Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1915: Chaos Casa

Now the owner of the Hyatt Hotel has been replaced by the famous Moroccan monopoly Omar.

The cafe still uses "Casa" as its signature, attracting guests and tourists. Any tourist can take pictures here for free. If you are interested, you can spend 45 dirhams (approximately 5 US dollars) for leisure. Sit here and enjoy a cup of authentic Moroccan coffee, which is romantic.

When you visit this cafe, you can always see couples with different clothes and different skin colors cuddling on the antique sofa and talking about love, as if relived the love story in the film.

If you are interested, you can show off your talents in front of the piano without restraint. The waiter in the cafe said that there are many people who come here every day. In addition to ordinary tourists, there are many celebrities in the world, such as former US President Carter, Boxing champion Ali, the Prince of Saudi Arabia, and the son of Gaddafi have all come here to taste coffee. In fact, the hotel’s business is also good. The double room rate reaches US$200 during the peak period. Except for Ramadan, it is usually full. If you do not book in advance, there will be no room.

Yang Cheng was lucky, they didn't use any special channels, and they actually booked a few rooms.

In fact, the splendor of Casablanca is not only due to the films performed by the two superstars Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart, but what is truly recorded in history is that this romantic city has also experienced the baptism of World War II. What happened here has changed the pattern of the world's anti-*war.

In 1942, 120,000 British and American forces under the command of General Eisenhower successfully landed in North Africa and conquered Casablanca in one fell swoop. Among them, the famous four-star general Patton of the United States commanded the landing of Casablanca.

At dawn on November 8, 1942, General Patton was standing in the Atlantic water of Casa Port, personally directing the landing of American troops, defeating the French defenders in just half a day and successfully landing.

At the beginning of the second year after the successful landing of the Allied forces in North Africa, I don’t know if it was affected by "Casa". American President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill also took a fancy to the small city of Casa. They held secret talks in Casablanca. At the strong request of Stalin, the two men unanimously decided that the Allied forces held the famous Normandy landing in northern France in June 1944, and made a landing plan here.

Therefore, it can be said that the most important decision to change the world's anti-*war pattern was born in Casablanca.

It is a pity that the U.S. Army left few monuments or the like, and left after the war. Even the tombs of American soldiers who died during the landing in Morocco cannot be found throughout Morocco, because the Americans are used to the corpses of soldiers. No matter how far away, they have to be transported back to the country, but the British and French soldiers who participated in the war did not like this. A special cemetery was built for them in Morocco.

Therefore, the only souvenirs of the U.S. landing that can be found in Casa today are the wreckage of a U.S. landing craft that fell on the coast of Muhammadiya and sank from time to time with the waves. If you want to see where the landing operations were, you can’t find it. To.

But to be honest, even if he could find Yang Cheng, he was reluctant to go. He had the impression of coming to Egypt, but the contrast that Casablanca brought him was not so strong.

But Luo Yue's disappointment was beyond words. From the airport to the hotel's private car, on the way to the hotel, there is only one word to describe-chaos.

The chaos of order is vividly reflected in this section of the road. Do you dare to imagine driving a mule in front of you, and seeing the big truck on the far left suddenly drifting?

This is not enough. The whole Casablanca is full of construction sites, or roads are being built, there are no traffic lights around the hotel and the unordered roads make people on the verge of collapse, even if the driver is Andrew, this guy dares to drive a tank in the city to drift. People were deflated in Casablanca and were'learned' by many old mule drivers.

They drove this car by themselves, but the others were driven by the hotel driver. They were not allowed to open the door when they arrived at the hotel, and they had to give a tip to open the door.

This is what a road robbery! However, this is only the beginning of a bad impression!

The most frustrating thing was that a local tour guide that Yang Cheng looked for, after meeting them, looked at them with a very surprised look and asked, "Do you still believe the videos and pictures in the travel brochure?"

Yang Cheng asked puzzledly, "What's the matter?"

The tour guide shrugged, "Nothing. I can only say that this is a boring city with beautiful names. Rick Cafe is a post-man-made fake, with poor service attitude, expensive and unpalatable things, except for Hassan by the sea. The Second Mosque can’t even list a decent attraction.

I really don’t know why you guys came. To be honest, this money made me feel uneasy. By the way, I remind you that the biggest feature of Casablanca is not romance, but endless thieves. I think you all have bodyguards?

