Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1647: Guilt compensation

   No one likes to be used, even if it is a close woman, but Yang Cheng can understand that Li Fu~zhen is facing pressure that ordinary people can't even think about. At this time, it is possible to do anything.

Of course, understanding is a matter of understanding, whether you can accept it or not is another matter. Yang Cheng never thinks that he is a generous person. He may be influenced by the **** in the previous life, causing him to think something inconsistent with the present from time to time. His temperament.

   Sometimes he is also very distressed, trying to solve this problem, but there is no good way.

   For example, now, in the sense of reason, he should acquiesce in Li Fu~ really use his behavior, but he feels uncomfortable.

   "What are you thinking about?" Li Fu~ It's rare to have such an anxiety.

   Looking at the other's nervous and expectant eyes, Yang Cheng sighed, "I don't like being used. If you tell me in advance, everything can be discussed."

   Li Fu~ I hurriedly said, "I know I was rash this time, I apologize to you~"

   Yang Cheng patted her hand, "Don't worry, I haven't finished. Considering your current pressure, this is only for this time, not an example!"

   "Really? You don't blame me?" Li Fu~ asked in disbelief, the board was raised high, but it didn't fall.

   "Really, don't blame you, but only this time." Yang Cheng repeated again.

   "There will definitely be no next time, I promise!" Li Fu~ Really promised.

   "To be honest, I am not optimistic about Yin Shanming, the city is too deep, this is not a chess piece that can be used for a long time." Yang Cheng really reminded Li Fu~.

   "I understand that this time it is also to borrow his civilian background, and then you can cover it up with your help. You can take my family out of the whole thing, otherwise we will face a situation of embarrassment on all sides, I can't handle it alone~"

   Yang Cheng gave a hum, and said in a deep voice, "Let’s find another person. Only Yin Shanming is not enough. We also need someone who can make a sound in Congress."

   Li Fu~ Really nodded, "Our family can't use it temporarily, they can only find another one."

   "Leave it to me, you can concentrate on the company's affairs."

   "Okay, thank you~"

   "No need to say thank you between the two of us."

   Li Fu~ It may be because of guilt, he got up to the desk and took a document back to Yang Cheng, "This is Everland’s prospectus plan. If you are interested, you can buy some~"

   Yang Cheng hasn't opened the file, and said strangely, "Everland hasn't been listed yet? I remember that there was an IPO plan last year, right?"

"Yes, but my father's health condition was not very good last year, and this incident was delayed. You also know that Everland has a large proportion of the entire group, and this is also the first step for my father to decentralize power. It’s important, and you have to wait until everything is ready before you can implement it."

   Yang Cheng suddenly, "Okay, let me see~"

  Everland will undoubtedly be listed in South Korea. At present, Everland’s largest shareholder is Lee Jae-yong, who holds 25% of the shares and is also the president of Everland.

Li Laosan himself holds 3.7%, Li Fu~zhen and his second daughter each hold 8.7% of the shares. In addition to Li Laosan’s family, Samsung Credit Card, Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDI, Samsung C&T, etc. also hold Everland 18.5% of shares.

The total share capital is 252 million shares, and 42.9 million shares are expected to be issued, accounting for approximately 17% of the total share capital. The expected issue price is 18,000 won per share, equivalent to 21 US dollars. Based on the issue price, Everland’s market value is approximately 5.5 billion US dollars In the early stage of listing, after the stimulus of good news, the total market value floated to 6 billion or even more than 6.5 billion US dollars, which is not a problem.

The so-called leading company of Korean amusement parks, Everland's subsidiary is also involved in hotels, real estate, fashion, catering and other fields. It has a monopoly in South Korea. In addition, in recent years, it has vigorously developed Chinese and Japanese tourists to come to play, and the future development There is a good chance, now to buy one hand is to sit at home and collect money.

At the same time, Yang Cheng also noticed that after financing was mentioned in the IPO plan, a large amount of funds will be used to strengthen investment in the circulation network, and actively develop overseas markets, improve sports, outdoor and other new projects, and will also invest a part of the funds for improvement. Equipment, and at the same time start planning and investment in hotel real estate projects.

   Judging from the prospectus alone, there is no fault at all, enough to give investors confidence.

   Yang Cheng put down the prospectus and said, "Obviously, I will not miss the opportunity to pick up money. What is the maximum percentage? I have eaten it all, in the name of CY Entertainment."

   He has a very good abacus, which is equivalent to telling CJ and SK that he and San~Xing are teaming up, aren't you going to deal with me? Just come on~

   Li Fu~ Really speechless, "I know you are rich, but you have to save some soup for others, right?"

   "Who said I won't give others soup? I can't eat all 17%. It's too expensive."

"Well, my sister and Li Zaiyong will each sell you 1%. Father should be able to take out a portion and sell it to you at the issue price. When you send someone to the board of directors, don't grab food from retail investors and investment institutions. have eaten."

