Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 819: Coincidentally with Miranda

   When Sandy talked about his history of sucking du, he didn't feel ashamed at all. On the contrary, he was very proud of him. Seeing his beaming face, he didn't know what he did.

   Yang Cheng silently looked at the fat man with a greasy face from the periphery of the crowd, secretly wondering if this guy would be John Bogle's illegitimate child, or why let him make trouble by his name.

"I spend five or six nights a week with that thing, because I found that if I smoke a little less, then I might not experience trembling, sweating or bleeding the next day, but It can't work.

   There was a time when I tried to smoke only three days a week.

But this makes me look sick. I understand that if I keep going like this, I will make mistakes sooner or later. I am afraid I will get a big deal because of it. I also understand that as long as I appear in the office in this state, Will be swept out immediately.

   I remember wandering around the office building, thinking about what to do.

   I told myself that if I was robbed, I would definitely not have to work.

So I ran for a few blocks, wandering into a puddle and rubbing around until my pants were worn out, and my hands and knees began to bleed, and then I was soaked and limped into the office, poor He told the boss that I was robbed. Obviously, I couldn't think rationally at that time and started to take it for granted.

   Then, needless to say, after 72 hours, I was fired, forced to enter the rehabilitation center, and started my first career in quitting du.

After    came out, I was normal for about a year, and then I relapsed and returned to the rehabilitation center.

After recovering again, I received another seven-figure Wall Street interview, but I felt that since I got a freshman, I shouldn’t repeat my previous job, so I left halfway through the interview, with my uncle’s encouragement. Founded the Sandy Fund today. In just a few years, the assets under management have gone from a few million to the current 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, and the annual revenue exceeds 500 million U.S. dollars. This is all thanks to everyone. Trust, you can't hand over such a beautiful report card anyway.

   I don’t know if I regret these experiences.

   But I sincerely hope that if I didn't hurt some people, it would be fine, especially my family.

But I understand that if I hadn’t experienced all of this, I wouldn’t be who I am now. Now I have a house on Long Island, and there are countless luxury cars and a sailing yacht. I’m downplayed. Now my biggest wish is to help more people manage their assets and continue their happy lives, and never disappoint everyone’s trust in me. "

   A sincere speech made the atmosphere full of warmth. When Sandy finally raised the champagne glass, the atmosphere reached GC.

   However, Yang Cheng saw the same meaning in David Ellison's eyes. This guy is absolutely the illegitimate son of John Bogle, but he can't be publicly raised outside, so they have always been known as uncles and nephews.

   Otherwise, why can he enter Lehman's internship at a young age and become regular? Why can I get an interview with an annual salary of more than 7 figures with a history of severely sucking du? Why do you earn 10 billions from millions of dollars in assets?

   I am afraid that he cannot do without the help of his "uncle" John Bogle!

   This is definitely not a malicious speculation~

   sneaked out of the crowd, and met David Ellison again at a small round table in the distance. "What do you think?" David Ellison asked.

   Yang Cheng looked rather moved when seeing the mold, and smiled bitterly, and gestured, "Look, our beautiful ladies have been touched by this story. It seems that after the official opening to absorb funds, I believe the scene must be very hot."

   David Ellison patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "comeon buddy, you know I am not asking this."

Yang Cheng frowned, "To be honest, if John Bogle and Pioneer Fund are really standing behind him, then regardless of his abilities, the prospects can be looked forward to, I am afraid that he will be a big deal. flag."

   Mildew came over again, "I don't care, anyway, if you invest money, you must bring me~"

   "Don't rush to make a decision, let me check it out first." Yang Cheng said, pinching his chin.

   took out his cell phone and sent a message to Ryze, and then waited quietly. David Ellison's arm still couldn't hook Wall Street. What he could find was only the surface, and Yang Cheng had to rely on Yang Cheng to go deeper.

Speaking of which, if this Sandy really has an ulterior relationship with John Bogle as he guessed, then Sandy’s good days are coming to an end. After all, John Bogle is now more than 85 years old, although He has amazing wealth to ensure that he gets the best maintenance and treatment, but he has been diagnosed with heart disease since the age of 30, and his body has been greatly overdrawn. It is a miracle to be able to survive now. There are still several years of life span for everyone. unpredictable.

Compared with the old stock god, many people on Wall Street respect and admire John Bogle more, not only because he created the world's largest fund company, but also created the precedent of a free fund sales system, which is respected by people. The father of index funds".

