Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1975: Substitution

"You have a showdown, but F~B~I can't agree~" Yang Cheng said confidently.

Li Quanfu sighed, "Yeah, they can't agree~"

"That's why you made a fake death scene? You also pretended Sherlock to avoid our sight?" Yang Cheng asked again.


"By the way, where is the real detective Sherlock?"



"Yes~ I found out that he didn't think much after investigating me, so I let the people from F~B~I deal with it, but afterwards I found out that he was from Yuanshan~"

After a pause, he said helplessly, "No way, I can only contact your grandfather under the guise of Sherlock's identity. Later, I used this identity to meet with him several times, but your grandfather didn't find out."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Your camouflage skills are too high, not to mention my grandfather, even the professionals under me may not be able to find it. This time it is pure luck~"

He hesitated, "Then why are you going back to New York this time? You still use Sherlock's identity, aren't you afraid of being discovered? After all, Sherlock was killed by F~B~I."

"Actually, I didn't hide my suspended animation from them, but they also realized my determination to quit, so after we discussed it, we decided to meet in person in New York.

It just so happened. I heard that an old friend who used to be on ABC was released. I want to see him and say sorry to him~"

Yang Cheng thinks that Li Quanfu is a little naive. You have pitted people for most of your life. Can a sentence of sorry make up for it?

But Yang Cheng can only listen to this kind of thing, and won't interfere.

After hesitating for a while, "Then would you like to see my grandfather?"

Li Quanfu was silent. After a few minutes, he shook his head, "Forget it, just let him think I am dead. That's good. As long as you don't say anything, I promise he won't know~"

Yang Cheng nodded quickly, "Okay, I will also ensure that the news will not leak~"

He was about to leave after he got up, but Li Quanfu stopped him, "Wait, can you do me a favor?"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly and didn't want to help, but after all, he was a friend of Grandpa's, and he couldn't make sense if he didn't help.

"That friend of mine at ABC came out on parole for medical treatment. Can you help him run the operation and completely save him from his subsequent sentence?"

Yang Cheng asked, "How many years does he have?"

"15 years~"

Yang Orange stared, "Don't be kidding, 15 years can't be avoided by looking for a relationship. If there is one or two years left, there is still room for operation."

As soon as the voice fell, his face suddenly darkened, "Wait, you didn't deliberately expose under my eyelids, just to ask me for help? The stories you told before were just for this request?"

In Li Quanfu's eyes, a touch of relief flashed by, and then he nodded frankly, "Yes, but what I said is true, I don't have to lie to you~"

Yang Cheng was still sullen, "I don't like the feeling of being calculated~"

"It's a coincidence, I like to set off people the most, but don't worry, child, you are the grandson of Yuanshan, I can't cheat you, you helped me do this, it's good for you~"

Yang Cheng smiled angrily, "Tell me, what good is it for me?"

"Do you know why this friend of mine can be on parole for medical treatment?"

"Didn't he ask someone to help him? Although he is not sick at all~"

"No, no, I mean, you just believe that F~B~I will let him go?" Li Quanfu asked.

Yang Cheng couldn't figure it out, "Just say it directly, don't sell Guanzi~"

Li Quanfu smiled, "My child, I said, no one can pit the grandson of the distant mountain. Back then, because of frequent internal fighting in ABC, everyone’s eyes were focused on the struggle for power. Only my friend was smarter. Realize that the situation is not good and prepare in advance.

Although ABC did not achieve the ultimate goal back then, it has accumulated a lot of underground assets. Coupled with decades of operation and accumulation, there are now billions of them~"

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up. No wonder Li Quanfu said it was good for him. What he meant was that if he could help this person operate, would it mean he could get a share of the billions of dollars in assets? even. . .

Seeing his greedy gaze, Li Quanfu laughed out again, "Sure enough, the sons of dragons and phoenixes and mice will make holes. You look exactly the same as your grandfather back then. I like it..."

Yang Cheng changed the gloomy face before and said in kindness, "Well, why don't you reveal to me first, what assets are there? I can count on how strong it is."

Li Quanfu didn't mean to conceal it, he thought, "I don't know the details, but I personally helped this friend in the past and transferred several buildings to the names he appointed."

How many buildings? I rely on, not to mention Manhattan. The housing prices in New York have increased several times in recent decades. It seems that Li Quanfu has not deceived himself. Maybe his friend really has billions of assets in his hands. It is estimated that he was also the capital saved by ABC. Up.

