Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1580: The most beautiful princess' party?

For the same sweet date, the effects of giving first and giving second are completely different. At least for now, Leslie has a fluke mentality in his heart. When looking at Yang Cheng, there is less hostility in his eyes, because Yang Cheng is young and energetic. , For the sake of women, he will naturally do some extraordinary things, but he has a good grasp of the degree and knows the truth that too much is too late.

After the threat, he immediately sent the appropriate compensation, which is where he matured.

In the final weighing, Leslie didn't feel that he had suffered much. Naturally, there was no need to hold on to a little thing, but he seemed to be an old man not generous.

From beginning to end, the two of them didn’t care about Kardashian’s face that was about to become black. In their eyes, when they were useful or in a good mood, they would also give some respect to the celebrity family in this fashion circle, but in terms of interest and In important matters, Kardashian is a fart.

This reality is cruel, but Kardashian has experienced countless defamation, it is not difficult to accept.

It's just that the mood will not be too good, the flesh that is about to reach the mouth is robbed by life, and no one will have a good face after changing.

Of course, at this time, Yang Cheng’s personal side is revealed, “Jin, go back and tell Kendall that next year’s "vogue" master version 125th anniversary cover will have her place~"

Kim Kardashian's breathing immediately became hurried. This is a big pie, enough to support a growing newcomer. With this pie in front, I can't worry about getting angry, "Are you serious? Exclusive layout?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "How is it possible, even if I agree, the subscribed customers will not agree, but I can guarantee that she is one of several C-biters."

Kardashian is slightly disappointed, but she also knows how the cover of the 125th anniversary can be monopolized. It is already very good to ensure a central position, and it is enough to compensate the little girl for losing her exclusive wings.

Looking up at Yang Cheng again, I have to sigh that this Chinese can be a human being. This hand is too beautiful to play. First, the big stick sweet jujube made Leslie succumb but failed to lose his temper, making his hard work in the past few months. Drifted.

Immediately afterwards, he gave out a resource that was dispensable to him as compensation to the Kardashian family, and from a certain perspective, the position of the cover of an anniversary of "vogue" magazine is more exclusive than the exclusive Victoria's Secret Show. Wings are even more influential. After all, one is only limited to the model circle, while the other radiates the entire fashion industry.

After doing this, everyone has benefited, and he himself hasn't lost anything. It can be said that it is a perfect situation of three wins. This shows how high the wrist is.

Thinking of this, Kardashian couldn’t help feeling trembling. In front of such a big family heir, he was really like a nouveau riche. Although he was originally, with the success of his career in the past few years, Kardashian no longer regarded her as a nouveau riche. Looked.

As a result, Yang Cheng poured her a pot of cold water severely today.

For such a person, if you can make good friends as much as you can, even if you can't be friends, you must never offend, Kardashian thought with lingering fears.

Because of Yang Cheng’s spoiler, the meeting would have been going to end for a while, but when he went out, Kardashian somehow thought about it and suddenly invited Yang Cheng, "jason, tomorrow night Will you go to the party?"

Yang Cheng obviously didn't react, and a black question mark appeared on her face.

"What party?"

"The party hosted by Beatrice at the Bulgari Hotel to celebrate the first anniversary of her marriage to Prince Pierre."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, as if he had also received the invitation, but he was not ready to come at first.

I don't know what Kardashian is thinking, how can he suddenly care about whether he is going to the party or not.

Shaking his head, "I have something tomorrow night, and I regret that I cannot participate."

By the way, Beatrice is the most beautiful princess of Monaco today. Her husband is Pierre, the seventh in line to the Monaco royal family. Since she married the Monaco royal family, the most beautiful princess is no longer exclusive to Princess Charlene.

Yes, it means to marry. Beatrice is the little princess of the Borromeo family, an Italian hereditary aristocratic family. To some extent, the Borromeo family is more noble than the Monaco royal family. El was only the seventh in line, and when he died the first six heirs to succeed to the throne, he was older than Atriz.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is the marriage between two top European nobles, which naturally creates a noble family.

However, Yang Cheng didn't know them well, and the only thing that could have a relationship was through William and Andre Agnelli.

Needless to say, William, and Andre Agnelli’s nephew, John Elkan, is Beatrice’s second brother-in-law. Is this complicated enough? But it is not difficult to understand.

Now Juventus’s boss Andre Agnelli is the fourth heir to the Agnelli family, the Italian folk nobleman, and John Ercan, who married the second sister of Beatrice, belongs to the Agnelli family. The fifth in line, although the two are the relationship between the uncle and nephew, in fact, Andre is only one year older than John Elkan.

All in all The Borromeo family where Beatrice belongs is a well-deserved top family in Europe. Both in terms of status and wealth, the Yang family has dumped many Bill caps, let alone two families. There is no business relationship, and Yang Cheng has no need to join in the fun.

As for the invitation, it is estimated that all the people who have won the table in New York have one copy, so don't take it too seriously.

But for Kardashian, this is the best opportunity to get to know the top dignitaries. If you can have a relationship with the Borromeo family, even if you are a little sister, it will be a quality to the Kardashian family’s strength. The promotion.

Anyway, the Kardashian family was born as a little sister. Kim Kardashian herself had been a errand girl for Paris Hilton, and now it’s not ashamed to switch to another person and family.

Kardashian smirked and did not speak any more, and a group of four people left the club in silence. At the gate, Yang Cheng and Lesley shook hands. There was no contradiction at all, "Thank you Leslie, today you It helped me a lot."

Yang Cheng took the initiative to lower her posture and once again apologized for the previous threat.

Leslie smiled ambiguously, "Understandably, when I was young, I used to be impulsive for women."

The other party obviously misunderstood, but Yang Cheng did not need to explain. Sometimes, misunderstanding was not a bad thing either.

For example, Liu Wen, if there is no such misunderstanding, what reason would he have to help her?

Seeing the injustice on the road? Stop it, no one believes it!

Watching Leslie get into the car, Kardashian was at the end. Her driver had opened the back door of Rolls Royce and waited for her to get in the car, but she was not in a hurry and said to Yang Cheng again, "If there is time tomorrow night, You can go to the party and hang out."

Without waiting for Yang Cheng to answer, she bowed into the car and waved goodbye.


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