Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1601: API also wants to participate in 1 share

"Beatrix, have we met before?" Yang Cheng tried to mobilize memory.

Beatrice's neck is long and slender, like a proud white swan. Coupled with the height of 175, the eyes of the two of them can be basically level when wearing high heels.

"I haven't seen it, but you work with Andre, don't you?"

Andre in her mouth, almost always refers to Andre Agnelli.

"Yes, our relationship is pretty good~"

Beatrice looked at the people on the left and right, and said softly, "Can you give us some space? I have something to talk to Jason~"

This woman's mannerism is really casual, so she distracted others and chatted privately with Yang Orange.

Regarding this, Yang Cheng held an interesting and curious attitude. What did the Princess of Monaco, who was hailed as a **** by the people, intend to say to himself?

Everyone spread out, and Beckham also left Yang Cheng with a self-seeking look, and left quickly. He is a professional athlete and runs really fast~

Although the crowd dispersed, the air here became quiet. Beatrice held a glass of champagne and gently raised her hand to signal, "Let’s go to the corner, don’t affect others~"

The two of them avoided the crowd and came to a corner of the hall, where there was an art sculpture, pretending to be tasting, Beatrice said, "I always wanted to find a chance to meet you, but you are too busy~"

Yang Cheng was shocked, "Last time Kim Kardashian strongly invited me to your wedding anniversary party~"

Beatrice nodded sincerely, "I hinted at her~"

Yang Cheng understood clearly, "We Chinese have a saying that we are not afraid of late dinner, and now it is after all meeting, right?

So Beatrice, how can I help you~"

He was very humble and took the initiative to lower his posture.

"Your cooperation with Andre goes well, right?"

She was just a gold brick bigger than Yang Cheng, and she looked like a sister.

The other party did not directly explain the reason, Yang Cheng had to follow along, "It's okay, Beihai Petroleum has gradually become formal, and it is no longer a private workshop for small troubles."

I thought she was just looking for a topic to get closer, but who thought she suddenly said, "What about me?"

Yang Cheng obviously didn't adjust to the news, "What? Sorry? I didn't hear clearly~"

Beatrice took a sip of champagne and smiled, "Don't be nervous, I'm just helping to spread the word."

"Who to help? Your sister?"

The Borromeo family's industry today is mostly concentrated in the service and financial industries, and energy has rarely been involved. It is the husband of Isabella, the older sister of Beatrice, and now serves as the chairman of the board of directors of API Petroleum Group.

Naturally, there is no shortage of money to play energy, but the strength of the API Group is not enough to look at the world. Although Italy is the largest petroleum product company, Italy itself is not an oil-producing country, and there is also an Eni Group above it, API’s road Going narrower and narrower, without its own oil fields, product manufacturing costs will rise sharply.

When the cost is high, the price will naturally be high. Who will pay you when things are too expensive?

Then the intention to find Yang Orange is self-evident. API is trying to find a breakthrough in the closed circle, and Beihai Petroleum is the target.

It's a pity that Beihai Petroleum has won part of the rights and interests in Nigeria's Owowo oil field. Its strength is not trivial. It is no longer a nouveau riche previously rejected by traditional forces. With the strength that API cannot guarantee today, I am afraid that it has not had that appetite to swallow it.

Seeing a subtle change in Yang Cheng's attitude, Beatrice was caught off guard.


Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Go back and tell your brother-in-law that if you want shares, you can directly buy Andre's hands."

Beatrice understood something, after all, it was rushing to eat from people's mouths, and naturally they had to blind others.

It's not bad to be cynic.

"Andre disagrees~"

This time Yang Cheng really wants to roll his eyes. If you don't agree with Andre, do I have to agree?

How many of you still have relatives, why? Relatives can't afford to provoke them, so I, an outsider, can knead casually?

At this moment, he felt tens of thousands of uncomfortable feelings, and he didn't explode with tension. He still saw the two great guardians of the Monaco royal family and the Borromeo family on top of the opponent's head.

