Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1739: Still American Black

The Middle East seems to be a large area, but the ties between various countries are very close. Not to mention the procurement of arms, which is that the crown prince sneezes. In a few hours, the intelligence agencies of neighboring countries can After receiving the news, study the cause of this sneeze, whether it was poisoned by the weather or because of changes in the weather.

A while ago, Qatar and Oman made such a big disturbance, how could Lebanon, which is in the center of the powder kegs, not know that there is still international news to watch, no matter what?

Therefore, when Xingde Hariri heard that these two purchases were made by Yang Cheng, he was shocked. Needless to say, he immediately showed his face and was caught by Yang Cheng’s flaw in his expression. Good talk

Yang Cheng said, "Ms. Hariri, I can completely replace Iota and become the only partner for you and Lebanon. The premise is that you can help me solve this trouble, otherwise there is such a stumbling block that will prevent you and me. Not a good thing."

Xingde and Yang Cheng looked at each other, and said quietly, "Instead of changing to an unfamiliar stranger, why don't I insist on continuing to cooperate with Iota, who has been cooperating for many years and has been very happy?

In addition, I can also tell Iota about your affairs and let you fight on your own. Anyway, no matter who wins, you must continue to cooperate with me. Am I right? "

Yang Cheng nodded calmly, "You are right~"

If there were no flaws in her expression, Yang Cheng might not be so persistent, but when she heard that Yang Cheng was the master behind the two large orders, her mentality had changed.

"But you have to be clear that IOTA has lost the support behind it. Without the support of the people behind it, IOTA's resources will be reduced linearly. When they no longer have the qualifications to cooperate with you, you give up this cooperation. Since the result of the partner day has been determined, there is not much difference between early and late."

Xingde was also very frank, "It makes sense, but you didn't respond to my question positively. What if I tell Iota about you and they choose to surrender to the people behind them and then turn their heads to deal with you?"

Yang Cheng's face sank, "Then you will have one more enemy, one who can snipe your Hariri family all over the world~"

Xingde was silent. After a while, "Your threat has worked. You are a person I don't want to offend."

Yang Orange smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment, it is my honor."

Xingde smiled, "You are very funny, completely different from the Eastern man in my mind."

"In theory, you belong to the East too~"

Xingde was stunned and said with a smile, "Yes, I belong to the East too~"

Yang Cheng didn't want to talk nonsense to her, "So you agreed?"

"What do you promise?" Xingde asked knowingly~

"Work with me~"

Xingde pondered, "It's not impossible, but the whole thing is no good to me. Why should I help this?"

Yang Cheng can be regarded as seeing this woman's savage ability, "I said, helping me is helping yourself~"

"I don't think so~"

"So what do you want?"

Xingde raised Erlang's legs, propped his chin, and said, "Iota promised to help me stir up U.S. investment in Israel~"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "What? Stir up investment?"

Reminiscing about the relationship between these countries, Yang Orange shook his head, "Sorry, I don't participate in the ZZ game. That's your business. Don't threaten me with this thing. The big deal is that I will give up cooperation with you. "

Yang Cheng's thinking is very clear. He has not floated to intervene in the United States' overseas strategy. There are some things that can be touched, and some things are dead.

But to his surprise, Hinde Hariri didn't seem to be surprised.

But the tone is still firm, "You think about it, I only have this one condition~"

After talking about picking up the coffee cup on the table, it seems to be going to see off the guests~

Yang Cheng frowned and said, "Why don't you change your terms? For example, if you invest in the United States, I can get you a good policy support~"

Xingde smiled and shook his head, "No, I don't need it, and my business is in France~"

"I can also help in France. I heard that you are in the fashion industry? I can help you no matter whether it is channels or publicity resources~"

This time Xingde did not directly refuse, but said, "It's not the same, fashion is my own business, but the conditions I put forward are for this country~"

Yang Orange heard this and changed his angle to persuade, "The country? To be honest, one Iota can't help Lebanon too much, let alone determine the future direction of your country. So do I. This is a ZZ game, like us. Little guy, it’s better to do something to make money~"

Xingde smiled and said, "Little guy? You're not a little guy~"

Yang Cheng said sternly, "I am! You and I are extremely small in front of ZZ."

Xingde said sadly, "But there are some things, even if I want to avoid it, I can't avoid it~"

Yang Cheng opened his mouth. He really couldn't persuade him. After all, his surname is Hariri, so some things really can't be avoided~

"Ms. Hariri, let me do this. I will give you time to think about it. I will stay in Beirut these days. If I think about it, I will send someone to contact me at any time. I believe you should know where I am~" he got up after he said .

Xingde also stood up, "I will see you off. By the way, Mr. Yang, do you know Gavin?"

