Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1717: Still have to balance interests

The school selection policy that Bessidworth intends to implement is a major benefit for charter schools.

First of all, when Bess Deworth was the leader of the Michigan Elephant Party, she practiced the charter school system and provided a lot of financial and zz support for the Michigan charter school. She has enough in the field of welfare for the charter school. experience of;

Secondly, Bessidworth is also preparing to vigorously promote education vouchers. It is said that this proposal has been recognized by Donald. The existence of education vouchers can effectively alleviate the urgent need for charter school funding and open more franchises in the future. Schools create conditions.

But here comes the problem. Those public schools and private schools that feel that their interests have been infringed do not want a minister against them to come to power whenever possible. This is why Bessidworth holds a dinner party at such a sensitive time. I'm not sure, I need more people's support.

Yang Cheng said his thoughts, and Bessedworth retorted, "Jason, we can't stop doing it because of the difficulty. This world always needs someone to do something, even if the road ahead is difficult."

Listen, Yang Cheng almost choked to death with this mouthful of chicken soup.

Just listen to the words of the zheng guest. Don’t believe them. Two of the remaining three sentences are useless. They are either big words or empty words. Don’t believe the last one, just 30%.

Yang Cheng doesn't know for the time being that Besidworth's vigorous implementation of this strategy will benefit him. Being famous is only one of them. The key is profit.

"Bessie, can you talk about what you need me to do first?"

Bessedworth looked at Conrad, and said, "I heard you and Richard..."

Some words are enough to say half of them, and need not be finished. Yang Cheng knows that he wants to use his relationship with Richard Debin, but what a joke, how could Richard brazenly support his opponent, he is a dang whip!

"Bessie, Richard can't help you, you know this, but if necessary, maybe I can contact Felix~"

Bessedworth was stunned, "Who? Felix?"

Conrad apparently knows Yang Cheng’s personal connections better, and said, "Felix Morgenthau~"

"Omg, do you know Mr. Morgenthau?" Bessie was surprised~

Yang Cheng smiled faintly, "It's just a acquaintance~"

Bessie didn't believe it. How could Conrad know if he only knew it? And how dare Yang Cheng say to help contact?

"It would be an honor for me to know Mr. Morgenthau~"

Yang Cheng remembered that he had threatened Felix Morgenthau, and couldn't help rubbing his nose angrily, wondering if the old man recognized him.

But if the big talk is out, you can't go back, right?

"I can try, but first say yes~ Mr. Morgenthau is willing to help, I can't control~"

"I understand, it's an honor to see one another~"

Felix Morgenthau is also a great man in the Elephant Party, and in recent years, the dragon has not seen the end, and he has lived himself into a legendary figure. This old man is also awesome!

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It is always not the right way to rely on external forces. In the final analysis, the core contradiction must be resolved. The source of the contradiction is actually those public schools. The interests of private schools are well balanced."

Private schools include church private schools, non-profit independent schools and private schools.

Bessedworth frowned. She didn't seem to want to understand. "What do you mean?"

Yang Cheng explained patiently, “The tuition income of private schools and donations from alumni and parents are the main sources of funds for private schools.

For this reason, once the education roll reform is successful, if the budget goes with the students, it will cause public schools to receive no money and be unable to maintain expenditures, while private schools can receive more zf grants as long as they recruit more students, making Public schools need to face up to the competition with private schools.

This is the key point of the contradiction. "

The focus of Bessidworth's reform is to allow the people at the bottom to enjoy the same education options as the rich, to remove the binding between federal state education funding and school district public schools, and to give parents the money to let parents and children decide for themselves Go to a private, chartered or good school district public school.

From the school's perspective, school funding is an important prerequisite for running a school. Private schools will naturally be eliminated by the market if their teaching results are not good.

For high-quality public schools, these schools do not lack students. However, due to the regulations and policies, high-quality school district schools cannot recruit inter-district students, and charter schools cannot get state and federal funding.

The education voucher system breaks the budget ceiling of school districts and the appropriation rules of charter schools. As long as good schools can accommodate, more students with education voucher can be recruited, which will form a virtuous circle and invest in better teaching facilities and equipment. , To introduce better teacher resources.

