Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1755: Can't live long

(Bad news, I have to work overtime during the holidays, I want to be quiet~o(╥﹏╥)o)

"You were sent by C~I~A? How can you, such a rich man, be willing to do things for those hypocritical bastards?"

Yang Orange shook her head, "I only have a relationship with C~I~A for 30 cents~"

Gavin was confused by this sentence, "What do you mean?"

"Meaning that I have something to do with D~L~A, from the letter performance, only one-third of the connection~"

Gavin grinned, "You are so humorous~"

Yang Cheng: I think so too~

Isn't it good to laugh before you die? Is it still crying to die?

But Gavin turned to him, "Why did D~L~A find you to come forward and kill me instead of doing it himself?"

Yang Cheng said truthfully, "I can't find you, there is nothing you can do with you. It just so happens that I am also in the arms business recently, and D~L~A promised to give me 30% of the income from Iota~"

Gavin laughed, "It turns out that this is the case, then you have to be ready to turn your face with D~L~A at any time~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Gavin shook his head, "You don't know enough about them. I can only say that once you get the shares of Iota, you will naturally become the enemy of D~L~A, because they want everything, not just Only 70%~"

Yang Cheng thinks Gavin is instigating discord. Of course, even if it is true, he is not afraid. He still holds Demien's handle in his hand. In fact, it is not a pinch. Based on their previous financial transaction records, it is enough to be nailed. Demien.

With a faint smile, "I know, are you ready?"

Gavin stood up without rush and smiled at the guns facing him, "Don't be nervous guys, I'm not malicious~"

Looking at Yang Cheng, "Even if you don't come, I will only have a life span of one or two years. In fact, there is no such big difference. And if I die, you may not be able to control Iota~"

Yang Cheng frowned, "What do you mean?"

"The structure of IOTA determines that leaving any one person will not affect operations, unless you send someone to kill all the supervisors, but then you will also lose the customers in IOTA's hands and those responsible for connecting customers. Without these, Iota is just an empty shell~"

Yang Cheng still frowned, "This is boring, I thought you would cooperate with me~"

This is a bit shameless~

Gavin stretched his shoulders, "Why should I cooperate with you?"

"Because you are dying, Iota is the result of your efforts. You don't want your effort to go into the coffin with you? At least I can keep the brand of Iota~"

Gavin mused, "What you said is reasonable, but not enough~"

Yang Cheng's eyes rolled around, and he looked around, "Then I won't kill you. I will find a way to open a skylight here and get more than ten hours a day in the sun. If it suffocates, I will let people rescue you. Anyway, you can't die. Wait for you. If you die for a year or two, I won’t let you fall into the soil safely, just basking in the sun at the entrance of this cave~"

Gavin was dumbfounded, "How can you do this?"

Yang Cheng opened his hand, "I don't want to. Originally we had a good conversation, thinking you were a smart person, but now it seems that you are as stupid as the people I have dealt with in the past. There is obviously a more comfortable way to go. You have to take a road full of thorns, but the final destination is the same. Are you stupid?"

Gavin thought very seriously for ten seconds, "I'm really stupid to say that~"

"So? I'm willing to give you the opportunity to make a new choice. By the way, I want to remind you that even if Iota is gone, it doesn't matter. I don't expect to live on Iota's profits. At best, I will make less. "

Gavin sighed, "So I don't have a place to threaten you?"

"It doesn't seem to be available at the moment, maybe you can think about it, once you figure it out?"

"I know, I lost the moment you came here, and I am not qualified to negotiate~"

Yang Cheng nodded, "It looks like you have recovered your IQ again~"

Gavin was silent, and a few minutes later, he suddenly said, "Do you know why D~L~A and I are fighting so stiffly?"

"It's nothing more than profit~"

"That's right or wrong. Actually, I don't really care about money. You can see that I don't need makeup to play a vampire like this ghost. Even if I can't spend more money, I want to make money most. For a few years, I was struggling to make money to see a doctor, otherwise I could not support the huge cost of medicine.

But when I knew that there was no cure for this disease, I gave up, took out all my savings and made a cave here, and never left the sacred valley.

But at that time, the contradiction between me and D~L~A had been buried and it was difficult to solve it. Over time, they thought that I would not obey the order and tried to **** Iota from them. "

Yang Orange nodded, "Understandable, after all, they only look at profit, not the reason."

Gavin tilted his head and asked curiously, "Are you also tricked by D~L~A to sell arms for them?"

"No, I delivered it to the door myself, and I only work with individuals~"

Gavin was startled, "Person? Who?"

The other party was dying anyway, and Yang Cheng didn't hide it, "Demien, do you know?"

Gavin laughed and said, "Demien? Of course I know, and the relationship is good, but I... I'm sorry for her~"

"How to say?"

"Iota has developed so well in the early stage, it is inseparable from her help~"

Yang Cheng understood, "No wonder she hates you so much~"

Gavin smiled bitterly, "She should hate me, if it weren't because I was out of control, she should be the top of D~L~A now, or even higher~"

"It seems that you have another reason to die~"

"Yeah, I can only choose to die. As for what Iota will become after my death, that is not something I can control~"

Yang Cheng motioned everyone to put down the guns, there was no need to hold them at this time.

"Can you tell me, how do you manage Iota here?"

Gavin gestured sideways, "I can show you around~"

Yang Cheng also stood up, "Let's go, I also have a long experience. It turns out that living in a cave can be so comfortable~"

Gavin said but I spent tens of millions of euros to install a constant temperature system throughout the cave, otherwise it would be cold in winter and hot in summer, and I would not be able to stay at all~"

The two went back and forth into the tunnel, and Hansen hesitated and followed with his gun.

The second corridor is less than ten meters long and more than one meter wide. There are no corridor lights, but the feet are much flatter, at least not to worry about being tripped.

The three of them went through the tunnel in turn and entered the study room of the mansion in the cave, "This is my study room, I am here to remotely control Iota~"

The space of this hole is obviously half smaller than the living room, and the style is similar. The carpet of gold and red colors, a huge solid wood desk, on the table are 6 monitors and 10 mobile phones, documents and materials are piled up, and the desk is opposite from the rock The bookcases that Zhongshengsheng took out are densely packed. There are thousands of books, and many books are beginning to turn yellow. It should be caused by reading it many times.

There is a pair of Eames chairs in the middle of the study, and red wine is placed on the round glass coffee table. It is the Moussa he had drunk two days ago. Even if he is hiding in the mountains and forests, Gavin did not give up enjoying life.

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