This is very good, at least the probability of encountering a thief is much lower, but don't let your guard down, otherwise you won't want to find something if you lose it. "

Listen, is this what a tour guide should say? From his words, I can hear a strong sense of helplessness. Even the tour guide has no confidence in the city. What can tourists expect?

Everyone looked at each other. Except for Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian, they didn't come here for traveling, but wanted to worship an old friend, and if possible, would like to meet the descendants of the old friend.

But for the remaining couple, this is a nightmare, but they have a car when they go out and don't have to crowd public transportation, at least they can avoid the trouble of facing the thieves trained in France.

But it’s all here. It’s really unreasonable not to go shopping. Yang Cheng and the others went to the coffee shop first. As said before, it’s actually okay. Maybe 5 dollars is nothing to them, but to ordinary tourists. How many cups of coffee can you buy for 5 dollars? And the taste is much better than this.

But as the tour guide said, the artificial atmosphere is too strong. How to describe it, it is the typical Internet celebrity punch-in place, come, take a picture and leave, there is no trace of feeling in it.

Going out again, it is a horrible decline. Various buildings imitating French styles with huge arcades are full of garbage and paper, dusty, and broken glass and sewage. It can be said that the mess of Paris is meticulously studied. A whole lot.

On the street, there are quite a few middle-aged couples drinking coffee and doing nothing. The lively square is full of street stalls and vendors hawking along the street, but all this has nothing to do with the prosperous word. A movie theater and glass doors. No more, the poster of "Casablanca" is still affixed to the entrance of the courtyard. This old movie more than 70 years ago may be its only pride.

And this is just a microcosm of the square. You must know that this is the Union Square in the center of Casablanca. It is a must-visit place recommended by countless tourist guides, equivalent to the heart of Casablanca.

The city hall, parliament, court, post office, bank and other core departments and institutions in the city of Casablanca are all built around this square.

However, it is such a place where people can't help but cover their foreheads.

Taking a few photos in general, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue walked towards the beach holding hands. If usual, he would let Hansen and the others back several tens of meters, but here he dare not, not only let Hansen and the others take He surrounded himself and couldn't get through, and from time to time, he used a pair of eyes full of cold to stare at every pedestrian facing him. In his opinion, these people might be thieves.

Just now, less than ten meters in front of them, there was a theft case. A thief blatantly opened the zipper of someone’s shoulder bag in front of the tourists. What? I didn't forget to smile at the tourists before I left.

Oh my god, is this stealing? This Nima is to grab!

Seeing a few hundred meters away from the mosque by the sea, I was suddenly attracted by the fragrance, and looking over the fragrance, a narrow street, a few pedestrians holding oil paper bags in their hands, seemed to exude heat.

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, let Hansen and the others open the way, boldly walk in, and walked more and more open, following the smell of walking in, it became more and more open, the end of the alley was the open air. Flea markets, second-hand goods everywhere, all kinds of old clothes, big mattresses, and even second-hand underwear, mixed with vendors selling snacks.

Where did the fragrance come from? Yang Cheng went over and looked at it. It should be fish sticks or something.

There was a pancake seller beside him. Luo Yue couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Yang Cheng smiled and asked the tour guide to help weigh a few pancakes. The flour was made with onions and green peppers, spices and cheese. The vegetables were super sweet. , Such a delicious vegetable cake, it slightly eased their depression.

I bought some fried fish sticks. The taste is different from the British ones. The fish is very fresh and seems to have been marinated in fruit juice. The taste is fragrant.

Compared with the chaotic streets, this snack is a clear stream.

I feel once again walk towards the Hassan II Mosque. This is also a must-see attraction in the Raiders. It is also the most eye-catching building in Casablanca, and it is the third largest mosque in the world. The most modern mosque in the world.

Construction started 30 years ago, costing more than 500 million US dollars to build, covering an area of ​​9 hectares, of which one-third of the area was built on the sea. This mosque was built to commemorate the 60th birthday of the former king and is the only one open to foreigners. mosque.

The muezzin can also take the elevator to the top of the minaret, and the chanting sound from here can reach every corner of the city. The huge square can accommodate 80,000 people* at the same time.

When they came to the square, Luo Yue, who had been sullen and unhappy, finally opened her smiling face. She is passionate about great architecture, and the creative space design is majestic. The world's tallest minaret and the sky full of clouds are like God faith. Perseverance lasts forever and suppresses the violent Atlantic.

To be honest, after seeing the Hassan II Mosque, Yang Cheng finally believed that the legendary romance and fairy tales of Casablanca must be true!

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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