Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1649: Happy goddess day

   Being the chief tong in Korea is really a bad thing, no matter where you get it.

   Who can blame? Who let you be born in such a bad geological environment, you are born a hard-failed person.

Like Poland, South Korea, the **** of Asia, is located between the East and West camps. North Korea, which has a milky compatriot but is each other's mortal enemy, and RB, facing each other across the sea, has always regarded South Korea as a dumping ground. This kind of situation where tigers and wolves are waiting, either fight hard or even die; or simply curb their ambitions, find asylum from a big country, and be honestly a little brother, at least they can be protected by the great powers, but the Koreans don’t think so. Want autonomy.

   Then they did two things. One was to invest a large amount of national resources in the military level that was not directly related to the people’s livelihood; the other was to vigorously develop the economy and boost the country’s overall strength.

   Then, they collapsed, they collapsed, they both had to grasp with both hands, but they couldn't grasp it.

Military strength is related to scientific research. It is useless to rely on a genius. It is impossible to find all the weapons needed by land, sea and air if the genius is exhausted. So the Koreans thought of a way to cooperate with the Americans and develop weapons in the Americans. Make improvements on the basis. Of course, the so-called improvement is just a pile of data. Putting a flag on it is a self-development, and the world is advocating it for fear that others will not know that they have developed a weapon.

   Therefore, South Korea’s military strength has always stayed on paper, but anyone with a bit of a brain will not take South Korea’s so-called space first tanks, first destroyers, and first fighter jets seriously. Real fights are only for giving away their heads.

I heard that they still want to build an aircraft carrier. This is definitely good news. An aircraft carrier can stagnate South Korea’s economy for at least 5 years. It must have eaten too much kimchi. I mistakenly thought that an aircraft carrier could rush out of the galaxy. Where to go, people with better stamina can swim to countries RB and Z. Is it possible to run in circles around the coastline? Is the aircraft carrier built to be used as an offshore patrol boat?

   Military strength is half-dead. Is the economy really good?

  Don’t look at South Korea as a so-called developed country, but in this big place, the terrain is narrow and long and there is no space for depth. The land suitable for growing food is occupied by compatriots with milk, so agriculture cannot develop;

   is not an international trade center either. Trade is also half-hearted. Shipping has been splendid for a while, and it has recently collapsed;

   There are no resources under the ground.

   Therefore, a country like this with weak geography and wanting to develop its economy can only rely on the hands of the people and work hard.

However, these people who have been working for most of their lives suddenly discovered that the fruits of their life’s labor seemed not to be much left. Most of them were taken by the state to boost military strength or to maintain national interests, and there were very few feedbacks to the people’s livelihood. .

Therefore, despite the fact that South Korea’s economy is pretty good, it is recognized as a developed country, but in the echelon of developed countries, they can barely rank second. People’s lives are very difficult. Except for some rich people, most Koreans have poor quality of life. Although they earn a lot, they also spend a lot of money. The daily necessities of food, clothing, housing and transportation are oppressing the nerves of Koreans.

As far as labor intensity is concerned, Koreans are definitely among the best in the world. This does not give up, spends most of the day working, and finally gets off work. Naturally, they have to drink and relax, otherwise people can’t stand it. This makes Koreans particularly poor in wine. If you drink a little bit of wine, you will yell at you. The image of being cautious and polite during the day turns into a beast in a cloak. Just thinking about it, you can know where the so-called fact-revealing movie materials come from?

   Too much pressure has accelerated the evolution of ordinary people from neurosis to BT. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that South Korea has repeatedly experienced such tragic criminal cases.

   Of course, most of them still choose to express their demands in relatively legitimate ways, such as protest marches.

Once the economy declines and income is reduced, the payment will remain the same, or even increase. In this case, people’s dissatisfaction with the ruling group that occupies a large amount of social resources will naturally intensify, and it will explode over time. The ruling class headed by Tong has become the target of popular anger.

   So, in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, the cunning ruling class came up with a good way-through what channels to incite nationalism and patriotism?


   TV, movies, variety shows, all the time permeates the ideas that the ruling class wants to convey, and once a critical moment is encountered, the entertainment industry has an important role to divert the attention of the people from the upper class.

   Those who are interested can find that every time there is a major event in South Korea, the entertainment industry will be shaken, and the death of two people is light. Maybe an entire interest group has to be involved.

  Cultivate the country and national consciousness over the years, and then force ordinary people to give up their ideas through high-intensity work, based on righteousness, concentrate on work, and dedicate the last touch of value in life to the country!

   The reality is cruel. For ordinary people, it is cruel to do so, but for the sake of national interest, there is no other way. Who will let their leaders not give up? Without diamonds, they have to buy porcelain.

