Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 855: When to trade

American Indulge in Life 2014 Chapter 855 When to Trade Yang Cheng Hearing this, she turned her head and looked at Luo Yue. She used her eyes to signal Yang Cheng to be the master, so he thought about it and replied, "Since the two families have met Everyone has no other objections, so the marriage will naturally be put on the agenda. It’s just that I’m still in an embarrassing situation. I believe my uncle and aunt are also concerned about my recent lawsuits, but I don’t want to. Marrying Luo Yue with an unclear charge, I hope the two elders can understand this."

   Luo Zhenhua's expression became tense when he heard Yang Cheng take the initiative to talk about the case. "Xiao Yang, I also know your case. Uncle Luo believes that you were wronged. If you need my help, just speak up."

   Mrs. Luo followed the postscript, "Yes, your Uncle Luo also has some friends in F~B~I. Ask them for help and see if there is room for turnover."

   Yang Cheng nodded pretentiously, "Thank you, uncle and aunt, but this matter has already gotten to the point. I believe it won't be long before I can be innocent."

"That's good. Everything is as you said. The marriage will wait until you finish the case. It just so happens that you two young people also take advantage of this time to cultivate and cultivate relationships. Although our two families came together for some purpose, I hope you two have a pure heart."

   In these words, Luo Zhenhua's true feelings can be felt by Yang Cheng, and he has repeatedly stated that he will treat Luo Yue well.

   At this time, White came over to inform that dinner was ready, please go to dinner.

Everyone moved to the restaurant, and the two families were sitting on two sides. At the dinner table, everyone also focused on relaxed topics, so this dinner was very pleasant, and the authentic taste made Luo Zhenhua stand up to the chef of the Yang family. Thumbs up.

After the meal, the two families each found a comfortable area to sit down and chat. The two family owners went to Yang Cheng’s study on the second floor and closed the door to discuss major events. The two ladies went to the corner of the first floor under the leadership of Liu Yun. In the spa massage room, the masseurs who made an appointment at a beauty salon in Beverly provide them with top-notch services.

   As for the two young men, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue, they were a lot more casual. Yang Cheng asked White to send someone down the mountain to buy a set of casual clothes for Luo Yue to put on. After all, they were wearing high heels and a formal dress, not suitable for walking around.

   The refreshing dress of jeans, pink shirt and white sneakers highlights Luo Yue's pure temperament like a girl next door. Without restraint, the whole person has become lively, and followed Yang Cheng to visit the whole manor.

   The last two sat down on the benches in the small garden of the swimming pool, and the night breeze was blowing. Luo Yue suddenly said, “Maybe it’s not bad to live here. Even if I designed it myself, I’m afraid it’s not so perfect.”

Yang Cheng took off his suit jacket and put it on Luo Yue's shoulders, and pointed to the brightly lit Los Angeles below, and said, "This manor was originally used for entertainment, but if you want to live in it for a long time, I am afraid it is not suitable because there is less points here. The warmth of home, and Beverly Hills is too impetuous and extravagant, it will not be a good thing in the long run."

   Luo Yue did not expect Yang Cheng would have such an idea, "Then do you like living in New York?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "There is not much difference between New York and here. I hope we can live on the ranch in the future, where the scenery is pleasant, quiet and cozy. When the window is opened in the morning, the fresh grass and the endless blue sky and white clouds can let us Far away from the world, that’s the married life I yearn for. It’s just because of the location. It’s not convenient to travel, otherwise it’s perfect.

   Luo Yue chuckled, "There is nothing perfect in the world, but your ideas coincide with me. If you can, living on a ranch is really a wonderful thing."

   Yang Cheng pinched his chin thoughtfully, "How about we look around Los Angeles? Is there a suitable ranch within a 40-minute drive?"

   Luo Yue held down Yang Cheng, "Stop, don't waste money, raise so many houses and contribute to IRS for nothing."

   Yang Cheng laughed. This is not bad. The old American property tax is really a headache.

   In the end, the two did not talk about it. The time has come to 11 o'clock. The two ladies have finished the spa. Yang Sen and Luo Zhenhua have no idea what to talk about, but they should be very happy from their expressions.

No matter what, when it was time to leave, Mrs. Luo pulled Luo Yue's head down and whispered, presumably asking what was going on with her clothes. After hearing Luo Yue's explanation, her eyes turned soft when she looked at Yang Cheng. When I get up, a caring man can always be treated differently by a woman. Now it seems a bit like the mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, the more she likes it.

  . . . . . .

Watching Rolls-Royce away, Andrew hurried over and whispered a few words beside Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng looked startled, and then said to Yang Sen and Liu Yun, "Mom and Dad, please rest first. I have something to go out. "

   Yang Sen and Liu Yun are not troublesome parents, and they didn't ask much, and then went back to the house with a warning.

   Andrew drove the car. Yang Cheng was sitting in the co-pilot. His face was uncertain. When the car reached the mountain intersection, he suddenly asked, "That Miles won't notice anything, right?"