I just don't know whether the building in the hands of Li Quanfu's friend is an office building or a residential building. The situation of the former and the latter at this time is completely ice and fire.

The residential market is generally bullish, but contrary to the boom in the New York residential real estate market, the performance of the New York office market is rather bleak.

As we all know, the office yields of Xiangjiang and New York rank the bottom among major cities in the world. The yields of Grade A office buildings in the central business districts of the two cities after deducting rent reduction factors are only 2.85% and 3.29%, respectively. This is a very low rate of return. Compared to the financing cost of the project, this rate of return may make the project lose money.

Fewer and fewer people are not optimistic about the rate of return of office buildings, resulting in less and less transaction volume, so the price can not rise. The main reason is that office buildings are supported by rental income. Therefore, once the occupancy rate is not high, it will lead to the rate of return of office buildings. Affected.

As more and more investors have both immigration and settlement needs, they are more concerned about building a stable future for their families when investing in real estate. Therefore, the demand for residential housing for sale is more tight.

But no matter how you look at it, it is also a property building. If it is a core area, it is at least several hundred million dollars or even more than one billion dollars.

However, he may think too much, Li Quanfu said, "These properties are all located in Queens, but I don't recommend you to ask for the property rights of these buildings. It is more complicated and difficult to sell."

"That means, he has something more valuable in his hands?"

"In the past, ABC fought with the Gambino family, but they robbed a lot of land. One of them, near the current Manhattan cruise terminal, has never been developed."

Yang Cheng was overjoyed, "You mean, this piece of land is in your friend's hands?"

"Yes, he shouldn't have the ability to develop now. You just have to give him a satisfactory figure and transfer the land to you. After all, he will need money after he comes out."

"Wait, you said that this piece of land was taken from the Gambino family, so there is no problem with ownership?"

"Don't worry, after the grab was taken, I did the entire operation process alone, which is reasonable and legal, and there will be no problems. Besides, although the Gambino family still controls a small part of the terminal, it is not worth comparing to the previous energy. Mention it."

"That's good~ That's good, when will I meet your friend?"

"Ha~ you little money fan, don't worry, what I promised you will definitely be done!"

"OK, I believe you, but it’s not that easy to run your friends, and it takes time. You have to be clear about this, it’s not something I can just put it away~"

"Of course, I understand, you just do it, just tell me if you have news, I believe your people can find me~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "You can't leave a fixed contact information? It is very troublesome to find every time~"

"Well, I'll make sure with your people later, but don't find me if it's okay."

Yang Cheng waved his hand unhappily, this old man was really troublesome.

. . .

After returning to New York, Yang Cheng's daily life, in addition to endless work, there are countless party invitations.

Most of them can be pushed, but some invitations are really hard to refuse.

For example, the invitation letter Liu Junyu sent him before his departure was the resignation dinner of HBO TV CEO Richard Plepler, and it was also the welcome ceremony for him to join CW TV. As the big boss behind CW TV, Yang Cheng must give him this face.

Eddie also called Yang Cheng several times, asking him to be there tonight. It was his advocate Richard Plepler who joined him at the beginning. In fact, he did a good job. Yang Cheng thought that Richard Pulai Leppler would choose to rest for a while before returning, but he did not expect to be able to seamlessly connect.

Moreover, the resignation dinner was held with great fanfare, and outsiders sounded a bit faceless.

But Yang Cheng didn't care, anyway, he didn't have a competition agreement.

Eddie did his best for today’s dinner. He directly undertook the Metropolitan Museum and invited many senior executives and celebrities in the entertainment industry to join In order to gain momentum, he also asked Yang Cheng This big boss attended in person, which is considered to be enough for the right side.

When Yang Cheng arrived at the scene, the already pitch-black night sky was illuminated by flashing lights as bright as day. The long red carpet in front of the main entrance was spread to the side of the street. The female stars and the male stars in suits and leather shoes were scrambling to find The camera shows his most handsome and beautiful side.

Yang Cheng didn't mean to be the finale. To deal with Li Quanfu's affairs, she had to be late for a while.

So when he walked on the red carpet, the reporters had already started to pack the camera, some of them moved fast, and the lens was disassembled and put in the bag.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng is not a celebrity, and said in a ‘thinking’ way, “Don’t shoot me, there’s no news about me~”

These reporters who have been eating in New York all the year round are familiar with Yang Cheng’s face and understand his personality. Everyone laughed when they heard what he said, but they still need to be filmed, although Yang Cheng is not. Stars, but also super-rich people with a high rate of reporting, such people are worthy of forums.

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