Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1743: Upset stomach?

Xingde became a little impatient. According to the past habit, she should sit on the balcony and enjoy the afterglow of the sunset while sipping red wine to draw an end to this happy day.

But because of the presence of this guy in front of her, her plan was completely disrupted. Not to mention drinking, now she can’t just eat and eat. The main reason is that she has no appetite. She used to look pretty pleasing to the eye. But now she looks more and more. Annoying, even to the point of nausea.

Of course, Garrett definitely didn't have time to think about it. Even if he knew that he had become a nauseous man, he was not in the mood to scrupulously so much. He knew that he could not hide here for too long, and the pursuers could chase him at any time.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Andrew's intuition and analytical ability. As early as when he entered the room for a while, Andrew led people to surround the hotel, and all the passages that could escape alive were blocked by him, or Gambling luck jumps down from the 6th floor, or it’s just a catch~

Andrew and Hansen were leisurely drinking coffee in the hotel lobby, with smiles on their mouths and sunglasses on their faces. Someone who didn't know thought they were tourists who came to play. How did they know that they were carrying murderous intent.

The two of them stared at the TV screen in the lobby where news was being broadcast. Although they did not understand, they knew that it was a chain reaction caused by gunfire.

Andrew pressed his throat and said in a low voice, "Hanson, it's on TV, do you think the Lebanese Jing Fang will intervene?"

Hansen's expression is very relaxed, "If only Jing is involved, it is fine, I am afraid that the military and even the Qing newspaper department will participate. Although the level is not good, it is always a trouble~"

Andrew shook his head, "Should we let our brother hide for two days?"

Hansen thought for a while, "Well, if it doesn't work, arrange for him to go by land, and go back to Dubai to wait for us first~"

Andrew responded and got up to make arrangements. About 10 minutes later, he came back breathlessly, "OK, I found a black car driver and stuffed a handful of money. As expected, he promised to send it to us without asking." Goods'~"

Hansen cautiously said, "Send a brother to follow in secret~"

Andrew grinned and showed his big white teeth, "Don't worry, follow along~"

"It's not going well this time~" Hansen sighed while holding the coffee cup.

"Who said no, I feel that this time things are going to hang up~"

Hansen glared at the guy who didn't have the door on his mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, trust the ability of the boss~"

Andrew touched his bald head, "I believe it, but this time the gods come and there is nothing to do. The main reason is that the time is too short. If you can take a few more months, you can slowly arrange it~"

Hansen joked, "The boss must have regretted it. He obviously sent someone to stare at the opportunity to set up several times before, but there are too many things to forget. If he catches once at that time, he will not use Lebanon now. , Iota can be disconnected by remote control in the United States~"

Andrew also laughed, "No way, the boss has too many things, it's normal to forget one or two things~"

"Yes, but this matter still needs to be resolved in the final analysis, no matter whether violence is used or not, as long as the result is correct, it is enough, the process is not important~"

Andrew looked serious, "I know, you don't need to give me psychological counseling, as long as the boss gives an order, no matter where Gavin hides, I will get him out~"

Hansen helplessly said, "You idiot, would I give you psychological counseling? Who doesn't know that you are a violent person. When you hear a gunshot, it is like drinking chun medicine. I asked you to ventilate the brother below. We may have to move real guys back. Unlike last time in Nigeria, Iota’s people are all well-trained elites, and they are not inferior to us, and they still occupy the advantage of half a landlord. They are not inferior in intelligence and weapons. For us, it might be deadly this time.

Everyone is following the boss to make money. I am worried that they will not dare to work hard~"

A stern look flashed in Andrew's eyes, "Who dares not work hard, I will abolish him now!"

Hansen was completely speechless. Why didn't he understand this boring man?

"Forget it, let me go by myself, let you go, maybe I will cause trouble."

Andrew is at a loss, what's the situation?

. . .

In the hotel, satiated Yang Cheng and Liu Junyu sat on the balcony, each holding a glass of red wine.

"It's so beautiful~" Liu Junyu said with emotion.

Yang Cheng drank a sip of wine and said meaningfully, "Behind the beauty is murderous intent, just like the beauty of beauty, beautiful things will always arouse people's greedy desire and want to take it for themselves."

Liu Junyu was stunned, and suddenly sneered, "Se wolf, everything can be associated with a woman."

Yang Cheng put down the wine glass angrily, "I think we have to talk about it~"

Liu Junyu's eyes were full of contempt, "What are you talking about, are you cheating?"

"Isn't it all over? Why are you still looking up and mentioning it?"

"I'm a woman, I'd like to~" Liu Junyu rarely played a petty temper, and used his own female identity to make a fuss. How can this be fun? This is the opening!

Yang Cheng was in no mood to see Jing'er, she could only drink boring wine alone, this girl, if it weren't for her cousin's identity, she would have to give her a'deep' impression!

