Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 814: NFL Broadcasting Rights (2)

As for the NFL’s own TV station, NFLNetwork, in the early years it used to produce and broadcast the Thursday Night Game on its own. In terms of live broadcast technology and signal quality, there is still a gap with the major TV stations. It has also been complained by North American audiences for several years. In desperation, Roger Goodall simply stopped eating alone. In recent years, he has been broadcasting in cooperation with other TV stations.

   Of course, as a pro-son, there is no shortage of benefits. In the last few rounds of the regular season, the NFL officials will specially arrange a small number of games to be held on Saturday night in the United States, which will be broadcasted by NFLNetwork.

In order to maximize the benefits, NFL officials are very good at balancing and subdividing copyrights. Each of the rights will be broken and broken. As an annual audiovisual feast-the Super Bowl, it will be broadcast by NBC/FOX/CBS every year. ; The playoffs and even the preseason are all rain and dew; and the Thanksgiving Day game has a special status and significance in the United States. The three games each year are also broadcast live by NBC/FOX/CBS. In addition, the TV stations in the regions where each team is located The preseason games of each team will also be broadcast live.

But if you are a TV viewer in the United States, due to the relevant regulations of the Zheng policy, you can watch live matches every week. In theory, there are two types of matches you can watch: One is national broadcast matches. , Such as a few night games every week; the second is the team games in your area or nearby areas (the regulations involved in this are very complicated, you can write several chapters, I won’t go into details here, interested friends can do it by themselves Study it, manual naughty).

Don’t think this is over. In addition to the above broadcasts, Spanish live broadcasts and broadcast live broadcasts should not be ignored. Don’t forget that in the United States, there are a large number of Spanish-speaking communities. NBC/FOX/CBS/ESPN are equipped with special Spanish-language commentary. As for audio, WestwoodOne has the right to broadcast night games, Thanksgiving games, international series (London games and Mexico games), playoffs, All-Star games, and Super Bowl. Its configuration is as complete as any TV stations, many people who cannot watch TV because of work, rely on the radio to vent their enthusiasm.

   And what Ritz said is the right to live broadcast the Thursday night game globally, which is another gold-sucking weapon that the NFL came up with.

  Why did the NFL choose to arrange such a "wonderful" regular schedule and various American dramas to grab traffic on Thursday night?

In fact, at the earliest, the NFL only had the Thursday night game in the post-Thanksgiving playoff sprint stage, and there was no other time period. At that time, it was promoting its own pay TV station NFLNetwork, hoping to put the broadcast rights of the Thursday night game on NFLNetwork’s Form to reduce the price of TV station contractors’ fees to viewers.

However, as the Thursday night games became more and more popular, by the 2012 season, the number of night games had been expanded from 8 to 13 games, which became "unconventional game time" throughout the regular season. The heavyweight matchup specially formulated by the league has naturally received the attention of the team. The game is good, and the ratings will get higher and higher.

   It can be said that the NFL has squeezed out every profit of broadcasting rights.

  Ritz added, "According to Mr. Roger Goodall, the broadcast rights of the Thursday Night Game are for the whole world and can include all platforms except live TV."

   Yang Cheng's eyes flashed brightly, "That is to say, it contains multiple platforms such as the Internet and mobile terminals?"

Ritz is affirmed, "That's right. Roger Goodall meant to sign a water test contract first. He has sent invitations to Apple, Amazon, Twitter and other companies. From the news I received Several companies are very interested in this brand new contract."

Yang Cheng did not rashly agree. It is important to know that live event live broadcast is the top priority of all NFL content products, and it is also the place where the major broadcasters spend the most effort. Although the rights and interests are different, each broadcast mode has something in common. .

The live broadcast technology is good, CW TV station can help, but how to match the program and live broadcast three-dimensionally, how to maximize the use of prime time, and how to refine the division of labor and fix the combination and match. One sentence and two sentences can be resolved.

Usually an ace program with a big live broadcast is a must-have routine for every family. NBC has FootballNightinAmerica, FOX has NFLSunday, CBS has TheNFLToday, ESPN has NFLPrimetime, and these programs are arranged before the kick-off of the game and are played during the game. After the game, it continues to be presented in the form of a program, and the program ends and the game begins, thereby forming a strong continuity, maximizing the use of prime time, and ensuring that the audience's attention is always focused on TV.

Take NBC's FootballNightinAmerica as an example. The Sunday night game kicks off at 8:20pm. The show starts at 7pm and lasts for 80 minutes. The game usually ends at 11:30pm Eastern Time. The whole show will continue after the comments are included. Nearly 5 hours, fully interpreted the meaning of rugby night.

Even if it is put on the network platform, taking into account the audience’s pursuit of efficiency, it may not be as long as 5 hours, but it is necessary to start with 2 hours. It is necessary to stay close to the game and present the best results to ensure mining The advertising value of the prime time period is released, and the copyright purchased at a high price can be maximized in return.

   It is precisely because of the need for such a content arrangement, we must be fully prepared in terms of the personnel collocation of the program An excellent fixed program team is the foundation of everything.

The program has a program team, and the live broadcast has a live broadcast of people. The analysis before, during and after the game is generally composed of a host controlling the field with 3-4 guests. The live broadcast usually adopts a 1+1+1+1 personnel matching mode , That is, 1 commentator, 1 commentator, 1 sideline reporter, and 1 referee expert.

Of course, different media will have different arrangements. ESPN’s Monday Night Game is equipped with two commentators, one of whom will provide an on-site observation and interpretation perspective; while FOX’s Thursday Night Game has two sideline reporters who are responsible for different team.

   On the basis of the division of labor, American TV stations attach great importance to the fixed combination of personnel, and once they are determined, they will try to stick to it for a long time.

   This kind of strategy makes it easy for commentators and commentators to gradually become the brand's signature of this TV station in this event, which is very helpful to cultivate the loyalty of the audience.

TV stations like FOX and CBS that broadcast multiple games a week will have 8 fixed commentary groups. Many people have been partners for many years, and even the commentary will be based on a certain team. The tacit understanding between each other and Research on the team will be more in place, and the results will naturally be better.

   Re-recruiting and running into an ace team may take much longer than the 13 Thursday night games in a season. Only signing a one-year test contract alone may not guarantee a perfect return on investment.


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