Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1769: Ivan's return

At noon the next day, Yang Cheng met the future princess who had taken time out of her busy schedule.

However, because this person's identity became extremely sensitive, Yang Cheng set the meeting place in a more private club.

"What is the reason for asking me out in such a hurry?" Ivan Fengchen rushed in and asked in a splitting manner.

Yang Cheng pretended to be dissatisfied and complained, "Why, I can't ask you if I have nothing to do? Your Royal Highness?"

Fools can hear that this title is slightly ironic. Ivan has always been known for his high emotional intelligence. Although it is not that high, the irony in the words is enough.

All of a sudden, he smiled, and gently kicked Yang Cheng with high heels under the table, and groaned, "Sorry, I have been too busy these days. You know, I need to take care of my father’s affairs, including talking to the secret service." People from the bureau will do the security work."

Of course Yang Cheng wouldn't care too much about this question, and instead said, "Is it necessary for the Secret Service to accept protection so soon?"

Iwan Mimi groaned, "Since October~"

Yang Cheng patted his forehead, how could he forget this, "Well, will I have time to finish dinner in a while?"

"what happened?"

Yang Cheng smirked, "Check your health~"

How can Ivan refuse such a straightforward invitation, "I didn't have time, but now I have~"

Yang Cheng definitely does not admit that he has a habit of collecting princesses~

"Okay, let's talk about business. Now that the dust has settled, should the things that were promised to me be implemented?"

Ivan frowned slightly. The relationship between men and women is one thing, and the exchange of interests is another. The two should not be confused.

"Hand in your list of people, I will personally supervise this matter, rest assured, we will never disappoint every supporter~"

Yang Cheng deliberately called out people today just to listen to these words, don’t go back, he is really scared by that big mouth~

"I heard that you went to the Middle East some time ago?"

When Yang Cheng finished talking, Ivan suddenly got into trouble.

"Well~ how do you know?" Yang Cheng answered faintly, but his expression was a little surprised, but he didn't lie. It would be a bit of an insult to people's IQ to deny it after they knew it.

Ivan hooked up her hair and said meaningfully, "You solved D~L~A so much trouble, I don’t think I know it."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, did the Gavin incident spread? This is not what he hopes to see. It is spread ten by one, and God knows what will become of this thing after a long time.

Once it is said that he forcefully forced people to death and took away their property? Isn't the reputation ruined?

"What else do you know?"

Ivan sipped the matsutake soup with a spoon and chuckled, "I know what I should know~"

"such as?"

"For example, you took over Iota and became D~L~A's agent in the Middle East~"

Yang Cheng sighed deeply. It seems that her guess was correct. D~L~A had leaked it out on their own initiative. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ivan to know about it so quickly. The purpose is also very simple. The established facts and impressions from the outside world tell everyone that Yang Cheng is working for D~L~A. If this guy has ambitions to rebel in the future, everyone will come together to attack.

MMP, Yang Cheng really didn't expect that he hadn't done anything yet, and he was calculated first. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Moreover, D~L~A's doing so is tantamount to forcing him on the road to absolutes. It's not that I want to oppose, but you are forcing me to oppose, Yang Cheng said in his heart.

Of course, the rebellion is a bit serious, but holding Gavin’s secret notes, Yang Cheng’s position is a bit awkward. As long as he doesn’t hand over the notebook for a day, people who have been involved with Gavin will not be relieved. Trying to get the notebook out of Yang Cheng's hands.

The simplest and rude way is to let Yang Cheng lose her asylum and naturally let them knead.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Yang Cheng in a daze, Ivan couldn't help asking.

Yang Cheng came back to her senses, shook her head with a smile, "It's okay, you brought up the Middle East, did you ask me for help?"

Ivan looked helpless, "I can't hide anything from you, there is indeed a small matter for your help."

"You said~"

"Recently, a group of buyers from Saudi Arabia and the UAE are in New York. They want to purchase a batch of military aircraft maintenance equipment, and of course some intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance equipment. The total purchase amount is about 3 billion US dollars."

Yang Cheng frowned, "These are all US allies. It's okay if you can sell them directly through the guanxi channels? Why do you need to pass me? You know that my charges are not cheap."

In his words, he alluded to the need to spend money to find him for errands.

However, there is a saying that he is right. These countries are long-term purchasers of American arms, and there is no problem of confidentiality protection. They go straight through formal channels and no one will protest.

But Ivan, through himself, undoubtedly violated the relevant requirements of the Arms Export Control Act. The Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives has the absolute right to speak and judge on the issue of US foreign arms sales. Bypassing Congress is equivalent. Yu deprived the committee of power, and when Comrade Jianguo had not formally taken office, he offended the real authority in Congress. This is a bit too'excessive'.

