Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1924: Ask for monthly pass

Putting away the difference between filming in the mainland and South Korea, I believe that the actors who have filmed in the two countries know it well. What's interesting is that the actors on both sides feel that the other's shooting mode is more comfortable.

The biggest advantage of Korean dramas is that they will be filmed in sequence. They will never ask you to shoot crying scenes and then bathing scenes in order to save money. They will not be in the hospital. Your mother died just after the filming. Shoot to give birth.

In addition, Korean idol dramas care more about the sense of nature. Many domestic directors especially like to use close-up shots with a strong sense of conflict. Occasionally, once or twice, the audience’s mood will follow your will. However, more times will cause aesthetic fatigue and visual fatigue. fatigue.

Korean directors pay more attention to the normality of life. Everyone can focus on small performances. Maybe Korean dramas usually take more than ten or twenty scenes a day. On the contrary, they are more efficient than other domestic TV dramas. Moreover, when the Korean drama is finished, the actors Just go home separately, usually not live with the crew, this will allow the actors to relax the best after the intense work.

Having said that, this is also related to the size of the area. South Korea is just such a big place. Where can you not go home after the filming? In the crew? This is not necessary, and the crew will not spend money to find you a place to live, unless the group is filming outside.

On the other hand, all Korean actors who have filmed in country Z will say that the filming mode of country Z is more humane. They will shoot for a few hours every day at a fixed time and give you a complete script at one time so that the actors can understand better. Characters, and the filming is done at one time, the pressure is not so great, for Korean actors, this is the comfort they have never enjoyed.

So there is no good or bad at this point, each has its own advantages.

The most important thing is that the domestic staff behind the scenes "respect" the celebrities more. In a crew, the most likely to be the director, and the second is the actor. If the director is a newcomer and does not have the qualifications to come up with, don’t blame the actor for riding. Shit on your head.

But in South Korea’s crew, actors have the lowest status. Not to mention directors and screenwriters. They are makeup artists and prop artists. If they get angry, they all dare to directly scold the actors. The director will not blame the actor, but will tell the actors to The behind-the-scenes staff who respect their predecessors and understand their hard work, of course, this kind of thing is likely to happen to young actors, and no one dares to be so presumptuous for the long-established seniors.

Just now Luo Yue and Yang Cheng talked about clothing issues, and she said, "The costumes of Korean dramas are usually very good-looking, and they follow fashion trends."

"As I said before, Korean TV dramas have close ties with clothing companies. With sufficient budgets, they must be as perfect as possible.

However, the clothing budget of domestic dramas is not enough, and there are very few clothing sponsors to get them.

After all, Korean dramas are broadcast while filming. Clothing brands are displayed and sold in the current season. After the domestic filming, it will take a year to be broadcast successfully. It's all over the season. Who will buy it? Anyway, the sales of branded clothing have not increased much.

If it doesn’t work, I force the actors to talk about costumes by themselves~"

After a pause, there happened to be a lighting engineer and costumer passing in front of them. Even with a lot of ‘weights’ hanging on their bodies, they did not forget to stop and bow to Yang Cheng and Luo Yue.

"To put it bluntly, it is still not professional enough. Except for the boss of the department, most of the people below are temporary laborers. Apart from listening to the boss's command, there is no professionalism.

But it takes time to grow, and it will affect the world’s largest market. I believe that film and television dramas will develop sooner or later, so I have never stopped investing in the mainland over the years~"

They were talking, today’s first scene was already filming, and as a result, the director called out because of the trembling of the remote camera, and the director called the card. If nothing else, it was just a kick, screaming, "Assi Well, if you can’t do anything like this, can you still do it? Can’t do it~"

After he finished scolding, no one spoke for the poor camera assistant, everyone lowered their heads quietly, and waited for the director to calm down before taking the second shot.

Luo Yue, who witnessed all this from a distance, covered her mouth, "Oh my God, it's terrible, this is trampling on self-esteem~"

Yang Cheng sneered, "It's all to live, it's useless to have self-esteem~"

Having witnessed the cruelty of the Korean entertainment industry, Luo Yue suddenly felt that Korean dramas were not so good-looking. Although they were not as good as human blood buns, they saw the **** scenes of killing.

After watching two shots at the scene, Yang Cheng took Luo Yue and left. The shooting process was very boring. Even if one expression and one action had to be taken twice, it was very boring for onlookers.

In the evening, it was a joint banquet hosted by South Korean entrepreneurs. Yang Cheng and Luo Yue must attend.

Tonight’s banquet was not so dirty, it was just a simple welcome, but this was the first time that the Yang family made a collective appearance in South Korea, and it caused a sensation in the upper class of South Korea.

The organizer only sent out 100 invitations, but the number of people present was 300 people. The dynasty lobby of the huge Shilla Hotel was completely packed. Even so, many people were still blocked. Not eligible to enter.

I heard that someone spent 100 million won to ask for an invitation letter at a high price tonight. The key is that no one will sell it.

Just kidding, all the big names in Korea are on the stage today. Is the person who can receive the invitation short of money?

This is a rare occasion to get acquainted with people, and even stupid people will not miss this opportunity.

Li Xiuman and Kim Youngmin, who are the representatives of the show business circle, today are also rare to experience the sadness of the ‘bots’. They used to be the objects of the stars holding the moon, but today they are even qualified to be stars.

Although S~M is backed by the ZZ forces, the iron chaebol and the running water general tong, from a certain perspective, in South Korea, relying on the big chaebol is more popular than relying on the general tong.

However, they were able to come today because Li Fu~ really considered their relationship with Yang Cheng, so they sent an invitation letter, otherwise they would not be eligible to enter.

In this hierarchical country, don't talk about fairness or unfairness. Blame it on your lack of social status.

As a junior, Yang Cheng is mainly responsible for dealing with the second generations of South Korea today. He can't tell who is who. Anyway, Li Jiyu introduced one, he just smiled, like a robot, in 10 minutes, the muscles on his face Just laughed stiffly.

Not to mention, Yang Cheng's fame is still very useful in the second-generation circle of South Korea, mainly because he has taken the first few shots to suppress people.

What's more, there is such a top second-generation Li Zhiyu who will give him a hand, who dares to make a second?

Of course, people want to make money more than doing things. If the rich second generation has troubles, then their biggest trouble is how to get rid of the shadow of their parents and create their own business.

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