. . .

At night, the sea breeze is slightly cool, and the air is mixed with a faint salty smell, which is the smell of the sea.

After the panic and chaos in the afternoon, people gradually returned to normal. After all, there was only one gunshot, which is not a catastrophe.

The nightclubs and bars downstairs of the hotel are now open. For them, this is the beginning of a new day.

Liu Junyu was in a good mood because he was stunned by Yang Cheng. At the moment, she was watching TV in the living room. She was watching "Human and Ghosts Are Coming", the English version with Arabic subtitles, the one crying called a sad, a box of papers She ran out.

Yang Cheng was also sad enough. He couldn't stand the sound of crying and chirping, so he went back to the room and waited for the news. It was almost 8 o'clock and the salesman hadn't come out yet. Did he have a kick with that Xingde Hariri?

. . .

She was completely angry in the room of Sundhariri, pointing at Garrett and shouting loudly, "You have interfered with my normal life, please immediately! Leave!"

Garrett said lightly, "Xinde, you know, I can't go out. Going out is a death. I don't want to die in the street."

"But I have my life, I can't do anything with you here~"

"Don't worry, I won't bother you. I'm just sitting here. If you want to eat, let the bodyguard go out and buy it for you. Don't ask the hotel to deliver food. I'm afraid that someone will rush in pretending to be a delivery.

Go to the house if you want to sleep, and lock it so I can't get in. "

Garrett lowered his head to fiddle with the tablet, and he didn't know what content was so appealing to him. He never lifted his head when he spoke.

Xing Deteng stood up, pointing at Garrett's fingers and was trembling with anger. If it weren't for bodyguards, this man would have died countless times~

"Don't point at me, I hate someone pointing at me, it's very impolite~" Garrett said so, it means he has fallen out with Xingde, otherwise he wouldn't use this tone to talk to someone with a golden spoon. The born woman speaks.

"You~ very good~" Xingde said while biting her posterior molars. Now, she decided to cooperate with Yang Cheng, not for anything else, just because the man in front of her provoke her!

She is very angry. Once a woman is angry, she will never make sense with you.

. . .

In the hotel lobby, Andrew, who has drunk three cups of coffee, couldn't help standing up, and said depressed, "When will I have to wait? I feel like my **** is numb~"

Hansen pointed to the sofa calmly, "Sit down, I don't know when I have to wait. It may be overnight? It may be early morning!"

"In the early morning?"

"If it were me, I would choose to come out in the wee hours of the morning when people are the most sleepy, so the chance of escape is relatively higher~"

"Yes! How about we change classes?"

"Okay, then I will go to sleep for a few hours first, you stare here, change me in the early morning~"

Andrew dissatisfied, he is not afraid, on the contrary, he likes intense scenes the most, how could he miss the most important time, and mumbled dissatisfiedly, "No, I will stay in the early morning, I will go to bed first~"

Hansen didn't care, "It's okay, I can't sleep now~"

Andrew ran to open a room and fell asleep. Hansen hesitated and informed Yang Cheng of their plan.

"Boss, Andrew and I are on shift, preparing to guard the early morning. I think the salesman will choose to try to escape in the early morning~"

"Well~ I see, what has he been doing in the room?"

Hansen hesitated, "I don't know, but the four bodyguards of Hinde Hariri are all standing guard outside the door. Our people have been watching. So far, they have not even called room service. I I originally planned to add medicine to the dishes while they were ordering."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, in order to complete the task, really came up with any trick~

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first, remember to call me the first time if there is any movement in the early morning~"


Yang Cheng hung up the phone and opened the door, "I'm going to bed, go to bed early after watching the movie~"

Liu Junyu's crying eyes were swollen, and he said with a thick nasal voice, "So early? It's only 8 o'clock~"

Yang Cheng said vaguely I am a little tired, anyway, you go to bed early, remember not to go out~"

"Well, I won't go out~"

Yang Cheng nodded and was about to close the door, Liu Junyu shouted, "Wait, Susu just sent me a message, saying that her stomach is a little uncomfortable~"

The door of the room that was about to be closed slammed and opened in an instant, and Yang Cheng rushed out, "What's the matter? I feel sick? Did you go to the hospital for an examination? Damn, I'll let my parents go there~"

Susu's belly is the first child of the fourth generation of the Yang family, and there is no room for mistakes.

Liu Junyu didn't know why, he suddenly had a taste, and said in a sour tone, "She said that her sleeping posture might be wrong last night. The bodyguard accompanied her to the clinic. The doctor said it was okay. You don't have to worry~"

Yang Cheng didn't hear the strange tone of her tone at all, and he sighed with relief, "That's good, that's good~"

Fortunately, it is not a miscarriage plot. . .

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