Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1612: Beckham gives a big gift

At Lezzeno’s wharf, Beatrice was personally sent to the speedboat, driven by Andrew himself, Yang Cheng held on to the railing and said, "Be careful on the road~"

Andrew gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry, boss~"

Then Biattris said, "Go home with peace of mind, call me if you have something to do, I will be there on call, and in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, Beatrice understood and said with a complicated expression, "I know, I'm leaving~"

. . . . . .

Standing there for a long time, until the speedboat carrying the princess disappeared from sight, he returned to the hotel room in a dispirited manner. Hansen followed up and asked, "Boss, let our speedboat come to pick you up?"

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "Wait a moment, you go out first~"

Hansen didn't say much, turned to leave the room, and took the door with him by the way.

I just sent a message to Luo Yue, saying that he drank too much and slept at Xiaobei’s house last night, so as not to expose himself by saying the wrong thing, he decided to collude with Xiaobei. Anyway, the other party didn’t do anything less. Cooked!

At this moment, Beckham is still in a dream, and the phone rang for a full minute before being connected, with an isolated voice, "hello~"

"It's me, David, are you still sleeping? Find a place where you can talk easily~"

Listening to the familiar voice, Beckham reacted for a while before waking up, "Jason? Wait for me~"

There was a jogging sound, as if entering an empty and narrow room. The bathroom was undoubtedly followed by the sound of water. After a long time, Xiaobei said, "Hey, are you still there? Why did you leave suddenly last night?"

Yang Cheng thought that the other party knew that he and Beatrice would leave first, but he didn't expect that he didn't know. This is easier to handle. "It's nothing, chatting with a beautiful woman will start, and then, you know~"

Beckham smiled ambiguously, "Don't worry, I won't tell Luo Yue~"

"Damn it, of course you won't say it, otherwise you will have to tell the world about the bad things you used to do~"

"Ohno, jason, you can't do this, you can't threaten me~"

"No, no, I just remind you, once Luo Yue asks, don't say anything wrong~"

"Man, don't worry, you drank too much last night, and I was carried to the room by myself and slept till dawn."

Yang Cheng grinned, "Perfect answer, I will invite you to drink~"

Unexpectedly, Xiaobei said, "Don't drink alcohol, I drink too much, my head hurts, just have something to discuss with you, have breakfast together?"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Okay, go to your house to find you."

"It's better to go outside, the house is too messy~"

"OK, it's up to you~"

The two agreed to meet in Como. There are some good breakfast shops over there.

"The plan for a day lies in the morning." Although it is hot summer in the northern hemisphere, there is a spring-like morning light on Lake Como. The peaceful town of Como has only a few residents walking on the street. The weather is pleasant and pleasant, and the moist breeze blowing by the lake makes people happy.

Yang Cheng went one step first and found a brunch shop with Italian flavors, first ordered a cup of cold brew coffee and French toast, and quietly waited for Beckham's arrival.

For Italians, a cup of espresso means the beginning of a good day. People who drink coffee all year round really need caffeine to wake up the cells in the body to enhance vitality.

But Yang Cheng’s coffee intake can only be said to be just right, no more, no less, and not addicted to caffeine, but occasionally drinking a cup in the morning does have a good feeling, especially in such weather.

This store uses wooden decorations with ancient Italian style, which makes people feel comfortable and pleasant to sit.

The owner is a Cuomo man with nearly 30 years of rich dining experience. He used to work as a chef in a Milan hotel. When he was old, he chose to take his love back to his hometown. He opened such a small shop and only opened brunch. All of the time is spent enjoying life, I have to say, this attitude even Yang Cheng can't help but envy.

Because he came early, there was only one customer in the store, and the boss took the time to chat with Yang Cheng.

During the chat, Yang Chen found that the boss has a nearly fanatical love for Italian cuisine, especially his unique understanding of pasta and classic pasta. He also strongly recommends Yang Cheng to try the restaurant’s signature dishes. He is also the chef. Recommended dishes.

Yang Cheng naturally wouldn't refuse, and smiled and said that when someone arrived, he would definitely come and taste it.

As the two were talking, they saw Xiaobei dressed in Adi's casual clothes and wearing a peaked cap, opening the door very low-key, and sitting directly opposite Yang Cheng.

"You, the spokesperson, are too conscientious, right? I don't believe that Cuomo has reporters guarding you."

Beckham was wearing the bloated face after the hangover, and waved his hand, "I just wanted to feel comfortable, I didn't think so much~"

Yang Cheng was also joking, but now it’s time to order. Without a second word, she pointed directly to the signature menu on the wall and said, "Here is the same one above~"

Both Beckham and the boss were taken aback, "Can you eat it?"

Yang Cheng nodded affirmatively, "Of course, I can eat a whole cow now~"

The boss returned to the back kitchen with a smile and started to get busy. Yang Cheng said to Xiaobei, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"You know I always wanted to form a team of my own~"

Of course Yang Cheng knows that Beckham has mentioned more than once about setting up a team in Miami to play in the Major Now I am almost ready, I am ready to put it on the agenda. "

"Congratulations, this is a good thing? What do I need to do? Wait, did the league agree?"

If you want to participate in major league matches, you naturally have to obtain the consent of the league, because American football does not have enough reserve leagues, that is to say, there is no ladder system. If you want to play games, there is only the major league, and there is no buy ball. It’s a problem for the team to play up from low-level events. As long as the league agrees, everything is easy to say.

"Of course, I left Real Madrid to join the Los Angeles Galaxy in the major leagues in 2007. At the beginning, in order to attract me to join, the major leagues promised to establish a brand new club with a capital of 25 million US dollars after retirement.

I am very eager for this. After retiring, I have been running for this matter to build my own business empire, but setting up a team is not just talking about it. Funding is the biggest problem, so I united many wealthy businessmen. Started to build a new team, the current team's name has been determined, it is called Miami International.

It is expected that in 2020, I will officially play in the Major Leagues, but before that, I hope to find a stadium that can accommodate at least 25,000 people. But Miami does not have such a stadium. I don’t want to share a stadium with football. I can only rebuild it. Knowing that your house has a construction team, as long as you give me a discount, I am willing to give you this project. "

Yang Cheng stirred the coffee with a coffee spoon. In fact, there was neither sugar nor milk in it. The taste of cold brew coffee itself is quite sufficient, so there is no need to put these.

The reason why he is stirring is just a subconscious action when thinking. He is thinking that Beckham has given him such a big benefit for no reason.


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