Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1679: Buy noble land

For these British clubs, selling season tickets is definitely a long way to go, especially for the wealthy. If the season tickets are too easy to buy, it will appear uncomfortable, but it is too difficult to buy and it will undermine the enthusiasm of the members, so sell Tickets are also a science.

Of course, these are knowledge points that the British have known since childhood, and there is no need for an outsider like Yang Cheng to popularize.

"Then I will thank you for my friends~"

Hugh Grosvenor used tea instead of wine and toasted a cup of oranges~

Because the two dukes and the duchess arrived, Carson showed great enthusiasm to prepare dinner. Not only did he bring out antique-level tableware, but also brought out a box of Romanti Kanti, William and William, produced in 1972. Yang Cheng worked together to infuse Grosvenor into unconsciousness. Drunkenness is also the best way to relieve grief.

Let his girlfriend Harriet take care of him, Yang Cheng and William return to the restaurant and drink, Kate is ready to go to sleep~

"Jason, you can communicate with Hugh Duoduo, the strength of the Grosvenor family is far beyond your imagination~"

"I have never been in this family, but I doubt Hugh's ability, whether he has the ability to keep his family property, I believe that once the former Duke is gone, there should be many eyes on the Grosvenor family?"

"You guessed it, that's why I brought him to Beihai Manor~"

Yang Cheng was startled, "What do you mean?"

William sneered, "You know that Hugh is the godfather of my child, and you know our relationship with the Grosvenor family. We can't watch the Grosvenor family being dismembered. This is also a big loss to the Windsor family~ "

The prestige of the royal family depends entirely on the support of the nobles. If there is no noble, how can the royal family be the king? He was overthrown and stepped down in minutes.

Therefore, the relationship between the royal family and the nobles can be said to be close to each other. No one can leave and no one can leave. It is understandable for William to do this, but what does it have to do with himself?

Borrowing your own fame to block the little prying eyes of Hugh Grosvenor?

"Do you think too much? Just relying on you to take him to Beihai Manor, some things can be avoided?"

"You underestimated your reputation in the UK~" William said drunkenly after a drunken hiccup.

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Me? What prestige do I have, am I being low-key in the UK?"

"Are you low-key? When did you come to Liverpool without making any news?"

"What news have I made? Isn't it just the Liverpool fans welcoming me? This is also a prestige?"

Yang Cheng didn't pretend to be 13, he really didn't understand, and it wasn't the fame he wanted to make.

"Ha~ you may not know, you are the first team owner in the history of British football to be loved by so many fans. If it is a small club, Liverpool is a traditional giant."

"That's just football~"

"Football is undoubtedly the most influential event in the UK, not second to the bombing of the London Stock Exchange~"

"Gosh, what is your metaphor?"

With a speechless look, "Well, even if I am a bit famous in football, how can I protect Hugh Grosvenor, I think he protects me in the UK is almost the same~"

"Plus me?"

Yang Cheng became impatient, "Just say it directly, don't go around, what do you want me to do?"

William pondered, "Cooperate with the Grosvenor family, or set up a real estate company with the three of us, and tell the outside world that we are a union, so as to block the eyes of the outsiders~"

"It turns out you made this idea, and it's not impossible, but what can I get? Don't talk about money, I don't lack this little money~"

"Knowing that you are a local tyrant, you don't like small money, but what about the title?"

"What?" Yang Cheng was shocked. People will naturally pursue status when they are rich. So how is status reflected? Either be a zheng or be a nobleman. The best-preserved noble system today is undoubtedly Britain, and its aristocratic title is most respected.

Before that, he also thought about asking William to'buy' an aristocratic title. Of course it is not the hereditary. A knight or a baron can be used, but it is too difficult. He is not an Englishman and has not made a significant contribution to the United Kingdom. Paying taxes in accordance with the law is also not enough to get the title of nobility through formal channels. This is not the age of war. If it is the age of war, you can still make a contribution by delivering food to the British.

It can be said that it is as difficult to get the title of nobility by proper means, but everything can work.

Asked Carson to light a cigar and bring it over, frowning and taking a few mouthfuls, "Do you think it's possible for a baron?"

He was a little bit like a lion's mouth open. In reality, the baron is quite choking, let alone a baron who can be hereditary.

Who would have thought that William could not find it ridiculous, so he could smoke a cigar and said, "Do you know the state of the British aristocracy now?"

Yang Cheng smiled, "I don't understand, but I have Carson. I believe that there is something about the British aristocracy, there is nothing he doesn't know~"

"That's~" William laughed~

Carson thought for a while and said, "Now, there are still about 1,000 hereditary aristocrats in the UK. They act low-key and basically maintain their own unique behavior. They still own a large area of ​​land and have a good income. source.

