Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1604: Changeable Princess

"Why did you choose me?" Yang Cheng asked bluntly.

Beatrice motioned to Yang Cheng to return her high-heeled shoes, and pointed to the marble road in front of her, "Let's go and stroll in the garden."

Yang Cheng patiently helped her to put on her high heels. After regaining her height, Beatrice leaned back on the swan neck and led the way, like a princess walking around her back garden, and Yang Cheng was her entourage.

The left hand wearing the wedding ring gently brushed the flowers, and Beatrice replied, "Because you have ambitions~"

Yang Cheng smiled and expressed puzzlement, "So shouldn't you stay away?"

"No, on the contrary, because you are ambitious, you are more likely to cooperate with us, jason, please remember that what the Borromeo family needs is not a puppet piece, but a partner of equal status, and you are My approved partner, don’t have to worry about me and my family going against you."

"But your current behavior gives me the feeling that I want to recruit a puppet~" Yang Cheng directly expressed the feelings in his heart.

Beatrice smiled, "Don't be so stingy. The important thing is that the result is not the process. No matter what method I use to find you, we can stand here and chat now. This is the most important thing."

Yang Cheng doesn't bother to listen to this false reasoning. Sometimes it is fragrant for a beautiful woman to fart. If she can tell her why the fart is smelly, she will force her to lower her IQ.

"Well, let's talk about you~"

"You promised?"

"What did I promise? You haven't said anything yet~"

Beatrice changed her style as a queen and suddenly became playful. Like a simple little princess who had not grown up, she took off a petal and sniffed at the tip of her nose, "It smells so good~ Jason, you have to believe it, yours Ambition is the basis of our cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation, each meets what we need, this is my promise to you.

For example, if you let me participate in Beihai Petroleum, and I can persuade my family to sell some of the shares of Milan Investment Bank to you, you see, is this a win-win situation? "

Yang Cheng was speechless, "So you still want to invest in Beihai Petroleum? Not your brother-in-law's API Group?"

Beatrice was not embarrassed at all, and said frankly, "It was just a test to see if you have the ambition to fight for yourself."

"If not?"

"Then being a puppet is what you deserve~"

The conversation between the two seemed peaceful, but both the inside and the outside were the cruel reality of the capitalist world.

"Are you buying shares in your own name?" Yang Orange asked after being silent.

"Yes, in my name~"

"Doesn't you even have a share in your husband? You are already married, and the investment now belongs to the joint property after marriage~"

An embarrassment flashed across Beatrice’s face, just for a moment~

Yang Cheng said again, "In your name, I can barely be seen as collaborating with the Borromeo family, but what about joining the Monaco royal family?"

"I will solve this problem, don't worry~"

"How to solve it? Protect with legal documents? This investment belongs to you only?"

After a pause, Yang Cheng simply took out the big chess of Conrad, "You have to know that the Koch family only let Conrad intervene in his own name."

Beatrice thought for a while, decided to put this topic aside for now, and said, "We will find time to talk about this alone. It is not convenient here."

Yang Cheng couldn’t disagree, “To be honest, I still didn’t understand your plan. With the strength of the Borromeo family, to guarantee the basic market in Europe, even in the face of the American consortium, there is enough dialogue capital. It is completely unnecessary. Going to someone else’s site to grab food with others is not development, it is provocation!"

Beatrice used to be a reporter. It stands to reason that her language skills should be very good, but her silence at this moment is that she is poor by Yang Cheng's words?

After a long while, he sighed, "Jason, there are some things I can't say easily. All you have to do is to make sure to cooperate with us. You don't know what is going on in our family."

Yang Cheng shook his head helplessly. The woman's tone was too tight, and it seemed that it was difficult to find useful inside information.

Simply said, "Then change to someone who speaks effectively, you have too little right to speak in the family."

"I'm sorry, for a short time, you can only communicate through me."

Yang Cheng really wants to give her a pair of big eyes, is this human?

Just talked about equal cooperation, and turned your face in disapproval?

"Would you stop here today?"

Beatrice groaned, "What's the hurry?"

"It's not anxious, but you don't say anything. What are we doing standing here? Playing with the wind?"

Beatrice stretched out her hand and asked Yang Cheng to support her, "Go out and find a quiet bar and drink!"

"Do I still have to go out if I want to drink? I believe David has prepared enough wine for the guests to drink."

"No, I don't like it~"

What can Yang Cheng say, you are beautiful, you can be willful, you are beautiful, rich and have a good family background, then you can go to heaven if you want!

"Well, I'll say hello to David, and then I have to call the speedboat to pick him up~"

"Don't be so Take my speedboat directly to Lezzeno~"

Although Yang Cheng followed obediently, he still sent Hansen a message, telling him where he was going, and then let him be responsible for telling David that he had left first.

But he didn't mention Beatrice who was with him, and he left privately with a princess in the middle of the night, and it was always a scandal that he didn't want to cause trouble.

With a mentality of elopement, the two came to Lezzeno. After stopping the speedboat, they took her to a clothing store that was about to close, and bought a set of casual sportswear with a total price of less than 30 Euros. Of course , Yang Cheng also changed his outfits, otherwise it would be too ostentatious for the two of them to stroll around the bar in dresses.

I found a lakeside hotel nearby, opened a room, and then went to the open-air bar by the lake. Several tourists had been drinking to the point of being slightly drunk and were talking loudly. Not surprisingly, it should be a topic about the Olympics.

Sitting on the sofa far away, Yang Cheng snapped his fingers and invited the bartender, "Two glasses of tequila, and another bottle of local wine."

The bartender subconsciously glanced at Beatrice wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and said, "Okay sir, please wait a moment, do you need any snacks?"

Yang Cheng was worried that Beatrice would be discovered, and waved his hand, "Feel as many as you like."

When the bartender left, Yang Cheng asked with a guilty conscience, "You won't be recognized, will you?"

"I don't know, it's possible~" Beatrice said funnyly, "What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of being recognized~"

Yang Cheng said angrily, "If you are not afraid, why don't you take off your hat?"

Glancing at Yang Cheng, he didn't dare to refute, nonsense, can you not be afraid?


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