Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1987: Xiaozha this person

How do you describe Xiaozha? It can be installed.

His public image has always been known for his simplicity and closeness to the people.

When we first met, most people probably would have a good impression of this cute programmer who loves to wear solid T, sunshine and fraternity. The kindness and love he created in the outside world made countless fans fall for it.

But after many contacts and in-depth understanding, think about it carefully, can such a harmless youth really become the youngest billionaire in the United States and make his Facebook the absolute hegemon of the world's social networking sites?

Don't be naive, there are no fairy tales in this world, and none of the characters who can be in the top 100 of the list is for nothing.

The city is a quality that each of them must possess. If there is no point, the city still wants to stand out in the intriguing business sea? I dare not write like that!

Isn't it all popular now? Especially for public figures, they can’t do whatever they want. It is inevitable to show off and play image public relations. Among so many rich people in the world, Zuckerberg is definitely one of the most keen on show, even more than entertainment stars. Excessive.

How to say it? For example, Xiao Zha often posts photos on the Facebook of his 100 million fans. These photos may have different scenes and different characters, but they have to talk about one thing: that is, Zuckerberg is a good father and Husband is a healthy, sunny, and positive perfect man, such as a casual photo of a warm and loving reading to his daughter.

Just such a seemingly casual photo, but it makes people wonder, who is the person taking the photo? Whether it is composition, exposure, and use of color, it has reached the level of an expert.

Believe in your own judgment, you are right, this photo is actually by the world famous photographer Charles Omani.

This photographer is world-famous for his masterpieces reflecting Syrian refugees, but his lofty artistic ideals are vulnerable to money and capital!

Anyway, as far as Yang Cheng knows, Zuckerberg has an elite photography team. Every photo of his life has been carefully crafted by the public relations team. Most netizens are too lazy to pick faults, but they are a bit too much. The photos for the show will still be found flaws by netizens and arouse people's disgust.

One year during the Spring Festival, Zuckerberg showed a picture of making dumplings, but netizens who had made dumplings questioned his spotless T-shirt.

However, it is not so easy for ordinary reporters to take a picture of Zuckerberg from their own perspective. A reporter said that once Zuckerberg showed up in Texas because of an intellectual property dispute, the reporters squatting there could not take a picture of Zuckerberg’s face because he “will be forced by a bodyguard as soon as he is ready to shoot. Push away".

The quality of the bodyguards hired by Xiaozha is not much worse than that of Hansen.

In addition to professional photographers, Zuckerberg also has a team of more than ten people responsible for deleting unfavorable comments on Facebook.

As an elite code farmer who graduated from Harvard, Zuckerberg knows how to use data to maintain his public image. His team will specifically check the reactions of people across the United States on Facebook every time he makes a speech, so as to help Prepare yourself for the next move.

Therefore, the image of Zuckerberg seen by the outside world is simple and close to the people, and every detail is carefully manipulated with a lot of dollar bills.

All discerning people can see that Zuckerberg is a luxurious public relations team that is portraying him as a "God on Earth", but he may be overstretched and become a high-level Virgin Mary.

Back then, Facebook commissioned Musk’s SpaceX to help them launch a satellite. Unfortunately, the rocket exploded just as it was about to launch.

After the incident, Zuckerberg immediately issued a statement, saying that he was very disappointed. His disappointment lies in:

You ruined our satellites. It’s not a matter of money or money. I don’t have money, but our satellites are for the African brothers to use the Internet. You have delayed the welfare of the African brothers, so I call you. Just listen!

To be honest, this is a bit shameless. Launching a rocket itself is a very risky thing. No one wants such unpleasant things to happen. Musk and his SpaceX have suffered a lot because of this. The economic loss is nothing but the loss of reputation is even greater.

You know, the satellite has already bought insurance. This is just a simple accident, but just such an accident was used by the shrewd Zuckerberg to show off his sheng love (mu).

In his words, he faintly alluded that Musk had pitted his distant relatives in Africa. If it sounds good, it is called a show, if it sounds bad, it is shamelessly touching porcelain!

It is precisely because of Zuckerberg's behavior to stand on the moral high ground, Musk has since forged a relationship with him, and has repeatedly stated in public or online media: Facebook is his mother's stuff?