Under normal circumstances, all links of the US foreign arms sales need to be reviewed and approved by a special committee of the Congress. Unless the country is in a "state of emergency", the General Assembly can directly promote the arms sales process without the evaluation of the Congress.

At this time, Comrade Jianguo's request was obviously unreasonable. This was forcibly pushing arms sales, and Yang Cheng had to suspect that this might be the return of the previous donation.

Ivan pretended to make up a set of rhetoric, "As the situation in the Middle East has intensified turbulence, arms sales to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Jordan are mainly used to maintain peace and stability in the region."

Yang Cheng gave a white glance, "Your diplomatic rhetoric is good. Remember to say the same to reporters when something goes wrong~"

Ivan kicked him strangely, "Then what are you doing?"

Yang Orange thought for a while, "What about the time? Now or after he took office? Where does the supply come from?"

He has to figure out the details, and can't carry the thunder for others in a confused way!

An important reason why he is so cautious is that Comrade Jianguo is unreliable. He is a typical businessman. He doesn’t make a mistake once or twice. Once something goes wrong, he pushes the matter to himself, and he doesn’t cry. Place to cry.

Of course, the fact that he wants to sell arms is not wrong. After all, the sales of arms in the United States is a daily part-time task, but the sales methods of previous generals vary greatly. Generally speaking, when the conditions are good, the task is easier to complete. Military operations can be launched directly and rudely. The greater the loss of the country being hit, the more the arms dealers earn, and the greater the total'credit'.

It is also for this reason that in the past few decades, after almost every chief tong came to power, he would find various reasons to beat other countries during the May Fourth Movement. To put it bluntly, it was to sell arms. After all, you have the position of the boss. Half of the merits of arms dealers, people's demands must be satisfied, right?

However, in the hands of Comrade Jianguo, this matter is a bit difficult to handle. His two predecessors played too hard, and the battle actually hurt the national strength. Don’t look at the result, it shows the majesty of the first power. , But it also broke the tooth and swallowed in the stomach. The domestic economy was sluggish and basically in a state of burial. If Comrade Jianguo launches another war at this time, I am afraid that the United States will be completely stuck in the quagmire.

He knows this very well, and all the guan members with a little brain understand that this battle must not be done easily, even if you are stunned, or you will pretend to be forced and get fucked, and then you will not cry.

Since Comrade Jianguo knows that war cannot be fought easily, how can we complete sales tasks with quality and quantity without fighting?

A simple word can be answered-the fox is fake!

If I can't really hit me, I will take out a few targets to scare the surrounding small countries and force you to pay for arms.

Asia is naturally Country Z, with a huge land area surrounded by a group of weird small countries, the Asia’s **** South Korea, which claims to be the number one in the universe, the superficial and friendly little RB, who is actually immortal and impatient, and there are white-eyed wolves in the south. Nan, of course, it is indispensable to fart as the Asanmen who are more powerful than country Z. They also know that eating curry can't compete with country Z, and they still have to buy the weapons they should buy;

The Middle East is naturally Yilang, forcing the military strength of Gaoyilang, scared the surrounding local tyrants to spend money to arm themselves;

Europe is naturally the old rival polar bear. The former little brother has now become the Eastern European ‘superpower’. When the big brother grows, they can’t buy any weapons. At least they can resist fighting for a few days before surrendering. This can also make a profit.

With these three markets, arms dealers will naturally have a market, and will not force Comrade Jianguo to wage war.

However, the United States never sells arms indiscriminately. There is a difference between relatives and estrangements, including what kind of equipment can be sold in which region and how much you can sell. This is all based on grounds.

For example, RB is crazy to want F~35, but unfortunately they don't even have the qualifications to pay for the project research. Who makes you not a NATO godson?

Of course, the RB people still got the coveted F-35. There is no way, how can the arms dealers spend several times the profit without making money, and worry about your so-called national strategy? Not only did you sell your aircraft, but also sold a production line. However, the small RB was smashed by this production line. The manufacturing cost is several times that of the original factory. Many system equipment must continue to be imported, otherwise it will be a bladder.

Anyway, just one sentence-strategy is worthless in front of the sword!

All in all Although the laws and regulations on the surface can restrict the freedom of arms dealers, when they are determined to promote a certain arms case, they have to honestly work for them. Fart.

The reason why Comrade Jianguo was pushing so aggressively, didn't he want to take advantage of the prestige he just came to power and cut the chaos with a sharp knife. Once the time is long, he will suffer more constraints, and it will be difficult to push again.

Sure enough, Ivan’s answer confirmed Yang Cheng’s guess, “Complete the transaction within half a year. Don’t worry about the supply issue. You are only responsible for shipping the equipment to the buyer!”

Yang Cheng frowned, "In other words, is this a private transaction?"


Yang Orange pondered, "How much can I get?"

Ivan hesitated, "The buyer will pay you an extra 5% rake~"

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