Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1736: Hansen's analysis

(Sorry for the late post today, I just came home from get off work, so tired~)

Yang Cheng figured out the key to the problem, feeling a lot of mental energy wasted, and sat on the sofa tiredly with his eyes closed and rested.

It was the first time that Leiden saw Yang Cheng like this, and he was a little at a loss not knowing how to react.

Hansen came over and pulled him, pointed to the restaurant next to him, and whispered, "Let’s go over and say~"

The two came to the restaurant and slightly concealed the door. Leiden asked, "What's wrong?"

Hansen opened the chair and sat down and chuckled, "It's nothing, the boss is a little tired, don't bother~"

Leiden frowned, "Can you stop making trouble? I still have something to ask the boss to say~"

He was about to go out after he said, but was grabbed by Hansen, "I can still harm you? Let the boss be alone for a while, just a while~"

Leiden opened his mouth, looked outside the empty door, and finally sat down obediently. Compared to his understanding of Yang Cheng, he was definitely not as good as Hansen. At this time, Hansen was definitely right.

Seeing Leiden sitting down, Hansen once again returned to his relaxed appearance, shaking Erlang's legs from time to time, rarely seeing him jump like this, this should be Andrew's personality.

"It's been hard for you during this time. Would you like a drink?"

When Hansen saw good wine in the wine cabinet in the corner of the restaurant, he felt his appetite agitated and the wine bug was hooked.

Leiden hesitated, "Will you drink now?"

Hansen waved his hand, "Don't think too much, the boss never cares about it~"

Without waiting for Leiden’s reply, he got up and took a bottle of whiskey in the wine cabinet~

He pulled the cork open with a "bang~", obviously he had drunk this bottle secretly~

I took two crystal glasses and poured myself a glass, and then gave it to Leiden, "Pour myself~"

The two of them didn’t have a drink, so they drank so dry. They ate their stomachs. The spirits burned their appetites. The irritating two took a breath at the same time and shouted, "Cool~"

Leiden played with the wine glasses, his eyes always looked out of the door inadvertently, "What's wrong with our boss? It seems to be shocked suddenly~"

Hansen shrugged, "I was really scared~"

Leiden's face changed slightly, "Isn't it?"

Hansen sneered, "Leiden, the time you spent with the boss is too short. Whether we were attacked in Brazil the year before or killed by a sniper at the North Sea Manor in the UK, the boss turned pale at best, but he was never afraid. But this time he can’t help but be afraid~"

Leiden was confused by Hansen's words, "What do you want to say? Why can't I understand?"

Hansen laughed and shook his head, "Well, I'm speaking more bluntly. We used to face individuals, but now we face a country, and it is one of the most powerful violent machines in the world. It’s just a person, but a country..."

He didn't finish what he said, but for this reason, if Layton still doesn't understand, he is not qualified to act for Yang Orange.

Immediately afterwards, he also put on an expression of panic. He was just a little later than Yang Cheng wanted to understand. Being dull doesn't mean stupid. Does Yang Cheng know what he is afraid of? You must know that he was also a part of a violent machine before, even if this part is insignificant.

"Then, shall we continue this matter?" Leiden asked.

Hansen took a sip and asked, "Why don't you continue? Iota is Iota, and Hariri is Hariri. Yes, as long as these forces are clearly distinguished, there will be no big problems, don't worry. , Boss has never been a person with greater ambition than reason."

Leiden pondered Hansen's words and nodded thoughtfully, "I see, after all, this is just a nasty relationship between Iota and Iota. After the boss controls Iota, he just needs to restore the relationship between them. , There are only benefits and no harm!"

Hansen gave a thumbs up, smiled and said nothing, meaning that he was right.

But there was one thing Leiden didn't understand. What he didn't understand was the things Hansen could see clearly, why Yang Cheng couldn't see clearly, and he was still in deep fear.

When he asked this question, Hansen responded, "The angle is different!"

Leiden shook his head slightly, "I don't understand~"

Hansen sighed, "We are just under the boss, as long as we faithfully execute his orders, we are an outsider in the final analysis, but the boss is an insider. He hesitates between the player and the chess piece, and he wants to help him. He has to think more about the family, for himself, for the people around him, he has to think more about it. It is not that he doesn't understand, but he thinks too clearly. Sometimes the more he knows, the more afraid he is!"

Leiden was completely convinced. Like him, Hansen was a soldier who only knew how to carry a gun. He knew nothing about planning. But after only a few years with Yang Cheng, he was able to give him like a senior staff officer. Analyzing the situation and trying to figure out the hearts of the people, this change naturally surprised Leiden.

"Okay, don't think too much, just listen to the boss's decision, no matter how much we talk, we won't be able to help~"

Leiden admired, "You are already very good. If you didn't analyze it for me, I'm afraid I can't get out of the fog~"

Hansen didn't care about this, "I also know him more so I have some insights, it's nothing~"

Leiden was about to say something when she heard Yang Cheng shout in the living room, "Leiden, Hansen~"

The two immediately put down their glasses and rushed out~

Yang Cheng stood up again, her face recovered as before, at least Leiden did not see any trace of fear on his face.

"Leiden, find a way for me to contact Hinde Hariri, I want to talk to her~"

Leiden didn’t doubt that he had him, and immediately said, “I can send someone a letter to the manager of the hotel, and I should be able to get in touch~”

Yang Cheng shook his head, "No, pay attention to confidentiality. Ioota must not find a clue. I am ready to make a quick battle and beat them by surprise."

He thinks that through the manager to contact it is very possible to expose their identities, after all, the manager is likely to know the existence of IOTA, and may even have received a bribe from IOTA.

Leiden scratched his head embarrassedly, "Then I will go there in person? Find a way to meet Hinde Hariri, and then convey what you mean by the boss?"

Yang Cheng shook his head slightly. At this time, Hansen said, "Xinde Hariri has settled in Paris, France for a long time. This time it should be for Iota’s affairs to return home. If she is indeed in that hotel, we can dive directly. Go to the room she lives in~"

Leiden's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea. I hide in when she is away, and then invite her to meet the boss~"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, Nima, this is a city, not a military or spy war!

But he dug the pit by himself, so in the end he has to jump himself?

"OK, just do it, but you have to be careful and be careful about your behavior. I don't want to be treated as an enemy by the Hariri family before I go to Lebanon~"

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