When Zuckerberg’s first daughter was born that year, he issued a long open letter stating that as a birth gift to the child, he would donate 99% of his property to set up a charity fund. For a time, the whole world praised his selfless friendship, and some ignorant people used this as an example to force the rich and powerful in their own country to learn from others.

However, anyone who has read the news knows that the establishment of charitable funds is very popular among the rich in Europe and the United States, and its purpose is often not pure charity. Faced with stringent anti-monopoly laws and high inheritance taxes, Kerberg's behavior is very mainstream-because it can maximize the interests of future generations.

Of course, the rich in their own country are not much better.

So, what is Zuckerberg for packaging himself as such an exaggerated moral role model? He must have aspirations, it is impossible to set up a person for no reason.

It's like there are celebrities set up by foodies, why? Isn't it to get more relevant advertising endorsements?

Don’t you see that Fatty Huang has received countless endorsements and advertisements for home appliances since he established a small chef who loves his wife and daughter?

In fact, Xiao Zha did this for his powerful ZZ ambitions.

This point has been known since he started to follow the people-friendly route. In order to “learn more about a small part of the nearly 2 billion people who regularly use Facebook”, he traveled to 30 states in the United States as a zheng guest. He left many carefully posed photos, so don’t be surprised if he goes to run for president one day. Then look at the fate of his predecessors and you will know his future.

Therefore, whether it is diaosi, the big brother next door who is close to the people, the good man who loves his family and cares for his family, or the perfect moral saint, they are far away from the real Zuckerberg.

So, what kind of person is the real Zuckerberg hidden under the iron helmet of this carefully crafted public relations image?

Yang Cheng still has a say in this question. First of all, let’s take a look at the film "Social Network" directed by David Fincher. This film is based on the story of Zuckerberg’s creation of Facebook. To a certain extent, we can glimpse Zuckerberg's multifaceted human nature.

In fact, many of the plots in the movie are true. For example, when Zuckerberg was studying at Harvard, he plagiarized the ideas of two seniors and made Facebook the earliest Prototype.

That’s right, the two seniors took Zuckerberg to court. He paid them $65 million. Creativity is not protected by law, so no one can really take it. What about Zuckerberg?

Of course, some people say that his two seniors got more than 30 million US dollars with two ideas, which is enough and can no longer be greedy.

But things can’t be thought of like this. What if these two seniors make their own Facebook? Can they also make it to the top ten on the list?

Do you know how many zeros are there between 30 million and 30 billion?

This has to mention Xiaozha's blood. As a Jew with a long tradition of doing business, Zuckerberg's business skills cannot be said to be not old.

When he first started his business, he easily kicked out the earliest partner.

Xiao Ma, who is now in the Internet in Country Z, was also calculated by Xiao Zha. Back then, taking advantage of Xiao Ma’s back surgery, Zuckerberg quickly acquired him. Whatsapp wants to acquire, so that Penguins lost a great opportunity to travel around the world, which almost blocked the penguin's last exit to sea.

I wonder if Brother Xiao Ma vomited three liters of blood when he heard the news?

Of course, from another perspective, it can also be said that Xiaozha is better.

When it comes to dealing with employees, Zuckerberg's character is completely exposed and he has not always maintained his famous democratic style.

Many old Facebook employees who left their jobs once complained in interviews Zuckerberg once poured a glass of water on the employee's computer because he was dissatisfied with the code written by an employee.

Zuckerberg often wanders around the office with an RB saber. If you are not doing well enough, he will threaten to chop off your head at any time.

Therefore, in essence, Zuckerberg is no different from the old capitalists in the past. What they pursue is to obtain more benefits, control a larger market, and even bind or obtain greater ZZ power.

I have to say that the only thing about Zuckerberg is special, or genius, is that he is good at creating an image, good at packaging himself as an ordinary, simple and sunny big boy, so that everyone feels that he is so kind. , Kind, smart, and reliable.

By the way, you can fool you very much. This is almost another characteristic of successful capitalists. If you don't have a good mouth, you will lack a lot of exposure. If you can say it, you can also give people a very wise impression.

The reason why he spent nearly 3,000 words to evaluate Xiaozha was to pave the way for the next chapter. This guy took the initiative to come to the door, and there was absolutely no good fart in his stomach!

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