Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1954: Beautiful town

After people left, Yang Cheng suspiciously said, "How do I feel that the Austrians don't really want F35, they seem to buy it for someone~"

Alois spread out his hands, "Don't worry about so much, you just make money, if they buy, you will find a way to sell to them~"

"Well, I am speechless for what you said~"

"That's it for today. Are you going to Hallstatt to meet your family?"


"Go ahead, I also like the scenery of Hallstatt, I wish you all a good time~"

"Thank you~"

. . .

The most touching thing about Hallstatt is the quietness hidden by the mountain and lake. The town is the most ethereal and beautiful when the sky is bright in the morning. If you can live in the town for one night, you can see it by opening the window in the morning. The misty lake scene.

Amidst the lush green mountains, white houses are faintly visible, and the scenery in front of you is like a fairyland on earth.

The early morning mist lingers in the mountains, and the slightly moist air is blowing in with the breath of plants and soil. At this time, the town is immersed in silence.

The blue morning light shrouded the lake, and the lights in the town were still on. Everything looked like a fairy tale world.

The sleepy town of Hallstatt gradually awakened in the dawn.

Unfortunately, it was noon when Yang Cheng arrived in the town. All he saw was people, and the beautiful scenery was covered by the surge of people.

Luo Yue, who arrived earlier than him, have been sending photos and videos to Yang Cheng. Compared with the crowded daytime, Hallstatt Market Square in the early morning is hardly crowded. This is the center of life for the residents of the town, although the square Not big, but the exquisite houses and surrounding woods constitute a quiet and peaceful picture of a European town.

Although the town has only a thousand people, it is full of life everywhere. People like to plant lush vines on their windowsills and balconies. The flowers blooming in early summer are dotted with the green that pours down like a waterfall, and they are all European style. The idyllic little romantic style.

There are many craft shops and specialty cafes around the square, and every corner is worth seeing.

Walk slowly along the winding and narrow ramp, and feel the tranquil atmosphere and ubiquitous vitality of the town.

In the small town of Hallstatt, it seems that everyone is an artist. Even a pair of inconspicuous worn-out leather shoes next to a flowerbed on the roadside can become an ornament to beautify life. Flowers give it new meaning, from decadence. The blooming life in China composes a philosophical poem of life.

The strong human touch is hidden in the streets and lanes of the small town. You can encounter different colors and scenery every time you turn around. These pictures make up a rich expression, depicting the life in Hallstatt.

The town has always had a soft spot for wood. Except for rows of old and exquisite wooden houses, you can see decorations made of wood everywhere in the town. Some houses are even "built on trees." .

Hallstatt is a treasure that has been secretly hidden by God. You can only see its awe-inspiring by crossing thousands of mountains and tens of thousands of water to lift the clouds and mist.

When Yang Cheng arrived in the town, he first saw the patchwork houses inlaid on the mountainside, embracing the green trees, and the floating clouds. Everything looked natural as if they were there before, so beautiful. Without modification.

In this remote and unfamiliar town, it seems that I can temporarily forget the time and language. I only need to observe and experience with my eyes, and then I found that I suddenly understood it while standing on the street.

Whether it is a pedestrian who talks happily or the back of an old man in the alley, it makes people feel so familiar and familiar. Each picture depicts the warmth of the small town of Hallstatt.

The Protestant church on the small square is the most famous building in Hallstatt. This iconic church spire can always be seen in that corner of the town. The family meets in front of the church and enters the church together to appreciate the With the tall dome and gorgeous altar, sunlight shines through the stained glass into the church, creating a sacred atmosphere.

The Bible in front of the altar and the cross representing the Trinity of God are simple but solemn.

From the church, walk along the path to the mountain, admiring the charming streetscape of the town all the way. A little higher in the mountain, there is a small human bone church, which contains the bones left by the residents of the town who died in the past.

Although it is a place where human bones are preserved, it is surprising that it is not gloomy at all, and the church is as quiet and peaceful as a garden.

Hallstatt has a very special custom. Because the small town is surrounded by mountains and lakes, the bones of the dead will be removed from the tomb and placed in this human bone church after ten years of burial.

There are more than 1,200 skulls stored here, of which more than 600 skulls depict names, birth and death years and months in elegant fonts. In addition, oak leaves, laurel branches, ivy and roses are painted to represent the passing away. People's mourning and reverence for life have a special warmth besides solemnity.

The most distinctive of all skulls is the old lady skull with gold teeth on the far right of the cross. She died in 1983. The skull was placed here in 1995. This skull is also the closest skull to the present day.

The small town of Hallstatt is really small, but because of its small size, no matter what angle the scenery is different, every scenery is unique, so it is very interesting to have small alleys in the town.

In the small town of Hallstatt, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers, you can see the towering green hills when you look up. The romantic and warm European style blends perfectly with the natural landscape.

Walking in a small alley can always encounter some beautiful little things, and my heart is moved inadvertently.

The balcony full of flowers is so peaceful and beautiful, just like a scene in a movie, maybe in the next second, you will meet a beautiful woman with a smile, leaning on the balcony and thinking alone.

In the small town of Hallstatt, a simple cabin and a glass window hidden by flowers and leaves are a landscape.

The lush vines climbed up the small wooden window along the wall, and the jewel-like lake was opened when the window opened. This kind of artistic conception not only exists in the fairy tale, but also exists in the small town of Hallstatt, because it is a fairy tale in itself.

The beautiful natural environment and fairy-tale romantic atmosphere give the town a leisurely pace of life. People here always seem so comfortable.

The people's love for wood is not only reflected in the houses, but they also carve exquisite crafts from wood. These small decorations make people love it.

There are two best angles for shooting Hallstatt. One is at the entrance of the town. Park the car in the public parking lot. When you enter the town, you can take pictures of this angle. There are many ducks in the shallow water of the lake. , Add life interest.

The other is the postcard angle on the hillside. This angle can capture the small town’s sky, mountains, rivers, and houses along the shore. The landscape from this angle has also been printed on countless postcards and treasured by tourists!

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