Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1728: Self-guided performance?

Yang Cheng took a deep breath, "Let’s find f~b~i, this matter must rely on their power. In addition, a bounty is issued to the global cybersecurity company. If anyone finds the hacker, he will give a private one million dollars. Reward~"

Mark helplessly said, "bo network security company’s help, the two sides launched a joint investigation, but hacker tracing work has always been very difficult, now the focus of the work of both parties should be how to reduce losses and clean up the list of stolen data, they are lucky, It seems that the hacker named Mr. Smith did not ransom hbo."

This is also the strange thing about Yang Cheng. If it is the same group, why not blackmail hbo for ransom? Instead, they demanded $10 million from cw television station?

In addition, how did the hacker break through the firewall of the cw television station?

In this regard, Mark’s answer is, “According to what our cyber security personnel said, it is very likely that a hacker group used deciphering methods to obtain the account and password information of a certain administrator, and finally attacked a certain file server. Which got a lot of data content.

It is worth noting that when Sony Pictures was attacked, a large number of ddos ​​attacks were used to disrupt operations and maintenance personnel and defense systems.

And the data taken was about 100gb, and the data stolen by hbo was claimed to be as much as 1.5tb, which meant that it was about 10 times the former. The process seemed unconscious and very secretive.

If you want to transfer such a huge amount of data in a short time, you should take multiple terminals to send requests to the server, which is equivalent to packaged and shunted to other terminals or servers. "

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully. On the surface, the amount of hbo data leaked was nearly 10 times that of Sony Pictures that year, but the results cannot be scaled. First of all, the information leaked by Sony Pictures is mostly key data and internal Management information. From the current known content, hbo is mainly new dramas and scripts. Obviously, the problem of leaking other confidential company documents is more serious than that of a few episodes of film and television dramas.

There was a flash of light in his mind, and a somewhat absurd but highly possible idea emerged.

To know that the most important episode of hbo's leaked episodes is undoubtedly Quan You, but in fact, when hbo premiered in the fifth season of "Game of Thrones" in 2015, the seeds of the first four episodes of the TV series had already been leaked.

However, even so, the ratings of the first episode of this show still set a record. From this point of view, not only did the leak at the time not bring financial losses to hbo, but because the leak was the first few episodes, it attracted more audiences. Watching the drama can be understood as some viewers who have watched the leaked episodes in advance and turned into hbo users, which is no less than a perfect marketing.

The most important thing is that the source of pirated films has gradually fallen out of favor. People's habit of watching video content and the widespread popularity of mobile terminals have caused the piracy market to be continuously compressed. Therefore, the direct loss brought by the hbo leak is probably Not as much as people think.

Therefore, Yang Cheng had to think about the possibility that this leak was a marketing drama directed and performed by hbo?

When this idea came out, there was something inextricable posture. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the possibility was very high. MD, if hbo did something by itself, then the invasion of cw TV station, could it be caused by the people of hbo?

No, is it good for them? Once the two parties are found out, they are dead feuds, the kind that cannot be solved. In the capitalist world, feuding is the most stupid act. If you have money, you must get feuds. Isn't this sick?

"Boss? Boss?" Mark called for a few times and didn't get a response. If the phone was still on, he thought the signal was interrupted.

Yang Cheng couldn't figure it out. If it weren't for hbo, it would be that cw TV station was unlucky enough to be targeted by hackers, or a hacker who dared to blackmail a 10 million ransom?

Really so unlucky?

"Boss? Are you there?" Mark raised his volume and called again.

This time Yang Cheng heard it, but he directly ordered, "You can check for me, this time the source of the hbo gathering leak~"

Mark didn't react. "What?"

"Check the source of the episode's leak!"

Mark didn't know what Yang Cheng wanted to do, but he could only obey the boss's orders.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng was not in the mood to have fun at sea, and after consulting Morgenthau and Bessie, he decided to return.

Back on the land, Mark's phone call came over unobstructed, "Boss, I found it, the video should have been transmitted from the distributor of hbo. There are several episodes of videos, and the entire episode has the distributor's watermark~"

Yang Cheng secretly said that it was so, and exhaled, "It seems that I guessed it correctly. This leak should be a marketing method directed and performed by hbo."

"What?" Mark exclaimed, can he still play like this?

"Okay, leave them alone, concentrate on investigating our own leaks, immediately apply to f~b~i for a joint investigation, and a reward order is issued to gather more power, and I will If you don’t believe me, you can’t dig out this hacker!"

Before he could think about it, Mark responded, "Understand~"

After returning to the company, Liu Junyu was waiting at her work station. She had to provoke the main beam when she was absent. A large amount of information was collected in her hands. She needed to sort out the categories as quickly as possible, and pick the most important ones to Yang Cheng for review. .

At this time, she had learned about the leakage of cw television station, and Yang Cheng handed in the information as soon as she stepped out of the elevator.

"Boss, this is the information I have collected. At present, public opinion is boiling. One after another hackers have targeted film and entertainment companies. They have whipped up the appetite of the people to the greatest extent. Everyone is waiting for the further development of the situation. Media company stocks fell in response."

Liu Junyu adapts quickly to the new role. The report is not jerky, concise and direct. Yang Cheng can understand her meaning as quickly as possible.

"I see, you use my mailbox to post an internal announcement to condemn the hacker's behavior, and at the same time to comfort employees to concentrate on their work, and tell everyone that our network is strong and will not be easily breached."

Liu Junyu quickly recorded the key points in his notebook and nodded, "Yes~ Also, Mr. Eddie asked to meet~"

"Let him come up, by the way, after get off work you go to see Susu and stay with her~"

This is a private request, but Liu Junyu did not refuse, "I see~"

After a while Eddie pushed the door into the office, "Boss, I have to explain to my colleagues in the company's cyber security department that this leak has little to do with them~"

Yang Orange waved his hand, "I know, but this time it reminds us that network security is the top priority of Internet companies. If even basic protection is not done well, the company will simply go bankrupt~"

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