Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1926: Grilled meat

"Should we eat this dish at night? Donkey meatballs stewed with cabbage."

Yang Cheng's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, but the chef who came with him didn't know it, and he didn't even eat it. How can people make that taste?

In the end, it was Yang Yuanshan who came out. As the saying goes, "the veteran will do the best." Yang Yuanshan started cooking again after many years, and he still got everyone's expectations.

As a result, they found out that Yang Yuanshan was only in charge of saying that the chef was the one who really did the work.

"I remember watching my father make this dish. When making this dish, the cabbage was cut into pieces and placed in a wok, but it is best to cook it in a casserole. The meatballs are either whole or cut into four pieces with a knife and boiled with the cabbage. The meaty aroma of the meatballs in the oven is mixed with the delicate aroma of cabbage. When paired with steamed rice, it is a perfect match in winter."

"Master, do you do this?" He asked while listening to Yang Yuanshan. The chef hasn't been so nervous for a long time. After all, it is a dish he is not familiar with. Even if he is confident in his own technology, he dare not make a package. It's authentic.

"You can do it boldly. Anyway, no one has eaten it. What you make is the taste in their minds."

The chef is almost crying. Young people are so fooled by this. Are you old pao's who have eaten so foolish?

Yang Cheng leaned on the door frame and said, "You can't just eat this dish. Grandpa, what else do you think about it?"

"That must be Zhizi barbecue. Oh, speaking of it, I haven't eaten authentic Zhizi barbecue for decades~"

This Yang Cheng knows that according to the custom of the old Beijing people, in the autumn and winter, he has to eat a few good mutton meals.

As for the way to eat mutton, the most famous is definitely the copper pot-shabu-boiled meat, but in fact, to the old Beijingers, the roasted meat is also one of the classic ways of eating. A plate of mutton, a plate of mutton, three or five friends gather. Toasting and chatting about life together is definitely the warmest beauty ever in the Forty-Nine City.

Regarding the history of this dish, just like shabu-shabu, many ways of eating meat originated from nomads, and the favorite roasted meat of old Beijing people is no exception.

Although it is now known as the authentic way of eating in the capital, the roasted meat also originated from the nomads outside the Great Wall.

At that time, the cooking conditions were very limited, so in the past, the people outside the Great Wall had a very simple way of processing meat. They used the hunting knife they brought with them to cut the meat into large pieces, marinated it with green onions, ginger, and juice for a period of time, and then used lighted horse manure. Bake it until half cooked and you can eat it.

In the past, Zhizi barbecue was a round iron plate nailed with iron bars, and then the fire was made with fruit wood or pine wood under the iron plate, and the beef or lamb was sliced ​​into thin slices, and then marinated with green onions and seasonings for a good taste .

The meat is also very particular. Generally, the lamb and beef are carefully selected. Only the tenderest part of the sheep is selected. The marinated meat is then put on a broiler and grilled with long chopsticks, and then grilled. The smell of meat will spread.

With the continuous research of the chefs, Zhizi barbecue slowly became its current form.

In fact, the seemingly simple iron plate has a lot of specialties. If the iron plate is thin, it will heat up too fast and hard, which will make the meat easy to simmer, but if the iron plate is thick, the heat is not enough, and the meat will be cooked too slowly.

Yang Yuanshan seemed to think of something, and swallowed his saliva unconsciously. It seems that the Yang family's food-food attributes are also passed down from generation to generation!

"In the past, the way to eat this kind of barbecue was divided into wen-chi and martial-arts. Wen-chi means letting the chef to bake it and deliver it to the table by the waiter. In front of the plate, the marinated meat is roasted and eaten, which is especially lively.

But no matter how you eat it, it must be served with sesame sauce biscuits. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help but imagine that picture. In the barbecue hall in the old capital of the year, diners stood or sat around the fireside, eating barbecue and drinking wine, with cucumber strips and beef tongue cake as a supplement, and sometimes ordered them. A plate of deep-fried steamed buns with stinky tofu, and Jingyun and Beijing films in the restaurant are like a picture of the lively life of 49 cities.

He also subconsciously licked his lips, "Just eat this, I'll let someone buy a stove~"

Like Korean barbecue, it’s better to say grilled than fried meat.

When people in modern Z countries talk about "barbecue", they usually think of meat grilled over an open fire in the frontiers, Turkey, and Brazil. They naively think that grilled meat should be a kind of lamb skewers or roasted whole lamb.

But everyone who has eaten it knows that a large iron plate with thin slices of meat scattered on top, plus green onions and coriander, is filled with a strong smell of mutton. The diners use chopsticks to stir-fry and eat. This is the so-called "barbecue". It should be called fried pork.

But in fact, there is no word for "toast" in ancient Chinese. In ancient Chinese, the method of grilling with open flames is called "toast", which corresponds to roast in English.

The Cantonese retains this expression, such as roasted goose, roasted pork, and barbecued pork. Now the Beijing roast duck is famous all over the world. In fact, the old Beijing will call roast duck "roasted duck" or "roasted duck".

The famous Barbecue Wan once asked Qi Baishi to write a plaque. Mr. Qi Baishi once did a textual research on the character "baked". He believed that there was no word for "baked" in "Shuowen". Those who said "baked" should be regarded as "baked".

Just like the Beijing barbecue, the method of heating the ingredients through hot media such as slate and iron plate should be called "sizzling" or grill in English.

But this is just a name, anyone who knows knows it, and there is no need to know those who don't know.

Yang Cheng excitedly asked people to go out to buy ingredients to buy iron plates, and he would never lack enthusiasm for such fresh things.

Nowadays, the broiled barbecue seems to be very But in the Peking period, this is the street food. There are a lot of barbecue wheelbarrows on the street. There are green leafed onions and coriander hanging in front of the car, accompanied by fresh lamb of various colors. The waist, hind legs, upper brain, waist, liver, etc., are grilled with barbecued meat in the back of the car.

Everyone knows the "South and North Season" of Beijing barbecue. They are good at roasting lamb during the barbecue season and good at roasting beef. Each has its own way of standing up.

In the past, the fuel used for barbecue was fruit wood or pine branches and pine cones, which was the same as roast duck, but now the wood is mostly charcoal.

The grilled meats are all specially made. They are not iron plates but "iron bars". They were originally designed to facilitate disassembly and transportation, but they played an unexpected role: the seams are dense and the fire will not directly grill the food, which is very healthy. The smoke passes through the seams of the iron bars to have a smoking effect, and it tastes unique.

There was a flame under the Zhizi, listening to the squeaky sound of the barbecue on the Zhizi, the meat fragrant.

Maybe this is how Korean barbecue was passed down. This is based on facts. It is not a Korean **** historian who speaks nonsense with his mouth open!

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