Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2007: Stimulate the film and television industry

The roast duck was not eaten, but the roast chicken was also very delicious. It was a pheasant that the people in the Christmas castle hit in the forest last year. The meat is firm, but unfortunately it has been frozen for a long time. It doesn't taste as good as fresh, but in the chef His men still became a delicious dish.

After dinner, Yang Cheng returned to the study. The biggest advantage of living in the castle is that it is quiet, and there is no noise that can bother him, which allows him to concentrate and think better.

In the past few years, the layout in the UK is not small, from media to football clubs, from real estate to finance, and new energy. It can be said that the investment scope is very wide.

It is conservatively estimated that his assets in the UK alone are at least 3 billion pounds.

The most profitable thing is definitely real estate. He is standing on the front line, becoming a flying pig, and his profits have doubled.

The rest, including the media and the Liverpool club, are actually not profitable. Although the overall valuation has also risen a lot, the real money has not yet been seen.

Of course, he has expanded his influence in the UK through these two fields, which cannot be bought by money.

So in general, Yang Cheng is quite satisfied with the years he has been tossing in the UK.

And don’t forget, in his castle, there is also a team specializing in future technology. Once they succeed in research, the income will not be blocked by billions, at least zero.

But this kind of research can't be anxious. Yang Cheng has great patience with this, and he can afford to invest tens of millions of pounds a year!

In the study, on the one-hundred-year-old desk, neatly arranged stacks of documents in different categories, which are usually organized by Old Carson, so that Yang Cheng can come back and read them at any time.

There are reports from various industries, and Yang Cheng first picked up a report from the film and television industry and read it.

This was written by the old Carson after personally collecting data. He mentioned in the report that the UK has attracted more and more overseas film and television production teams due to the tax reduction policy implemented by the British ZF in the film industry and the continued weakness of the pound sterling. The film and television industry is growing rapidly.

Industry insiders pointed out that the explosive development of the film and television industry will play a huge role in promoting the British economy and effectively help the British cultural industry out of the adverse effects of Brexit.

"Star Wars: The Story of Han Solo", Disney's live-action version of "Dumbo"... With block after block set to be filmed in the UK, the British film and television industry has seen a significant upward trend, contributing to the country's GDP growth. Significant contribution.

It is estimated that in the second quarter of this year, the British film, television and music industries account for 8.2% of GDP.

Among them, the explosive development of the film and television industry is the most obvious, becoming the second largest industry in the service industry after the retail industry, and it is also the main contributor to the 0.5% increase in the proportion of the service industry in GDP.

Statistics show that the total output value of the film, television and music industries has increased by 72.4% compared to 2014. Compared with the 8.5% data of the entire Europe, it can indeed be called explosive development.

Last year, ZF reduced taxes of up to 600 million pounds for films that meet the conditions of "Made in Britain" and large-cost TV program production activities. In addition, the UK has world-class front and back technical talents and film and television companies, which can be said to be hardware and software. Both.

In addition to the arrival of film crews, the box office revenue of British movies is also rising-box office revenue increased by 13%, and ticket prices increased by 6%.

The British cinema industry is experiencing its heyday. This is a conclusion recognized by professionals in the industry. British audiences have shown great interest in diversified and high-quality films. At the same time, the social investment in the field of movie viewing experience has reached an unprecedented level.

The field of TV programming is also ushering in the "golden age". Netflix invested 100 million pounds to create the TV series "The Crown", Amazon invested heavily in the creation of Jeremy Karakson's car show "The Great Journey" and the historical drama "Legend of Ancient Battlefields". These programs are all chosen to be filmed in the United Kingdom, because the United Kingdom introduced a tax incentive policy in 2013 that is very attractive-tax relief for programs that cost more than £1 million per episode.

Since the UK decided to leave the European Union, the continued weakness of the pound sterling has also become another important reason for attracting film and television crews.

Next month, a TV drama crew that claims to be the most expensive in French history to open an office in London is affected by this factor.

The impact of Brexit on the British cultural industry has always made the industry feel uneasy. In addition to the restrictions on the movement of people, the industry is most worried about funding.

From 2007 to 2015, EU film and television projects invested up to 130 million euros in the UK film, television and game industries.

The continued rise of the film and television industry may be the best reassurance to this tension. Some insiders said that one should not blindly believe that Brexit will cause severe damage to the film and television industry, and that Brexit may be beneficial to the British film and television industry.

Because the United Kingdom has world-class film and television production companies and high-quality talents, it is very attractive to the overseas film and television industry. The high investment not only comes from the European Union, but in 2015 alone, the United States invested as much as 1.5 billion pounds in the British film and television industry. .