   Yang Cheng buys someone’s shares instead of buying, "It’s okay, I can’t as well take some from the public offering ratio, and give me a 5%. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I like whole numbers~

   Don't worry, when the stock price rises, I will sell part of it for market circulation. "

   He said so, Li Fu~ Can you really disagree?

   "Cunning little fox, okay, turn around you let the CY entertainer come to me, and I will arrange for someone to meet him."

   "OK, are there any benefits like this? More~"

   Li Fu~ He gave him an angry look, "You want to eat all of our family?"

   "How is it possible, I'm not that capable."

Yang Cheng Yuguang scanned the prospectus folder with a dark flower printed on the surface. He knew that it was the symbol of the famous family secretary office of San~Star. Of course, it is now called the strategic planning office. Li Lao San officially passed this office with less than 100 people. Controlling the entire san~star empire is similar to the think tank of the American family.

   Of course, compared to the Mitsui Research Institute that he had visited, the family office of San~Xing is several floors behind, but it is better than it has not yet started.

   Yang Cheng has always wanted to imitate this model and establish his own family office or think tank, which can be used by Yuanshan in the future, but this matter has been stuck in his mind and has not been realized.

  The reason is that he lacks experience and has not found the right time to establish.

   Of course, he also wants to see more, learn more about his experience, and start preparations. Anyway, he is still young now, and he has time.

   just took a look, and Yang Cheng was about to talk to Li Fu~ to really inquire about inside information.

   licked his face and said, "Tell me about your family office?"

   Li Fu~ Really surprised, "What's the point?"

   "I also want to set up my own office, so I want to learn more."

   Li Fu~ Really laughed, "You are hardworking and studious~"

   cursed his hair and muttered, "In fact, whether it is an office or a secretary's office, this concept originated from the staff organization of the RI Army during World War II.

After the war, the former director of the Kwantung Army Command and the base camp Army and Navy staff officer Ryuzo Setima became the chairman of the ITOCHU Corporation. He brought this organization into the Ito family and was mainly responsible for business intelligence collection and organization of staff. Triggered the trend of setting up a secretary office.

   The grandfather, who was deeply influenced by RB, brought this model to Korea. "

   Although Yang Cheng knows that the concept of the secretary's office originated from RB, he is not sure that it was originally proposed by the Ito family. It seems that it is necessary to contact Ito Koji.

  "In the management of the group, my grandfather delegated all the daily affairs to his subordinates, and he only made strategic decisions.

   At the same time, as a diversified company, san~star has subsidiaries all over the world and implements an independent management system. It requires a strong staff organization as an internal coordinator to make plans and adjustments after collecting information.

   So, with reference to the think tanks of RB chaebols such as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and Sumitomo, my grandfather strengthened the function of the secretary room and renamed it as a family office, allowing it to take on auxiliary functions such as intelligence collection and analysis, planning, and daily affairs management.

   Later, the functions of the office continued to be enhanced, and it was also responsible for almost all affairs of the company's daily operations, finance, planning, technology, security, marketing, personnel, investigation, supervision, finance, and international finance.

Specific to the division of labor, for example, the investigation team is responsible for collecting business information and local intelligence; the planning team is responsible for planning; the operation and finance team is responsible for the daily operation of the company; the personnel team is responsible for human resources policies and employee benefits; the supervision team is responsible for supervising the operation of the branch; international The financial group is responsible for financing and foreign exchange; the operation group is responsible for monitoring the operating conditions of subsidiaries and proposing improvement plans.

   It can be said that in the golden age of, the office's strength is comparable to that of the national intelligence agency. It once became the most powerful intelligence analysis organization in South Korea and was borrowed by the state many times. "

   Yang Cheng nodded while listening, which was very similar to Mitsui Research Institute.

   Li Fu~ I really sighed, "But my father thought that the power of the office was too large and concentrated, so after taking over, he gradually weakened the functions of the office and indirectly weakened the strength, and dispersed the management power to the subordinate companies.

   To put it simply, in the past, my grandfather held 80% of the management rights of the group, the secretary's office accounted for 10%, and the presidents of various subsidiaries accounted for 10%.

   But in the future, it will be changed to 40% for the president, 20% for the secretary office, and 40% for the presidents.

   Therefore, the office staff was once less than 100 people, from 15 groups in its heyday to 10 groups, only a few important functions including personnel, finance, etc. were retained.

  The office has also become history and transformed into a restructuring headquarters.

   The personnel group of the restructuring division is responsible for human resources policies, employee training, education and labor coordination; the finance group is responsible for electronic operations, financial operations, non-electronic non-financial, and financial management; the supervision group is responsible for company supervision and business diagnosis.

  There are also the planning team, the public relations team, and the legal team, which are basically the most basic functions, but they can still maintain their influence on the subsidiaries.

After that, the world entered the Internet era, and computers could replace part of manpower. So my father adjusted the restructuring headquarters again, renamed the strategic planning office, stripped off the functions of secretary and operation, and retained only the two main departments of personnel and finance. The office is no longer as brilliant as it used to be. "


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