But in daily life, they demand that their clothes, behave and behave more in line with the habits of ordinary people. They try to hide in the public and become part of the middle class.

Regrettably, the new generation of nobles, from small to large, are unwilling to talk about their hereditary aristocratic family background in public. Talking about this will make them feel uneasy. "

William's complexion gradually became solemn. This was the last thing he wanted to see as heir to the throne. When did the title of nobility become a burden?

In fact, he also understood this situation before asking this question. He had to let Yang Cheng know that the intern aristocracy in the UK today is not as likable as expected~

The reason why the nobles are so "modest" is not because they hate the title, but a kind of helpless tolerance.

Of course, most people with this mentality are hereditary aristocrats, not a generation of aristocrats. Nowadays, Britain rarely awards hereditary aristocrats. Even if they are awarded, they are only titles. There is no fief and no money, and it is purely honorary.

Carson continued, "In the past, people could still hear the gossip of a certain nobleman from their neighbors, but now? I don't even know how many nobles in my city, maybe I don't want to know.

The most famous nobleman in recent times is the Earl of Carnarvon, because his High Collier Castle is the filming location of "Downton Abbey", but even they rarely talk about their noble status in public.

Unfortunately, now even if he wants to talk, he has no chance~"

Earl Carnarvon is still lying in the hospital~

William also nodded, "Don't talk about Earl Carnarvon. Even the previous prime minister, Chalun, was careful about his noble background. He asked his eldest daughter to attend a British public school. When his younger sister got married, he didn't wear traditional clothes. The dress, only ordinary suits, I guess the outside world does not know that he has a noble background."

Carson echoed, "In order to prevent their noble accent from exposing themselves, the new generation of nobles will deliberately correct their accents. They no longer pride themselves on the elegant Oxford accent, but consider it a burden."

Yang Cheng has also noticed this. In the past, the British were proud to speak a gorgeous BBC accent, because this accent once represented identity and status, but it is not anymore.

William drank a sullen wine. "A few decades ago, the noble accent was the object of imitation, but now this trend is reversed. My mother, including my mother, deliberately mixed the East London accent when talking with ordinary people."

The East London accent represents the ‘working class’ accent, which used to be a symbol of vulgarity and despise.

"Nowadays, most of the anchors recruited by the BBC speak the local dialect, and rarely use the BBC standard accent."

William waved his hand, "In addition, you have to know that there are still many troubles for hereditary nobles, such as land and inheritance taxes~

There are currently about 1,000 hereditary nobles in the UK, and there are very few nobles who are still rich and landed. "

Carson added, "But the nobles are still big landlords in the UK. More than one-third of the land is in the hands of a very small number of nobles. Some nobles converted their land into real estate and became very rich, such as the Duke of Westminster. .

But not every nobleman has the luck of the Duke of Westminster. They lack cash flow and cannot develop even if they have land. Their wealth cannot even be compared with those of the fund managers on Financial Street. "

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng suddenly asked, "Remember what we said before? You are responsible for talking to those nobles who have land but are unable to develop, and help them develop land in the name of our joint company?"

William's eyes lit up, "Yeah, why did I forget about this? After joining the Grosvenor family, this company can be set up, but I can't come forward, it's easy to provoke criticism, so I should give it to Xio, his The status is enough to make most of the nobles surrender, it's really impossible for me to come forward."

"That's it, Carson, you are responsible for company registration. By the way, how do you divide the investment ratio and the shares?"

William mused, "You and Xio account for the bulk. I don't have that much money, and I'm not responsible for management. The company's operations are left to you, and I just divide the money~"

Yang Cheng thought about I and Xiu each accounted for 40%, each invested 40 million pounds, and you took 20 million pounds to account for 20%. Is this okay? You just made a lot of money, don’t tell me that you can’t get 20 million, or I won’t take you to play~"

William was speechless, "Don't worry, even if I don't drink for a year, I have to squeeze 20 million out~"

Carson bowed immediately, "I'll do it tomorrow~"

William smiled with satisfaction, "Trouble you, old Carson, send someone to Kensington Palace to get any documents you need~"

"You don't need to discuss with Xiu?"

"No, I'm in charge of him. If he doesn't want to participate in such a good thing, he deserves to be divided up the family property~"

Yang Cheng shrugged. He didn't care. Anyway, the big tiger skin of William is enough. He would be more happy to divide a piece of cake. Just think about the large tracts of undeveloped land in the hands of the nobles. This can be quickly realized in a short time. How come you didn’t expect this long ago?

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