But he also knew that Beatrice was not blamed for this matter, she was just a message.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng's tone improved a lot, "Why didn't your brother-in-law come to me in person?"

"He's been very busy lately. Just when he learned that my husband and I were going to New York, he left it to me."

This explanation was reasonable, and Yang Cheng didn't say more.

The two fell silent at the same time.

After a while, Beatrice said again, "I can be responsible for the introduction. You two sit down and have a conversation. Cooperation is better than being alone."

Yang Cheng chuckled, "Beatrix, are we friends now? You may not understand Beihai Petroleum. From the day it was founded, it has been a strong alliance. Andrei is one of them, but he only participates in dividends. No matter what.

As the core of operations, I, Roman, and Conrad cannot agree that someone will join in to share the cake. "

"Of course we are friends, but everything can be discussed, as long as the API Group comes up with a sincere cooperation plan, such as API shares~"

Yang Cheng said solemnly, "Is this your own idea?"

"No, I heard my sister talk about it~"

Yang Cheng shook his head after less than three seconds of thinking, "I'm not interested in API, Milan Investment Bank is about the same~"

No one knows how much the Borromeo family’s wealth is, but it started with the development of the banking industry in Milan. Basically, the well-known banks in Italy are all connected with the Borromeo family. Milan Investment Bank Naturally, it is no exception.

This time it was Beatrice's turn to frown, "This is the private investment of my sister and brother-in-law, and does not involve the family~"

Yang Cheng pressed her hands, "I understand, you can treat it as a joke, or you can take my original words back~"

His meaningful smile always makes people feel that there is something in the words.

Beatrice took a deep look at him and responded softly, "I see~"

At this time, there was a burst of cheers from the entrance of the villa, and it seemed that some important person was present.

Sure enough, Beatrice looked back and smiled, "It's Mr. Moratti~"

Yang Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, "Is it Gianmarco? Or Massimo?"

The chairman of Inter Milan is Massimo Moratti, the younger brother of Gian Marco, the patriarch of the Moratti family.

Coincidentally, the Moratti family is also a well-known oil family in Italy. Of course, compared to the Agnelli family, which supports the Italian national industry, it is more than one grade behind.

Not to mention the Borromeo family with noble blood.

They are all old acquaintances in a circle. Beatrice, as a junior, naturally has to take the initiative to greet As she goes with her style, the crowd separates automatically, and Yang Cheng looks like she is following behind. Heck, this feels really bad.

"Uncle Massimo~" Beatrice called sweetly.

Massimo Moratti, still wearing a windbreaker in the summer, with an off-white back, was shaking hands with Beckham at the door. They are all celebrities in the football circle, so they have a good relationship.

After hearing the sound, I immediately kissed the beautiful Beatrice, "Oh, my dear Beatrice, how are you? Since you married to Monaco, Italy seems to have lost a bright pearl ~"

The two did not use their native language, otherwise most people at the scene would be deaf.

Beatrice took Moratti along the way, "I'm fine, Pierre is very nice to me, my family is still in Italy, what do you say I seem to never come back~"

In front of the elders, Beatrice is always a little girl's side, no wonder she is likable.

"This is?" Moratti patted his niece's hand, and asked after turning his eyes to Yang Cheng for a while.

Then without waiting for introduction, "Are you Jason Yang, chairman of Liverpool?"

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "I am honored to be met by Mr. Moratti."

"You are too polite. I didn't expect you to be here. David told me that there are many colleagues here tonight, and it seems not fake now~"

Moratti's joke was not funny, but the people around him still laughed loudly.

"Mr. Moratti, you are both my predecessor and my idol. Your love for Inter Milan is worth learning from."

This was a scene, but Moratti shook his head resolutely, "No, you don't need to learn. My love for Inter is from childhood memories, not purely from an investment perspective."


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