   The Vanguard Fund, which now holds several trillion US dollars of strong assets, is a well-deserved giant in Wall Street and the global financial industry. Of course, it is undeniable that Vanguard Fund is inextricably linked with Bai Gong.

   "jason?" Just when Yang Cheng was thinking of John Bogle, a familiar sweet voice rang behind him.

   He turned his head and even turned his head with mildew, and found that Miranda Kerr was smiling and holding his fiance Evan Spielberg's arm, standing there saying hello to Yang Cheng.

   "Hey, Miranda, what a coincidence? Evan, good evening." Yang Cheng froze for a moment, pinching his nose and smirking.

   This Los Angeles is really small, and you can meet the "golden boy and jade girl" who envy others everywhere.

   "I didn't expect you to come too. I knew we would be together so as not to be bored." Miranda Kerr's style remains the same, he is over thirty, and still has the supermodel style.

   Yang Cheng laughed dryly, "Yeah, are you planning to invest money in this Sandy Fund too?" Yang Cheng was anxious that the two of them would invest more.

Well, he admits that being careful is happening again. It is strange to say that this is not the case for her women, except for Miranda Kerr, every time he sees her laughing with her fiance happily, he feels There was an unknown fire and I didn't know where it was going. Maybe it had something to do with Yang Cheng being the first woman to have a little affection since she was reborn?

   Damn, nothing like that, the arrogant Yang Cheng never thinks that he has been moved by this woman, never!

"Evan does have this idea, but I still want to plan for the next round of financing for Snapchat and see the investment banks on Wall Street in advance." Miranda Kerr seems to have become an official spokesperson, but Evan has become a supporting role. Smiling and lovingly looking at his girlfriend.

David Ellison answered with surprise, "If I remember correctly, Snapchat just confirmed a new round of financing in June? How long has this passed, and is it ready for the next round? What is the first round? Round?"

   His words are not malicious, but it sounds a bit ironic to the head of Evan. It seems to say that snapchat can only be maintained by financing and has no profitability at all, although it is true.

   Yang Cheng has also heard about this. At that time, Snapchat and New Times Media held financing at almost the same time. Of course, compared to New Times Media’s multi-billion financing, Snapchat is just like a kid’s play house and cannot be compared.

However, it cannot be denied that snapchat has its own followers and is willing to place heavy bets on it. In fact, from the perspective of return on investment, snapchat is not a good investment target. If it is used as a supplement to the business landscape, it is another matter. Up.

As early as March of this year, there was news that many groups including Ali Barbar invested US$200 million in Snapchat’s Series E financing, and the investment institutions that eventually joined were two other hedge funds. Snapchat raised a total of US$537 million in this round. The specific amount has not been announced. According to rumors, the final amount may reach US$650 million.

Since the start of its business, Snapchat has been a company that has been raising funds quite frequently. If you see news about Snapchat in the tech media, it’s not because it’s financing, or it’s because of rumors that it’s financing again. This matter is fast in Internet circles. It was seen as a joke.

Since its establishment in September 2011, Snapchat’s cumulative total financing has reached 1.1 billion U.S. dollars. After this round of financing, it is valued at 16 billion U.S. dollars. Snapchat is expected to become the next Xiaomi with a valuation of 45 billion and Uber with a valuation of 40 billion. After the third largest unlisted Internet company.

   Now that the E round of financing has just passed a few months, and continue to raise funds, Yang Cheng is really worried that the 26 letters are not enough for them.

However, this young and willful second generation seems to have tasted money for the first time. Two times before and after, he cashed out tens of millions of dollars with his partner to improve his life. Now he is also trying to take care of his own assets. Funding, I have to say that this is also an improvement.

Miranda Kerr saw Evan's face a little stiff, and hurriedly explained, "Evan plans to start the ipo plan after another round of financing. If you are interested, you can find out. As we all know, snapchat is the most popular today. For Internet unicorns, the return after listing can definitely satisfy investors."

   Yang Cheng heard the words, could not help but feel like a kind of genteel treats each other for three days, but it was still a bit naive. It would be a bit of a fantasy to fudge Yang Cheng and the others on the thief ship with these two sentences.

Evan also knew this, and pulled his girlfriend’s arm so as not to continue to lose face, “I heard that New Times Media has completed the C round of financing? Congratulations. I don’t know if there is another round of financing. If so, I hope Can you give snapchat a chance to participate, and I am willing to exchange shares of snapchat."



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