Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 836: Traitor-death!

   So, the third episode of the program was launched, and Bennett, the hapless one who was selected, officially appeared in front of the public.

   The audience is still wondering, this Bennett seems to have never been in contact with Gifford, why would he be such a killer against Gifford?

   However, when the show revealed an extremely nasty Xing invasion case by Bennett, public opinion almost turned upside down.

In April 2012, on a business flight to Arizona, Bennett verbally harassed a girl sitting next to a girl who was flying alone on the plane. After being refused for further relations several times, he was furious and went down. The plane followed the girl * and the behavior was heinous.

What is even more annoying is that Bennett then used his power and power to threaten the girl and her family with her life, forcing the other party to swallow her voice and did not choose to call the police. The girl was so humiliated and chose to commit suicide. Fortunately, she was found by her family and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. He recovered his life, but suffered from severe depression, and finally died of depression two years ago.

   From beginning to end, Bennett did not make any compensation to the girl or her family, not even an apology.

   The girl’s family had tolerated for many years, and only after making sure that Bennett had forgotten them, did they finally gather the courage to secretly ask Representative Jifu for help and give her daughter justice.

   Seeing this, the audience understands the connection between Bennett and Gifford.

In fact, this is Yang Cheng made some changes to the case after discussing with Richard Debin, forcibly contacting Bennett and Gif. The case is true, but the girl’s parents did not tell anyone. The congressmen asked for help. They were weak-tempered and didn't even think of revenge. It was just that in the show, the parents were described as giving their daughter revenge for years.

To be honest, Lao Mei especially likes to accuse people of xing and infringement, whether it is a ZF high guan, a big business owner, or a navy officer, anyway, as long as you don’t obey and don’t cooperate, you can use this charge to kill you, anyway. Things don't cost much. Find a woman who wants to make a fortune and want to be famous, and she can make a case at will.

However, the attack on minors has aroused mass anger, especially those families with daughters. No one wants to encounter such a villain. Therefore, after the show was broadcast, the online demand for Bennett to be dealt with in accordance with the law intensified. Excited netizens began to besiege the official website and social accounts of the National Wu Institute.

Richard Debin had already made preparations. Almost at the same time, someone from F~B~I intervened in the investigation, and in front of the media, he took Benbet from the office, handcuffed and black. Although the hood is standard equipment, although I did not accept any interviews during the period, it was just a picture, but it was full of good feelings. This is the first time that American people have issued a national praise to F~B~I.

In the subsequent episodes of the program, Yang Cheng stopped paying too much attention to it. The main contradictions were picked out, and the rest was not important. Of course, for the audience, the program was still not lacking in spectacle. Especially, the program team conducted a deep excavation. Of course, double quotes should be added to this depth. After all, the information sent by Richard Debin is very comprehensive. No matter how powerful the program team is, there is no Richard who can use the resources of violent agencies. Good virtue.

This wave of things was considered a success. Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng did not receive questions or even pressure calls from the Elephant Party, which made him a little strange, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t think of a reason. Just forget about it, he doesn't have self-masochism, isn't it idle to look for things?

   I don’t need to care about the events of the show. The good news comes one after another. The Timoshchuk who caused him to stay in F~B~I for half a month found it.

   Andrew followed Cruise Moore in accordance with Yang Cheng's request. Not to mention that this kid is really strong. In terms of tracking skills, Andrew is ashamed of it.

Cruise Moore searched all the way through the man who tempted him to owe gambling debts, and finally found Tymoshchuk in a small town on the border of Texas. The guy was very cautious and hardly went out during the day, only until late at night. I will go to different 24-hour convenience stores to buy food and let it air out.

Moreover, the place he chose to hide is very secret, very close to the border. As long as the wind is not right, he can escape the United States with two legs, transfer to other countries in Mexico, and successfully escape. Moreover, this small town is sparsely populated, if not for Crewe Small and Andrew's tactical abilities are excellent, and the two foreigners are easily spotted, which finally aroused Tymoshchuk's suspicion.

The two sides can be regarded as rivals. Cruise Moore decided to do it the next night when he discovered Tymoshchuk. The night is long and dreamy. The longer he observes, the greater the risk he will be exposed to. Once the opponent's strength is found, Cruise Moore The existence of, determined to escape, neither Cruise nor Andrew can do anything about him.

Therefore, a surprise attack is king. Cruise Moore hides himself outside the door of Tymoshchuk’s hiding place. When a person comes out of the door, Cruise Moore will shoot and kill him at the first time. Give him time to fight back.

It’s a pity that everyone underestimated Tymoshchuk’s It seemed that he felt the danger as soon as he opened the door, his life stopped his inertial forward head, and the bullet flew past his eyebrows. It brought up a blood mist, but this was not a fatal injury.

Realizing that he had missed his hand, Cruise Moore did not hesitate and rushed forward to start a hand-to-hand fight. At that time, the melee combat ability that Yang Cheng was introduced to Yang Cheng was shown to the fullest. The wind was extremely sao, but Tymoshchuk was not weak. After avoiding the fatal blow with his arm, he immediately launched a counterattack.

   According to Andrew, who was watching the battle, the life-and-death battle between the two has almost reached the top level in the world. Anyway, Andrew himself admits that he is not an opponent of two people in close combat alone.

   However, after the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, the reason why the oriole can take advantage of it is not because it is so powerful, but because it knows how to seize the opportunity.

When Cruise Moore and Timothy Chuk were exhausted and staring at their eyes, Andrew came like Lucifer and brought death to the world. Two shots were fired with incomparable precision, and golden bullets penetrated into the two of them. The brain, in less than a second, solved the two top masters. Andrew said that he was still inexplicably sad. Otherwise, no matter how ruthless a gangster was, he would be afraid of choppers. The advantage of generation difference in equipment was enough to smooth the gap in skill, unless You are Iron Man, come in an invulnerable mechanical armor, otherwise, it will be a death.


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