Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1598: Tour Lake Como

Lin Ximan quickly made a decision to take down the property Carson said.

In this regard, Carson was very happy, and being able to help the master's friend was also a recognition of his stewardship.

"No problem, Miss Lin, I will get in touch with you later to discuss the transfer of the property."

"Thank you, Mr. Carson~"

"It doesn't matter, this is my job and my honor."

In the middle of the lake, the matter of real estate investment was reached, Yang Cheng fired again and started the yacht to sail forward slowly. They decided to go ashore to visit several small towns by the lake.

This is easy to find, no navigation or someone to lead the way.

Because on the picturesque shores of Lake Como in Italy, wherever there are towns or people, you can always see a quiet bay and a row of quiet boats.

These are local yachts and water vehicles, which will appear messy or even extravagant in other places, but in Lake Como, they have become pieces of art randomly placed, decorating the green lake beautifully and beautifully. romantic.

The exquisite beauty is like a prose poem in a textbook:

The warm yellow sunlight coated the lake with a gentle color, the fog smeared hazy patterns, and a piece of white cloud in various shapes and shapes was picked up and plunged into the water, which suddenly turned into white waves and swarmed forward.

There is a pier not far away. The trestle bridge is straight like branches stretching out to the water, and the boats on both sides are like blooming petals, which add a touch of dream to the ordinary life of the town residents. For those who are in pursuit of artistic conception, the pier is looking for poetry And a distant starting point.

I have to mention the hypocritical word of Wonderland on Earth again, but if there is one in the world, Lake Como must be one of the most beautiful places. The small city surrounded by mountains and rivers is like a paradise, surrounded by fascinating people. Wonderful spectacle.

Yang Cheng reduced the speed of the ship again and drove slowly to the pier. It happened that a cruise ship carrying tourists from all over the world approached. Every face on the ship was so intoxicated, walking slowly through the romantic lakes and mountains. Appreciating the fascinating natural scenery from a good angle and reveling in the beautiful ethereal dreams, this is the only answer to being in it.

Scattered small buildings are located on the tree-lined hillside, and the lake water is dyed with colorful reflections, like abstract paintings smeared on the scroll, like the artistic conception of a hazy poem, the cruise ship draws a long white streamer, leisurely on the lake Floating in contentment, soon surpassed Yang Orange's speedboat.

During this period, someone seemed to recognize his identity and waved his arms in the air on the cruise ship to greet him.

Yang Cheng's response to this was a raised thumb and a bright smile like this beautiful scenery.

Slowly approaching the shore, the staff on the shore motioned to Yang Cheng to throw the cable from the speedboat up.

Carson finished the job very neatly, with no signs of his aging.

The Italian guy with sunglasses smoothly pulled the boat to the trestle bridge, and at the same time did not forget to give Carson a thumbs up, expressing his recognition of his strong body.

Carson was proud of this for a long time~

Stepping on the land down-to-earth, everyone did not rush into the town, but bought a few ice cream cones in the fast food truck on the shore, eating and enjoying the scenery on the shore, without the magnificent exterior decoration. Without the colorful fancy decorations, the villas on Lake Como are unique, and all are simple and elegant.

The pale red roof, pale yellow walls, simple small buildings and the surrounding trees form a huge contrast, but the picture is unusually beautiful and harmonious.

Only then did they learn from the owner of the fast food truck that the town under their feet was called Lezzeno, one of the few pearl-like towns scattered on the shores of Lake Como, because it was far from the famous city of Como. Cape Bella and the fashion capital of Milan are not far away, so many tourists choose temporary accommodation here. No wonder there are several cruise ships parked at the pier here, and there are probably many hotels in the town.

Compared with the occasional modernity of Como, Lezzeno looks simple and vicissitudes. Some people call Lake Como the back garden of Milan. The reason is that Milanese like to spend weekends in the quiet lake area, so these dotted towns are in gardens. Flowers.

Lezzeno is the most indifferent of the countless beautiful flowers. It is built along the gentle **** of the lake bank. There are currently more than 2,000 residents. Small buildings, stone houses, villas, churches, palaces and star-rated hotels have everything. The twists and turns of urban and rural roads are connected in series, forming an antique landscape.

The sidewalks paved by rough stone roads extend along the lake and slopes, and the roads are connected by narrow stone steps, which provide convenience for people who are planning to visit the town on foot.

Go up the steps and stand on a high place to look out at the beautiful scenery of Lake Como. A wide clear water is deep and clear, with scattered red roofs in the vicinity, and rolling green mountains in the distance.

Think about the people who live here, they can see such an ethereal beauty every day, and they can’t wait to immigrate here right away. For the locals, you won’t be bored with such a view for a lifetime~www. Simply around the pier, visited the small town of Lezzeno and returned to the yacht. Following the guide of the local free travel manual, I am going to visit the famous Cape Beira.

You must go to the Great Wall when you go to the capital, and you must listen to the bells of Big Ben when you go to London. If you don’t witness the picturesque scenery of the small town of Cape Beira when you come to Lake Como, it will be a lifetime regret.

Cape Bella is located at the intersection of the Y-shaped Lake Como, and it is no exaggeration to be called the heart of Lake Como.

This town with a population of only more than 3,700 currently has the graceful and elegant silence of the glacier lake and the ethereal charm of the Alps. It is a rare combination of grace and magnificence.

When Yang Cheng and the others arrived at Cape Beira, it was the highest temperature of the day. The afternoon sun lit up every corner of the town. The brightness made the town lose its hazy beauty, but it became more enthusiastic.

Luo Yue likes the alleys that lead to the hillside the most. The cobblestone floor is full of romantic sentiment. He is extraordinarily light when stepping on it gently. The flowers and plants placed by the road are not very ostentatious, and the pale yellow walls are more natural. The exquisite art shop is also "half of the pipa", adding a simple and subtle style to the classical town.

The two girlfriends stopped and walked all the way, entering the art shop deep in the alleys from time to time, and chatting very happily with the shop. It may be because there are many people here. The shop's English level is good, at least not hindering communication.

It didn't take long for Hansen and the others to become porters, and they were full of gift bags wherever they could hang things. Luo Yue was the most exaggerated and almost emptied a small shop selling scarves.

There are hundreds of scarves, and it is estimated that they can be worn to death.


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