Yang Cheng raised his brows. There seemed to be only one Gavin he knew recently, and that was Iota's vice president, "Gavin Glington?"


"I know him, he doesn't know me, of course he might know me, but we never met~"

Xingde smiled meaningfully, "He can't handle it~"

"Have you seen him?"

"Of course, we have been working together for so long and we always have to meet."

"What kind of person is he?" Yang Cheng stopped and asked.

It's just that Xingde was not fooled, "You need to understand what kind of person he is. In this matter, I don't want to help at most. You can fight for the result."

This was not unexpected to Yang Cheng, and nodded, "OK, then I will leave, and once again apologize for the abrupt meeting~"

Xingde smiled and said to the bodyguard sullenly after Yang Cheng went out, "Follow him, be careful not to be found~"

The bodyguard should look down~

Not long after Yang Orange got in the car, Hansen said through the rearview mirror, "Boss, someone is following us~"

"It should be Xingde's person, don't worry, let her follow~" Yang Cheng said with squinting eyes without looking back.

Leiden drove slowly without speeding up, as if he hadn't noticed at all, "Boss, how are you talking?"

"Nothing was agreed, this woman is very cunning, but you can't be anxious about this kind of thing, is that Iota's salesman still staring at it?"

"Staring, he is resting in the hotel~"

"Hmm, keep an eye on it and see if he will meet with Xingde next time. In addition, Gavin Glington still has to check, even if it is the archive 20 years ago, I will also see it."

"Understood, I will arrange for someone to investigate when I go back~"

Yang Cheng put his arm on the door frame, his fingers lightly tapped, and he thought for a while and then said, "Who inherited the commercial part of the Hariri family now?"

Leiden thought without hesitation, "Bahhariri, Xingde's brother~"

"Well~ leave it as a back-up player, if Xingde really doesn't cooperate, I will inevitably report to his brother~"

No one knew whether this was a joke or serious, so no one answered.

Liu Junyu looked back and took a peek from time to time, as if trying to find out which car was following. Yang Cheng pressed her head and turned back. When she was embarrassed, she said lightly, "Don’t look, it’s useless to look at it. Come on, do what they want~"

"But why does she send someone to follow you?"

Yang Cheng didn't want to explain too much to this Xiaobai, and said vaguely, "The plot needs~"


"It's nothing~ Have you arranged your accommodation?"

Liu Junyu nodded and said, "It's arranged, it's in a hotel not far away~"

"Um~ don't worry, our safety is not a problem~"

"I~ I am not worried~"

. . .

When he arrived at the hotel, Yang Cheng deliberately beckoned to the female bodyguard who was parked across the street, and then walked in the door dashingly. After a while, the car that was following disappeared.

Hansen, who was staying behind, ran over and said, "Boss, the car is gone~"

Yang Cheng said in a straightforward way, "A newcomer will come after I leave. Xingde won't let me out of her eyes. I forced one to tell her that I can leave whenever I want~"

Leiden also came over and said, "Boss, should I catch up and teach the follower a lesson? It would be too cheap to let her go like this~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "Calm down, don't be so violent, and be tolerant towards women~"

Leiden smiled and scratched his head. How would anyone answer this?

"By the way, you said before that the price of'Super Toucan' is 15 million US dollars?"

"Yes~ You can also choose more advanced weapons and radar systems, and the price is of course higher~"

"The Brazilians are too dark~" Yang Cheng muttered.

Leiden listened, "America is even darker~"

"What do you mean?"

"The Sierra Nevada Company has the right to assemble and modify the Super Tucano. To be precise, they are also involved in the joint research and development of the Brazilian industry, but the dominant Brazilian industry but the Sierra Nevada does Qualified to produce "Super Toucans" in the United States, the US version of "Super Toucans" they produce sells for up to 28 million US dollars. Of course, they claim to have more advanced technology than the Brazilian version."

Yang Orange stared, "You are right, or the American black is nearly twice as high as the Brazilians, so the Brazilians have no objection?"

Leiden shrugged, "It's useless to have opinions. The Sierra Nevada Company's contract can't fault it. If you want to withdraw the authorization, you will have to pay a high penalty, not even worth it~"

Yang Cheng stepped out of the elevator, "If you can get the Brazilian Industry's "Super Toucan", it would be nice to sell it at the price of the Sierra Nevada Company~"

He himself knew that it was a bit whimsical. The Brazilian samba danced into a concussion, and he would not do such a stupid thing~

But Leiden said, "I think based on Lebanon's requirements for aircraft, maybe the American version is more suitable for them, and we don't have to sell new ones to Lebanon~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Wait, you mean, the United States also has a hunting suit "Super Toucan"?"

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