Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 831: 1 and processed it

Outside a small concrete building with mottled exterior walls and exposed steel bars, Andrew stopped the car and got off the car quickly. He looked around and stared at both sides with his murderous eyes. The tramp drew his hands under his armpits at the same time, and two M1911s with camouflage skins in the magic package appeared on his hands instantly. This is Andrew's wife, big and small, and he will feel distressed for a week even if Yang Cheng wants to touch it.

However, compared to the common black or silver models, the visual impact of these two M1911s, which have been modified to be more suitable for jungle warfare, has dropped a lot, so that those who do not understand guns forget the threat of pistols. , Still pacing forward with tentative steps.

Andrew sneered, his left hand pulled the bolt at lightning speed, and then the index finger of the right hand holding the gun pressed down, with a "bang~", the recoil was digested invisible by Andrew's strong muscles, at least Yang Cheng's naked eyes could not see it. Andrew's hand holding the gun trembled a little.

At a distance of less than 20 meters, the hapless guy who walked in front fell to the ground. Before he could even close his eyelids, he fell on his back to the ground. The tramp behind on both sides saw him and stayed in place. After a pause, without letting Andrew talk nonsense, he suddenly turned into a group of frightened birds and fled around. Some of them had weakened legs because of fear, and ran one step and two steps, for fear that they would become Andrew's dead soul under the gun.

Yang Cheng just frowned slightly and didn't mean to blame Andrew at all. He knew very well that in this cannibal hell, as long as you show a little bit of cowardice, you will immediately become the beasts that just escaped. Prey, so Andrew's decisive killing can be regarded as an alternative protection to him.

Poorly looked at the hapless guy in a pool of blood. At least Andrew's shooting skills were amazing. The blood hole between his eyebrows gurgled blood, which proved how easy he died without any pain. It was even more painful than euthanasia. , "Reborn in a good family in your next life, don't be the first bird in whatever you do."

   Yang Cheng could see clearly that Andrew had no purpose at all when he started. It was just that he was just in the forefront and picked him, so the sentence of shooting a bird is quite reasonable.

Perhaps it was the gunshot. Andrew, who was on the second floor of this dangerous building, immediately rushed down with his men. After confirming Yang Cheng’s safety, he turned his attention to the corpse not far away. The four bodyguards who followed were also Following a cold glance, there was no mood swing in his eyes.

   Hansen said calmly, "Go to someone to clean up, dig out the bullets, and try not to leave traces."

A white bodyguard next to    blew a cool whistle, "I'm coming, you guys will protect the boss upstairs."

   At this time, Yang Cheng retracted his gaze, and under the protection of the bodyguard, stepped on the messy concrete stairs to the second floor.

The bodyguard pushed open the only door and signaled Yang Cheng to enter. The room was about 30 square meters without any furniture and was empty. If it wasn't for a blood man tied to a chair in the middle of the house, this room would not use any words at all. Described, in addition to empty, there is not even a piece of waste paper, I have to say it is a miracle.

"Cruise Moore?" Yang Cheng walked in four directions, swaying his hands in front of the'blood man'. He was indeed a blood man. The dark red blood had covered most of his upper body skin, and his face was not swollen. Apparently, he raised his head with difficulty and looked at Yang Cheng with his eyes with only one slit left. He made a "chuckle" in his throat, but he didn't utter a complete word.

Hansen, who followed behind, had a cold face, "Boss, I did it personally, without mercy. He has recruited everything that should be said. Except for using the boss's itinerary information as an exchange, he doesn't know anything else. situation."

Yang Cheng didn't look back, just a "um", and slowly squatted down on her knees, staring sharply at Cruise Moore, whose head was hanging weakly, and said quietly, "Cruise, if you can hear me. , Just nodded."

   After waiting for a few seconds, Cruise moved his head insignificantly, and Yang Cheng smiled, "I don't want to know how you betrayed me, I just want to know if you still want to survive?"

   Hansen's face suddenly became anxious, and he stepped forward to plead, but was grabbed by Andrew, and shook his head at Hansen, beckoning him not to act rashly.

   Out of trust in Andrew and Yang Cheng, Hansen did not speak after all, sighed and retracted his steps, lowering his head not knowing what he was thinking.

Yang Cheng probably could feel what happened behind him, but he didn't say anything, let alone scold Hansen. From an objective perspective, he admired Hansen as a character, but he couldn't be completely objective at this time. Later, he only knew that because of Cruise Moore, he almost died in the enemy's trap. This is absolutely unforgivable, but he still has to worry about Hansen's face, otherwise it will chill the heart of this old official. Finding a sincere confidant is not easy.

