Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1682: Ask for monthly pass

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"Thomas, this manor is too big, I feel several times bigger than Downton Abbey~"

A girl with capable short hair next to me, yelled at the majestic castle not far away~

"That must be big. Beihai Manor used to be the Royal Palace. After being bought by this young Chinese tycoon, he even bought a lot of nearby land~"

"I'm so envious. I don't know when I will own such a large piece of land. I will also build a castle, one bigger than this one. Look there, there are golf courses, oh my god, and forests. There are also lakes, which are just like heaven~"

"Envy is useless, who told you not to be born in a rich man's house~"

"I heard that this rich Chinese man did not rely on his family, but started his own business~"

"Hehe, don't be naive, he himself said that everything today depends on the help of his family~"

"how do you know?"

"He said in the interview himself, Thomas asked us to read Jason Yang's information carefully, didn't you read it?"

"Uh~ I went to the party last night, forgot~"

"Then you have to be careful when you speak for a while~Don't show your stuff~"

A group of young people talked unscrupulously about the manor’s gossip in the battery car, but forgot that the bodyguard who was driving could understand English.

Although he has no expression on his face, he laughed in his heart. It is estimated that there will be gossip in the security room after a while~

"Mr. Robinson, I am Carson, the butler of Beihai Manor, welcome you to come~"

Finally, the battery car stopped in front of the gate of the castle, and Carson stood outside to greet him personally, which was enough for him.

Looking at the stylish Carson, a few young people seemed to have traveled to the Downton Abbey TV series, and they truly felt the aura of a noble butler.

Even the leader Thomas Robinson swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and his feelings of inferiority filled his heart.

"Mr. Carson, this is our honor~"

Carson didn’t talk nonsense, he turned away and said, "Please come in~"

Along the way, when you meet a maid wearing a manor uniform, you will respectfully stop to say hello, which reflects the good manners of the noble class and does not make the guests feel arrogant.

A few young people sighed all the way, their eyes were not enough. The artworks placed along the corridors are all valuable, not to mention antiques. Even the display cabinets are not ordinary products. Made of high-grade solid wood.

And every step I took, it seemed to have spanned decades of years, to hundreds of years ago, in that real aristocratic castle, it seemed like an illusion of a world away.

"It's so beautiful~"

Seeing the short-haired girl pointing to a piece of porcelain, Carson sighed, and said with a smile, “That’s ceramics from Country Z, one of our master’s favorite antiques~”

The girl with short hair courageously asked, "May I know its price? No offense, but it's so beautiful~"

"This is what we took at the auction. The transaction price was 2.4 million pounds. It should be valued now. After all, the owner of the antique is also a factor that must be considered for the value of the antique."

"Wow~2.4 million pounds, how much is that?"

"Oh my god, this is too expensive, how much does a Ferrari cost?"

"This~Should we stay away? Once we touch it, it will be troublesome~"

"Yes, it's better to be careful~"

Carson saw a few young people step back involuntarily, and said dumbly, "Don't worry, as long as you don't push hard, it can't fall~"

But Luan, he said that didn't make a few young people feel at ease, anyway, he was even more scared, and he wanted to leave far away.

Reluctantly, Carson had to take them to the small reception room, serving snacks and coffee, and then went to the back garden to call Yang Cheng back.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen~"

Yang Cheng dressed in home clothes, smiling like a spring breeze, strolling in in the golden sunlight, the noble son is full of fan.

When he saw him coming in, the young people stood up and greeted cautiously. Yang Cheng gestured, "Don't be nervous, I don't eat people, sit down and let's talk slowly~"

Sitting on the single sofa in the middle, Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee and said, “This time I’m here to invite you professionals to help me design the usual activities. The purpose of this activity is to hope for more. People participate in charity, so this is a charity event, and there is no need to consider the issue of profit.

My requirements are only two points: First, the event must be viral, must be fermented across the UK or even the world in a very short time, and people must be able to participate in it involuntarily;

Second, I have to do this activity for many years, and even continue to do it, so you must consider the issue of freshness, and plan for subsequent updates. If your planning can satisfy me, I will take this This activity is entrusted to you.

Of course, the price will satisfy you. In addition to the price agreed in the contract, there is also a generous bonus waiting for you~"

Thomas Robinson instantly forgot what inferiority was, "Mr. Yang, please rest assured to leave it to us, we will definitely be able to make an activity plan that satisfies you~"

"Very well, I appreciate your self-confidence. Although you are a young team, I am also a young man, so I am willing to give young people opportunities and give you a platform to prove that you are no worse than old people. !"

Thomas' chicken was frozen, as if he had been beaten up with blood, and he could not wait to roll up his sleeves and get dry.

"Mr. Yang, after Mr. Carson briefly communicated with us yesterday, we made a few basic plans overnight. You can first see if you like it~"

The short-haired girl quickly took out the laptop and looked at Carson awkwardly, "Mr. Carson, do you have a projector?"

"Do you need a ppt presentation?" Yang Cheng smiled. He didn't know what was going on now. He had to get a ppt for everything, as if he couldn't do anything without this.

Thomas was worried that Yang Cheng was unhappy, and explained, "It's because we were not fully prepared~"

Yang Orange shook his head, "It's okay, let's go, go to the audio-visual room, there is a projector over there~"

When these young people saw this private theater that looked like a scaled-down opera stage, they were shocked again. Shouldn't it be so luxurious, the private theater is like the Broadway Opera, can it be fun to play?

Fortunately, their attention was focused on work, and they didn't marvel at it for too long. With the help of Carson, the connection was completed quickly and the demonstration started.

The speaker is naturally Thomas Robinson. Yang Cheng sits in the middle, with a bucket of popcorn in his hand. There is a popcorn machine in the theater. As long as Yang Cheng is there, he will pop a box every day, whether he eats or not. , Can you finish eating, if you can't finish eating, you can share it with the servants. There are dozens of mouths, and there is not much for a family.

He cocked Erlang's legs and stuffed popcorn into his mouth from time to time, just like watching a movie.

At this time, Thomas has finished talking about the first plan. It is a national marathon event. It is too common and not everyone likes sports. Yang Cheng is not too satisfied with this plan, shook his head and said, "This plan passes~"

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