   Just now Andrew reported the situation in his ear. It was Miles who suddenly went out and dressed quite mysteriously. Hansen had sent someone to follow him, and at the same time asked Yang Cheng whether to enter the house and search.

Andrew didn’t know the specific situation, so he couldn’t answer, he just said vaguely, “It shouldn’t, unless he has received professional anti-tracking training, but his previous performance doesn’t look like he has received relevant training. I’m afraid it’s also too cautious. The long-term career has resulted in more experience than skill."

   Yang Cheng thought to the left, slammed a fist on the door armrest, and said angrily, "A **** paparazzi has made such a trouble, it's really not going well."

   Andrew knew that Yang Cheng was impatient, and did not slow down along the way. He ran into the residential area he had visited in the morning.

Soon Hansen got out of an unremarkable little Buick car and got into Yang Cheng's car. He didn't dare to delay, and said directly, "Boss, Miles shouldn't find us. He just went downstairs to buy food as usual. ."

   Yang Cheng looked at his watch and curled his eyebrows and said, "Come and buy food at this time?"

Hansen is very sure of his judgment, "Although something is abnormal, he estimated that he is ready to hide for a long time and bought a lot of things at once. In addition to some daily necessities, he also ordered 10 pizzas in the restaurant downstairs. , Now he has returned to the room."

   Yang Cheng then relieved his heart. If it is a person who wants to escape, there is no need to waste money to buy so much burden.

He breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and looked at the window of the black hole tens of meters away, and said to Hansen without looking back, "I have almost prepared the money here. It's really not good. I promised his deal. Let's take a look. We will make specific plans one step at a time. Now that the wind is tight, we still try to keep a low-key, otherwise there is a dense flow of people, even if it is in the middle of the night, it will easily cause the surrounding residents to alert."

   "Good boss~"

   Yang Cheng observed for a few more minutes, but still found nothing. Then he took out his mobile phone and replied to Miles, "The money is ready, when will the transaction be made?"

Hansen stared at the room nervously, as if he wanted to see the house price light up or something else. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. The room was still dark. If you didn't know that there was a big living person in it, anyone would do it. Thought it was a vacant house.

   Yang Cheng was also waiting for Miles' reply, put down the phone, made sure that the ringtone was on, closed his clothes, suddenly felt a little empty in his stomach, and asked Andrew to go to the 24-hour Turkish restaurant to buy some supper.

I bought it back soon, fried chicken wings, French fries, pizza, and Turkish barbecue. The aroma permeated the entire carriage. Of course, the brother Yang Cheng who was in charge of the stalking did not forget. He ate hesai to satisfy his appetite with a napkin. After wiping the oil stains on the corners of his mouth, Yang Cheng burped, let alone, occasionally eating such a meal on the side of the road, it feels better than the meal in a star hotel.

Just when Andrew was preparing to get out of the car and throw away the trash, Yang Cheng’s cell phone rang suddenly. Everyone's movements were a single meal. Yang Cheng didn’t care about wiping his mouth, dropped the paper ball and picked up the phone to check. Sure enough, it was Miles’ reply, “See you at the Los Angeles Airport at this time tomorrow night, and wait for my message.”

   Yang Cheng showed the information to Hansen and the others, and then cursed at the same"

   Obviously, Miles was ready to go straight to the spot trade. Yang Cheng bit his posterior teeth and said, "Check out which international flights are departing from Los Angeles Airport at this time tomorrow night."

  The reason for asking about international flights is because Yang Cheng is 100% sure that Miles will never escape in the country. He knows that Yang Cheng is capable of squeezing him to death on the North American continent without injury.

   Hansen quickly gave the answer, "Search within 30 minutes before and after this time, and there are 6 overseas flights."

   Yang Cheng calmly gave instructions, "Exclude the first 30 minutes~"

   Hansen glanced, "There are 3 left."

   Yang Cheng thought again, "Exclude Asia or Europe first."

   "Then there are only two left, one is to fly to Mexico City International Airport at 23:20, and the other is to fly to Mexico City at 23:30~"

   Hansen didn't finish, Yang Cheng interrupted directly, "Stop, I remember you said that Miles is a mix of Mexican Latino and black?"

   Hansen was taken aback and nodded, "Yes, so is he going back to Mexico?"

   "I don't know, it has nothing to do with us, which airline is that flight?"

   Hansen slides the pad and snickers at the corner of his mouth, "What a coincidence, Delta Air Lines~"

  Yang Cheng smiled and opened his fist. With a punch, it is a wise man who must have lost his mind. Which airline to choose is not good. You have to choose one of Yang Cheng's airlines. This is good, right? I see how you escape tomorrow.

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng was in a good mood and told Hansen, "You keep staring, I'm going back, remember to arrange someone at the airport tomorrow, lest he jump the wall in a hurry."

  . Nine Heavens God Emperor


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