Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1750: Tripoli

Yang Cheng couldn’t refuse Liu Junyu’s request. After all, he brought it with him. He kept people in the room and refused to go out. It was indeed a bit sad. Yang Cheng pondered for a long time and decided to go to Tripoli in person. Looking for inspiration, I might find Gavin after playing.

Just leave, he recruited Hansen back and took over his safety work again. The group drove north by car and rushed to Lebanon's second largest city and the most important port hub in the north before dark.

Compared to Beirut, Tripoli is undoubtedly more old. As soon as I entered the city, I saw the clock tower in the most prosperous center of the old city. This is the heart of Tripoli. There is no second building that can be the representative of Tripoli.

This second largest city in Lebanon with the same name as the capital of Libya, like Beirut, has also developed along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It has all the unique characteristics of a coastal city.

The long shade of coconut trees slanted in the narrow streets, and more vehicles than Beirut walked and squirmed slowly on the curved seaside boulevard. No one expected that the first time after coming to Tripoli, they would meet In a traffic jam.

What’s even more unfortunate is that Tripoli’s climate is very rainy, with frequent showers, and the weather is overcast and sunny. It just happened to be in time for the showers. The sky was clear one second before, but the next second was dark clouds. A group of people without cars. Pedestrians hold their heads everywhere and it is rainy. The public transportation in Tripoli is very poor. Most local people choose to walk and private cars when they travel. They can only hide in heavy rain.

However, the locals have become accustomed to such a changeable climate, and they don't panic when encountering heavy rain, instead they talk and laugh to find a place to shelter from the rain.

But the roads are not so orderly. Lebanon’s per capita car ownership is very high. There are cars everywhere. Although they look like old and dilapidated cars, they can’t hold up a large number. At this moment, because of the sudden heavy rain, The sight is full of rain and fog, and the road collision and friction are inevitable.

Just for a while, the car Yang Cheng and the others was riding in was rubbed several times by the car next to him. It was not a serious injury, but it looked scary. Liu Junyu was so scared that his face was pale, and several times he thought he was about to be hit. But they all passed by.

Yang Cheng looked at the sky. This kind of shower came and went quickly, so he simply asked the brother who was driving to pull over and stop until the rain stopped.

"Our luck is really bad~"

Hansen just wanted to get out of the car and ask for directions, but was splashed with muddy water from the old car passing by~

Yang Cheng didn't get out of the car at all, and smiled lightly, "What anxious, the rain always stops~"

He was looking at the surrounding buildings interestingly. At this time, they were in the old eastern city, crawling on the **** from the coast to the hillside. These old houses with many holes have witnessed too many stray bullets and river-like blood, Yang Cheng I feel that Tripoli’s dilapidated appearance is far worse than Beirut. The key is that there is no prospect for development. Is this the second largest city in Lebanon?

Yang Cheng was a little disappointed and couldn't help but doubt his own guess, what kind of secrets are hidden in this city that can attract Gavin to come?

After staying on the road for about ten minutes, the showers gradually passed, the sky cleared again, and once again saw the different blue of the Mediterranean Sea, but Yang Cheng and the others had a feeling of disgrace. They walked through the old city again, and the strong Arab folk customs changed from The irregular old lanes were fully displayed, and finally came to the hotel located in the small col. Relying on the style of the old city, it created a rare paradise in the run-down. Yangcheng is still very satisfied with the style of the hotel.

After checking in, looking at the blue Mediterranean sea from the hotel terrace, breathing the fresh air after the rain, Yang Cheng feels the tranquility of this old city, but such a charm does not seem to be enough to attract a big arms man here Stationed?

The sight was slowly withdrawn from a distance, and the Ottoman clock tower standing in the center of the old city is still so conspicuous. It is worthy of the symbol of the city. It can be seen everywhere, like a lighthouse, becoming a signal for people to return home.

With Hansen’s permission, the hotel manager approached Yang Cheng and introduced it with a smile, "Dear Mr. Yang, dinner is ready. Where can I have dinner?"

Yang Cheng said, "It's here, right, can you introduce Tripoli to me?"

The manager arranged to take the food through the walkie-talkie, and stepped closer, "This is my honor~"

Following Yang Cheng’s sight, “The Ottoman clock tower you see was built in the first two years of the 20th century. It was built by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to celebrate his 25 years in power as a gift to his people. A gift, the bell tower is 30 meters high and divided into five floors. It was the tallest building in the city at that time."

Yang Cheng actually wanted to find the basis for Gavin's arrival from the manager's introduction, but unfortunately, this clock tower has no other meaning except to commemorate.

Then the manager motioned to Yang Cheng to look to his right, "There is the fortress and castle of Tripoli. It is also called "Sanji" and "Talabalus" in Arabic. Its name is taken from the commander of Toulouse and the Crusaders. , Because when he besieged the city, people generally mistakenly thought he was responsible for the construction of the city.

The Tripoli Citadel is 140 meters long and 70 meters wide. It has a history of more than a thousand years. A tragic massacre occurred here and was later abandoned on the top of the mountain. The complete fortress that we see now is actually a 19th century expansion. Finished. "

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, and thought, "Fortress? It's always a batch of arms hidden under the fortress?"

With this thought, Yang Cheng's heart suddenly burst, and then he denied this unreliable This is not a suspenseful science fiction, it is not!

Interrupting the manager’s introduction, he simply asked, “Do you know that there are places suitable for long-term living and recuperation near Tripoli? Such as luxury residential areas? Or resorts?”

The manager was stunned, "Vacation and recuperation?"

With a wry smile, "Tripoli has never been a place suitable for elderly care, but the Georgian side is close to the Black Sea, with beautiful scenery, and is a well-known holiday resort."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I know Georgia, but I am asking about Tripoli~"

Immediately after a flash of light in my mind, I added, "Or near Tripoli~"

Faced with Yang Cheng's words, the manager almost scratched his head to think about it. At this time, the melodious bell of the Great Mosque rang in the city.

The manager patted his thigh, "I remember, there is a small town called Busheri in the north of Tripoli. It is one of the entrances to the Sacred Valley of Cadissa, and the Sacred Valley is a paradise for Christians!"

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