  Does the ruler not know the disadvantages of doing this?

they know! They know very well that once they break out a scandal, it will surely cause an uproar among the people. How cruel is the usual oppression, how crazy the counterattack is. The people are squeezing clothes and eating and observing the rules for your righteousness, but they are ignoring it. XG, the outbreak is reasonable.

   However, even if they know the result, the people of the ruling class must do this because they can get real benefits. Besides, if something really happens, don’t you just throw the chief tong out as a scapegoat?

The people don’t know so much. When the chief tong stepped down, they thought that their struggle had been won, so they didn’t bother to pursue it any more. After all, life still has to go on, and work pressure is still astonishing. How can there be time to parade every day? ?

To put it bluntly, South Korea’s ruling class is unwilling to soberly recognize the disadvantages of the country. As long as you have oil in the ground, you may live more comfortably than it is now. For example, the local tyrants in the Gulf, with rich resources, rely on God to enjoy food, and the people don’t have to pay. With too much manual labor, you can enjoy a comfortable and comfortable life.

Therefore, although the internal decay of these local tyrants is greater than that of South Korea, the class contradiction is very low. Because the common people are good, they will naturally not focus on one acre of land, even if a huge scandal occurs. One person divides the money, and the matter is solved.

   It is a pity that South Korea does not have the ability to make money. Even if it does, the ruling class does not have enough to distribute it to ordinary people.

   In short, being the chief tong in Korea is definitely not thankful, and it is not right to do anything.

  According to the habitual rhythm, you are greedy, I greedy, everyone is greedy, and it is the safest model to get over the addiction of the head of state and to step down and go to prison for the elderly.

   You have to break the rhythm and pay close attention to corruption, so that the ruling class will not have a good life, but it will make the people unable to make money. Can the ending be good?

   Therefore, Jin Yongshan's death can definitely be said to be a miracle. Even in his later years, he also suffered a lot of trouble, such as deportation.

   can only say that this is a nice person, but unfortunately he was born in the wrong place.

   Of course, as his son, Jin Zhexian can enjoy far more benefits than his old son.

   Even if his old man went to the west, Jin Zhexian could still rely on the shadow of his ancestors to enjoy a life that ordinary people would not dare to expect for several lifetimes.

  Ran and Luan, ordinary money can't make him content, he wants more.

   After Li Zhiyu introduced this person to Yang Cheng, he regretted it, scratching his head and didn't want to say more.

   "Brother Yang, or forget it, I'll find someone else~"

   Yang Cheng wondered, "Why?"

   "Jin Cheolhyun is insatiable and not a suitable target."

  Yang Cheng smiled, "I'm not afraid of him being greedy, I'm afraid that he is not greedy, whether it is greedy for money or se, as long as he has real material needs, he can use it for me."

   "But Jin Zhexian has a lot of controversy about this person. Relying on Jin Yongshan's influence, he wins over a group of people, engages in troubles in the country, and makes many enemies."

   Yang Cheng frowned, "This is a problem. A person with too many enemies does not fit our low-key style."

   immediately changed his but this also proves that he is capable, doesn't it? It is impossible for a person with no strength to establish so many enemies, and to survive the attacks of so many enemies, I think this humanity is not shallow. "

   Li Zhiyu only smiled wryly, "Okay, then I ask him over?"

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Make an appointment, by the way, does he spend a lot in our club?"

   Lee Ji Woo tilted his head and thought, "It's not low, it's about 300 million won."

   "Very rich~"

   "He seems to have an advertising company~ plus the usual fees for doing things for others, his personal net worth should be tens of billions."

   "That's a lot, go ahead."

  . . .

In the past few days, the mainstream news media in South Korea are reporting scandals about the heirs of the Zhao family. They want to play with women in broad daylight and impose qian rules on the flight attendants of Korean Air. Almost overnight, Zhao Yuantai has not many passersby. Completely defeated.

   This huge momentum seems to want to throw it to the Zhao family. When caught off guard, the Zhao family can't provide an effective counterattack and can only be passively beaten.

   In just one week, Korean Air’s market value has evaporated by 13% out of thin air, and there is a further downward trend. Everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is someone who wants to rectify the Zhao family, but who is the one who started it is temporarily unclear.

Not to mention, that Zhao Shangxi is still a little capable. Although Yang Cheng gave him the power to mobilize resources, he did not abuse it. Instead, he first spread Zhao Yuantai’s black material through his personal relationship. Resources including CY Entertainment were on the sidelines. Sweeping the formation, according to this posture, it seems that if the main force is not needed to play, the opponent is about to lose.


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