At present, these investments from the United States and other countries will not be reduced by Brexit. As long as ZF’s preferential tax policies remain unchanged, the UK’s film and television industry should not be affected by Brexit.

If ZF uses the saved funds to establish a new film and television fund after Brexit, the industry will benefit from Brexit instead.

Old Carson’s conclusion is that the film and television industry is a buyer’s market, and the number of film and television programs may decrease after Brexit, but this can play the role of survival of the fittest, making producers more insistent on quality and making investors more cautious, because only the most Excellent programs will stand out and meet the audience.

After Yang Cheng watched the full report, his first thought was to invite William for a meal. The butler he found for himself was too awesome. If he left it, he was definitely able to settle in Buckingham Palace. Sent.

This research is no less than that of the veterans in the industry, and the old Carson just wrote this highly directional report based on the data collected by himself. What is it not to be a great person?

Anyway, after reading it, Yang Orange felt that if he did not increase investment in the British film and television industry, he would be sorry for the time-consuming and laborious writing of this report.

Of course, he is not such an impulsive person, and reason is always the one with more votes in his life.

The overall production level of British dramas is not inferior to that of American dramas, and even in the eyes of some audiences, watching British dramas is the style, and those who watch American dramas are typical representatives of silly and uncultured.

This is quite indicative of the problem. Some things cannot be generalized. Regarding where the British film and television industry is headed in the context of Brexit, Yang Cheng feels that it needs to be viewed dialectically.

First of all, there is no doubt about the production level of the British drama and the ability of the entire industry. The American drama "Game of Thrones", which costs more than 30,000 US dollars per second, is a TV series paid by the United States and filmed by the British. "Game of Thrones" is full of British style.

The map of Westeros continent is extremely British map; the actors are basically from the United Kingdom; Northern Ireland’s Tolymore Forest Park and Ward Castle are both shooting locations.

Therefore, since the beginning of the "Brexit" referendum, there have been constant voices questioning that "Brexit" will affect the shooting of "Game of Thrones".

Because once the UK leaves the European Union, the "Game of Thrones" crew cannot enjoy funding from the European Regional Development Foundation.

Although HBO, the producer of "Game of Thrones", refutes the rumor that it will not have any impact, but compared with HBO such "foreign tyrants", many local British films do need to rely on EU-related project funding to complete, Brexit will give These small and medium-cost local film industries have brought an impact.

For example, the labor costs incurred by hiring EU employees will increase. For film and television dramas produced and filmed in the UK, hiring EU nationals like hiring domestic workers can save a lot of costs.

However, once Brexit, British creative industry companies must apply for visas for their EU employees.

As far as Yang Cheng knows, at present, about 30% of the personnel in small and medium-sized entertainment companies in the UK are from other EU member states. After Brexit, the visa application fee for each person may exceed 3,000 pounds.

Furthermore British film and television industry once enjoyed financial support from the European Union will be greatly reduced. For example, the "Creative Europe" Foundation plans to provide a budget of up to 1.46 billion euros for the European cultural and creative industries from 2014 to 2020. Financial support, and the UK is the main funding target of the plan.

However, this right is very likely to be deprived after Brexit is completed, which will greatly hinder the production of independent films that account for 15% of the British movie box office.

In addition, the United Kingdom has been receiving high subsidies from the European Union in many aspects such as publishing and art support. With the completion of Brexit, all of these may no longer be owned.

Finally, the benefits of allies will be reduced, the import and export costs of cultural trade will increase, and the withdrawal from the customs union and the single market will increase import and export costs.

The United Kingdom is also a typical foreign trade country, with creative industry exports accounting for 10% of total exports, and Europe is one of the largest markets in the United Kingdom.

If the UK wants to export cultural entrepreneurial products to Europe in the future, it will have to pay high tariffs, which will inevitably have an impact on the number of British films and TV dramas imported into Europe.

In the past ten years or so, the film industry has exerted a strong impetus on the tourism industry in the UK and even the British economy.

Exploring the filming location of "Game of Thrones" has become a popular route to travel to the UK. This drama alone has brought up to 150 million pounds in revenue to the local economy.

It is conceivable that in the future, with the increase in tariffs and the complexity of visa processing, the uncertainty brought about by Brexit will more or less impact the entire industry.

This is also the basis for Yang Cheng to refute old Carson after rational thinking.

Of course, what Carson said is also reasonable. Often times, the good use of the crisis is an opportunity. Maybe the British film and television industry can really use this to survive the fittest and become small and refined. This is not a good thing.

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