impression of Norwegian airlines.

Comparing passengers will not consider whether the other party is outsourced. In the eyes of passengers, you are the Norwegian who serves Norwegian Air.

And if you provide passengers with a travel experience that meets the requirements and hire professionals to complete the communication with passengers, then it will inevitably increase expenditure costs. Professional employees need to be trained. This cost alone is enough to make Norwegian a headache.

If you want to have both, reduce costs, and do not want to affect the passenger experience, you can only fly long-distance routes based in Asia where labor is cheaper, which is also conducive to opening up the Asian market.

But no matter what, cost control is a world problem for low-cost airlines, and there is almost no possibility of solving it, especially the opening of long-distance routes. This seems to be the natural law of the development of low-cost airlines. Since it has decided to take this step, it must have a face. Be prepared for all difficulties, otherwise you will be stuck in a predicament, and the expansion of long-range routes will do more harm than good. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Then, if you are here to lead Norwegian Airways, are you sure to lead the company out of the quagmire? On the premise of maintaining the long-range route expansion strategy."

Schuberg was surprised, "I? I don't know. It's one thing to provide advice. It's another to go to the operation and management in person. I dare not give a guarantee, but I am willing to try."

Yang Cheng nodded, and this statement is enough, "Then do it, I am older than Jon, and it's time to go home for the elderly."

When Yang Cheng was about to take a stake in Norwegian Airlines, Schuberg knew that sooner or later this company would become a subsidiary of the New Era Cultural Tourism. As expected, Yang Cheng was about to show his fangs after a while. Jon, just a few days after he was relieved, he was about to gray his hair for the upcoming equity struggle.

Of course, Schuberg will not sympathize with each other because of this. The world is cruel, and the weak and the strong are the essence of reality. If you don't even have this awareness, you should go home and go fishing.

However, he is a little worried about the "Pirate King" Frederickson, another major shareholder of Norwegian Airways.

Regarding his worry, Yang Cheng waved his hand and said, “You don’t need to care about the existence of the Pirate King. I cooperated with him on an oil storage project in Liverpool. Let his shares continue to maintain their value and just change the manager, he won't care."

Schuberg was helpless, "But I can't remain the CEO of Norwegian Airways."

"Of course, you are the CEO of New Era Cultural Tourism. Norwegian Airways, as long as you supervise it on your behalf, and when you have a suitable candidate, you will hand over your position."

At present, this is the best way. Since he invested in Norwegian Airways, Yang Cheng does not want to lose money. From now on, Bjorn is obviously not the one who can help him make money, so let’s replace him~

Schuberg left Yang Cheng's office with full enthusiasm. Susu came in with a stack of invitations and asked, "Boss, these are recent receptions and party invitations."

Yang Cheng took it and glanced at it casually. There are no parties that are of interest or need to be attended. He shook his head and said, "It's all done, you If it's an important charity gathering, you can Participate in my place and send a check as a donation by the way."

It’s not the first time that Susu has done similar things, so naturally she won’t be timid, "Okay~"

Yang Cheng said, "The backlog of documents is too much. It is estimated that you will have to work overtime tonight. You and Jun Yu will work hard, and take you to eat delicious food after get off work."

Susu smiled sweetly, "Okay, I will tell my cousin~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Why did you follow your cousin?"

Susu stuck out his tongue and smiled silly, and Yang Cheng gave her a dozing look, "Okay, let's go ahead and get me a fruit plate~"

. . .

In order to reward his two assistants, both of whom are women who have a good relationship with him, Yang Cheng will naturally not be stingy. A phone call got a table in Daniel's restaurant.

As the most prestigious Michelin three-star restaurant in New York, it can be said that it is hard to find. As the four-star chef Daniel Boulud who has been praised for the longest time in New York, he only has a fixed time each week to personally cook. Today is one of them.

The three arrived at Daniel's restaurant by car. From the outside, who knew that this would hide a world-class restaurant.

Introducing the three people into the restaurant, the simple retro decoration style is very different from the traditional French palace style.

The hall is divided into an area in the middle and a circle around it. It is separated by steps, various arches, and columns. There is a large table for gatherings in the middle, and there are basically two tables against the wall.

The overall lighting of the restaurant is dim, and it looks very emotional, which also attracts many men and women to enjoy this beautiful night, not necessarily couples, but also "diet men and women" who intend to do something.


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