Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1746: Lebanese wine

After some polite nonsense, Yang Cheng reached out and picked up the bottle on the glass table and looked at it, ChateauMusar? Moussa Winery?

Familiar with the world’s limited and mass-produced Yangcheng wines, it is natural to know Moussa Winery. The only Lebanese wine included in "The World’s 100 Most Precious Wines" is Moussa Winery. Of red wine.

As we all know, Dubai is very rich. It can be placed in the C position in the airport wine shop of the rich country, which shows the status of Moussa Winery in the Arab world.

For those who like to study red wine, if you can say the name "Moussa", it means that you are already a veteran who has been far from the low-level taste and the title of novice for many years.

How to say that every wine of Moussa is enough to be called a good wine, but people's eyes are always focused on Bordeaux. Only a few are in the New World or Napa Valley in the United States. Even many experts are very fond of the name Moussa. strange.

As one of the birthplaces of ancient civilizations in West Asia, Lebanon is a well-deserved ancient wine country. According to legends, Lebanon’s winemaking history can be traced back to 7000 years ago. Of course, this number is open to question, but experts did draw from local Phoenicians. Vague clues can be found in the mural.

Therefore, Lebanon is a well-deserved ‘old world’ producing country. Many people divide Lebanon’s wine into the ‘new world’. This is a big misunderstanding. You must know that the wine trade in Lebanon has been very hot in history.

But for well-known reasons, Lebanon's wine industry has only begun to revive in recent decades.

Similar to the famous Bordeaux region in France, Lebanon also has a warm and humid Mediterranean climate, with hot and humid coastal summers and warm winters.

Today, Lebanon’s annual wine production is about 6 million bottles. With the economic stability, this number has steadily increased to 9 million. You must know that even if Lebanon counts dogs as living creatures, there are only 4 million living creatures, but the wine output has reached More than twice, and most of the grapes used for brewing are grown in the Bekaa Valley.

Moussa Winery is also located in the Bekaa Valley, and the wines in this region generally have a taste of anise.

Yang Cheng put down the wine bottle, picked up the decanter and unceremoniously gave herself a glass, not much, shook it gently, and sniffed it between her nose. Sure enough, it was slightly different from the top red wine that she used to drink. Brings back memories deep in his mind, he once drank from Sheikh.

In no hurry, he watched Xingde Hariri jokingly, "Ms. Hariri wants to test me?"

Xingde flashed beautiful eyes, "It's just a chat. It seems that you know this famous wine that is popular in the Arab world?"

Yang Cheng was not humble, and slowly nodded, "Although Lebanon has a long history of red wine, the Bekaa Valley has been developed only 150 years ago.

In other words, the first vineyard in the Bekaa Valley was built 150 years ago, and the vines came here from France via Algeria. At that time, Lebanon was still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and the laws at that time did not allow services beyond religion. Therefore, the first batch of wineries were severely suppressed. It was not until after the First World War that France completely controlled Lebanon and the winemaking industry in the Bekaa Valley began to grow. "

When Yang Cheng said everything, Xingde listened brilliantly and dragged his chin to make a listening gesture.

"If I remember correctly, Moussa Winery was unknown at first, and no one knew that a legendary winery could be born in the Bekaa Valley.

The real rise of Moussa Winery is due to the second generation of manor Serge, who once learned the techniques of planting grapes and brewing red wine in Bordeaux. Even during the decades of war, Mr. Serge did not leave the winery. "

Hinde Hariri sighed, "You are right. I once heard Mr. Serge recalled that he said that one night in 1980 there was an air raid. Everyone told him that he had to leave here, but he chose to stay in the winery.

At night, the air raid came, and every time he heard a bombing, he would drink a glass of Moussa wine. When the air raid was over, his neighbor died and the wine cellar was blown up. Only the room he was in was safe and sound. He thought it was wine protection With him, maybe this is destined.

It's a pity that Tian is jealous of the talent. Mr. Serge died in a swimming accident when he was on vacation in Mexico last year. He was 74 years old. We can never drink the wine he made himself. "

Yang Cheng's heart moved, "Is this bottle we drink brewed by Mr. Serge himself?"

"Yes, this is a wine he brewed for the Hariri family himself, and it is not on the market~"

Yang Cheng suddenly said, "No wonder I have never seen this red packaging. If it weren't for the words ChateauMusar, I wouldn't really recognize it~"

Only then did he taste this slightly legendary Moussa wine.

Close your eyes slightly, the strong scent of old age, the complex aroma lingers in the mouth, the fruity flavor and the fennel flavor are intertwined, which is very wonderful.

Moussa Winery has three types of red, white and rosé wines. The average age of its vines is 50 years. The winery advocates natural brewing and minimizes manual intervention. This is also in line with the Lebanese’s pursuit of purity. The wine of the winery is naturally endowed with the potential for aging, and it can absolutely withstand the erosion of oxygen in the air, which makes the wines of other vineyards unmatched.

Opened his eyes, looked at the deep red color Chen left in the glass, and said intoxicated, "Good wine, that fruity flavor should be brought by Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, and the rest of the complex spice flavors, such as violet, pepper, The fennel comes from the Cinsault and Carignan grapes of the Rhone Valley."

Xingde admired and clapped his hands and applauded, "Awesome, admire, I have been drinking for so many years, even if I know that I can't tell, you can taste so much only the first time."

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "How are you sure that this is the first time I drink?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he said to himself, "If you read my information carefully, you should know that Sheik and I are good friends. He has no shortage of wines from Moussa Winery. I remember the last time I drank 1972 Moussa red wine was taken aback, and said helplessly, "I remember, but I didn't think of it~"

Yang Cheng laughed, this is a little cute.

If Xingde knew that his evaluation in Yang Cheng's heart had changed from TS to cute, I wonder if he would spray him with wine.

"Have you eaten?"

"Are you talking about breakfast or lunch?"

Xingde held his forehead, "It's noon, what do you think?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "That's lunch? I didn't eat it. I was busy watching the wounded in the morning, I didn't have time~"

Xingde was stunned, and then said meaningfully, "You caught Garrett?"

Yang Cheng was not surprised that the other party guessed that it was strange that people stayed with her all night without knowing it!

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