   This time, Cruise Moore seemed to spend a lot longer thinking time. Yang Cheng waited for 2 minutes before seeing Cruise nodded his head insignificantly, meaning that he wanted to survive.

   Yang Cheng chuckled in satisfaction, "So good, I will give you a task. Whether you can make up for it depends on your own good fortune."

After a pause, he turned around and took a piece of A4 printing paper from Andrew. This is a colorful portrait. This is a male with the characteristics of a polar bear. He has a bald head, a thin face, deep-set eye sockets, and a shadow in his eyes. Feeling like this, this person is the special soldier who escaped from the signal flag force, and the murderer who arranged the scene of planting Yang Orange-Tymoshchuk.

Holding a corner of his profile picture, he stood in front of Cruzmore’s eyes, “Remember this person, his name is Timothy Chuk, I don’t care if you know him or not, and I don’t want to know if you can beat him, I only have A request, within 1 week, find this person for me and bring it to me.

Remember, I only want a living person who can breathe. A dead person is of no value to me. If you can accomplish your goal, I will turn over this matter of your betrayal. Of course, you cannot continue to work by my side in the future, but at least you Can you save your life? On the contrary, if you can guess it, I won't talk nonsense.

Of course, you can choose to escape. The farther you escape, the better. As long as you have the confidence not to be found by me, Hansen will definitely be implicated by you. Believe me, the farther you escape, the happier I will be, because I have enough reason to kill you. "

With a bang, Yang Cheng squeezed the printing paper into a ball and threw it on the ground, putting away his smile, looking down at Cruise Moore from top to bottom, and instructed Hansen, "I will leave it to you here. Give him two days. Time to heal, and two days later, he will be free. It is up to him to choose whether he is alive or dead."

Hansen still couldn’t bear it, but he knew that this was Yang Cheng’s bottom line. His benevolence was exhausted. Hansen knew he couldn’t ask for more. He solemnly promised, "Don’t worry, boss, I’ll stare at him. If he dares to escape, I Will kill him personally."

   Yang Cheng did not say a word, which is a tacit understanding, but is it not a dissatisfaction?

   took a deep look at Cruise Moore, didn't stop, slammed Andrew, and the two quickly went downstairs and got into the car and left.

The black Escalade walked through the mottled streets. The homeless people who had just been scared off gathered together and didn’t know what they were talking about. They obviously forgot about the fact that someone died in front of them just now, like a dead dog, even Dead dogs are not as good, at least the meat of dead dogs can provide them with food for a few days.

The cabin was extremely quiet. Andrew observed Yang Cheng through the rearview mirror several times. He moved his lips and stopped talking. Finally, when he tried to talk to Yang Cheng again, he was spotted. Yang Cheng gave him a funny look. "Just say something, don't mother-in-law."

   Andrew held the steering wheel with one hand, scratched his scalp with the other, smiled honestly, who would think he was harmless, he would definitely die miserably!

   "Boss, just let Cruise Moore go?"

   Yang Cheng heard the words, looked at him with a smile but joked, "What? You don't want me to let him go?"

   Andrew's tone was stagnant, and he shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, I listen to the boss. I will do whatever the boss asks me to do."

   Yang Cheng smiled comfortedly, then turned his head and looked out the window, the retrograde building passed in front of him, after looking at it for a while, closing his eyes, and pondering for a long time before he sighed and said, "This Cruise Moore can't stay~"

   Andrew nodded did not answer, waiting for Yang Cheng's further instructions.

Sure enough, after a long silence, Yang Cheng seemed to have made a decision, "Send me back in a while, and I will find a reason to let you disappear from people’s eyes for a while. You stared at Cruise Moore for me, no matter if he finds it or not. Find the signal flag deserter, I want him to completely disappear from this world, it is best to make the illusion that he is running away."

   Andrew didn't hesitate at all, and nodded heavily, "Good boss, but Hansen, we probably can't help it."

He is self-aware, and his ability is comparable to Hansen, but the reason why Hansen can become the captain is because he has an excellent overall view and outstanding commanding ability, and his mind is extremely delicate. Therefore, Andrew is not sure of the illusion he created. Can completely hide Hansen.

   Yang Cheng also understood this, and nodded helplessly, "How long can you hide it."

   "How to deal with that deserter?" Andrew was relieved with Yang Cheng's assurance, and then asked.

Yang Cheng pondered for a while, "If Cruise Moore can really find that Timoshchuk, you can deal with it together. He is of little use to me. The people of the Charity family are not fools. I want to use this person to make charity. The family is a bit wishful thinking. Since he has no value, it is a curse to keep it, so it is better to send him to reincarnation."


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