The existing low-quality public schools have poor teaching quality due to laziness in teaching. Parents of students will choose to leave with education vouchers. If the school fails to retain students, they will not be able to get the budget. If the budget is not available, they will not be able to pay teachers' salaries, and they are unable to maintain the school. Daily operations had to go bankrupt and closed down.

Of course, if you can think more positively, in order not to lose their jobs, principals and teachers must pay close attention to teaching and improve their professional level. This has promoted the competition of public schools in different school districts, so that the original students have not increased by one point. Obtaining better educational resources under the premise of burden is a benign stimulus.

How many schools can do this? Otherwise, they wouldn't be called rubbish. They just pointed to the zf appropriation, and suddenly interrupted the appropriation, asking them to work hard to improve their abilities. Isn't that forcing the dumb to open up and talk?

Bessedworth nodded thoughtfully, "I understand what you mean, you let me balance the interests of public schools, especially those that rely on zf funding."

Yang Cheng snapped his fingers, "That's it, you have to find a plan, at least let them shut up before you successfully sit in the ministerial position! You have to think about the specific plan, after all, you are professional."

"I understand that what you said may be right. As long as they can shut up temporarily, they will naturally have a way to deal with it after I take office."

Yang Cheng nodded and sighed, "It would be great if ordinary citizens had the right to vote for ministers. In fact, from the perspective of parents, education vouchers first alleviate the tuition burden of parents. For families who cannot afford the high tuition fees of private schools, Considering the teaching quality and learning atmosphere of the school, the people at the bottom can not be tied to the public schools in the poor school districts, but have more choices.

As long as they pay attention to educating their children, urging them to learn and progress, they can use their strength to compete with others for a good degree. Even if they enter a new school, the school will not refuse to accept cross-regional students or poor students due to lack of funds.

From the perspective of parents, if children are required to study hard and hold an education voucher, they can have a good day and go to a good school instead of being buried in a public school in a bad school district because of lack of money.

Once the Zheng policy is officially promoted, parents will definitely be grateful to you.

At that time, let alone the minister, even the vice president Tong can think about it. "

"Unfortunately, no if~" Conrad sighed.

"Anyway, thank you Jason, you have provided me with a new idea~" Bessie said gratefully.

"No~ you are just a fan of the authorities, trapped in a maze, it is difficult to find a real but I am different. I am standing in the sky and looking at it from the perspective of God. Naturally, I can show you the way."

"Thank you, shall we have a drink?"

"Of course~chee~"


The fascinating night of Manhattan is hard to feel when you are in the street. Only when you are at a high place, looking at the silhouette of the car's taillights dragging through the glass is more intoxicating.

Yang Cheng, who had just come out of the dinner party, had no time to pay attention to the blurred night. He gently stroked the slightly drunken Liu Junyu, and said with concern, "I told you not to drink so urgently. See you are drunk?"

Liu Junyu pouted, and said softly, "I'm not drunk~"

Yang Cheng held her forehead, and those who said this were usually drunk.

The next step is to use an exclamation point to prove that you are not drunk.

"Good, good~ You're not drunk, let's go, get in the car, and I will take you home~" Yang Cheng said along like a kid.

"No, don't go home, let's drink again~"

Yang Cheng almost hated Conrad, this guy didn't know what to think, and he was pulling the lady at the table to fight wine.

The evil thing is that Liu Junyu, who has always been cold and cold, got on the thief ship and took the initiative to take the wine glass and poured it down. With that momentum, I don’t know how much alcohol I was drinking. After receiving three glasses, my face turned red. Like a pomegranate, the more Yang Cheng persuaded her to drink, the more ferocious she was.

Later, Yang Cheng didn't bother to persuade him. She was drunk anyway. Is there a difference between drinking more and less?

Helplessly holding the little drunk cat, when Andrew drove the car close, he quickly got into the car, and saw her lying on the back seat like a puddle of mud. Yang Cheng had no choice but to take the co-pilot. .

Andrew looked back at Liu Junyu and smirked, "Boss, where are you going?"

Yang Cheng didn't notice Andrew's expression, and after thinking about it, he reported the address of Liu Junyu's rented apartment, and Maybach went on the road steadily.

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