Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 861: Premier League new season

American Indulge in Life 2014 Chapter 861 Although the evidence has been submitted for the new Premier League season, the electronic shackles on the feet are not so easy to remove. A series of investigations and analysis, even after the interview of the investigation team In order to get rid of this ugly thing completely, before that, he still couldn't leave the scope of the shackles.

   However, Yang Cheng's mentality has been completely calmed down, at least the shackles are only tied to the ankles, unlike before, like a lock on the atrium.

   In the past few days, his life is extremely comfortable. In addition to regular dates with Luo Yue to deepen his relationship, he almost stays at home, and has used the entertainment facilities of this manor from the time he bought it until now.

As far as work is concerned, he is even more decentralized. Except for things that require him to nod, he rarely interferes with the work of professional managers. Of course, the daily briefing must be read. He can delegate power, but not Know nothing about the company.

Just like now, Yang Cheng’s two long legs went deep into the water, and his upper body was lying flat on the shore. The noon sun was extremely hot, and his wet hair dried in a short while, but all this did not make his brows frown. Stretch out.

"Ian, what happened to the team lately. It hasn't suffered any injuries, and it hasn't reached the mid-term when the game is most intensive. How did the rhythm suddenly slow down? According to the plan you submitted to me, the first half of the season is important. Grab the staging." Yang Cheng asked with a solemn voice.

   Such a suppressed voice made Ian El on the other end of the phone extremely nervous, because such a voice represented that the boss was dissatisfied with him.

In fact, since the start of the new season of the Premier League in August, Liverpool has won an impressive record of seven straight victories in the first seven rounds. You must know that this is the start of seven consecutive victories, and the Reds also defeated Paris in the Champions League group stage. Therefore, after the start of the season, it ushered in an eight-game winning streak in all competitions, which is unique in the history of the Red Army. The Red Army started with eight straight wins and the Premier League started with seven consecutive wins. It also created a 125-year history of the team. new record.

It can be said that Love has completed the integration of the team. The three lines of the starting lineup will be star-studded, and the central axis has the world's top strength. Although the Premier League has always been recognized as a high degree of difficulty in the world, the team is dedicated to winning. When the absolute strength is enough to crush the underdogs, and the cooperation of the various positions is sufficiently tacit, it is not surprising that such results can be achieved.

Even if the outside world has blown up the sky, the team is still very calm, because the opponents at the beginning of the season are not difficult to give birth. The Premier League big6 only encountered Manchester United and Arsenal, and these two teams need not be mentioned. Because the grandfather's retirement glory is not there, one is the style of playing all the year round as long as the appearance does not require performance. Although the process of winning has twists and turns, the ending is still very good.

But in the last two rounds, I don’t know what the evil is. First, it was tied 1:1 by rival Everton, and then it was a small loss to Tottenham. It swallowed the bitter fruit of the first defeat of the season and ended the unbeaten record. The winning streak ended in the last round. This makes Yang Cheng, who has been paying attention to the team's performance, very upset. He has ambitions for the championship this season. Whether it is the Premier League championship or the Champions League trophy, he wants one by one. Engaged, but just planted on the underdog, Yang Cheng couldn't help but called Ian El directly.

"Don't give me reasons. I want to hear the truth. Why did we lose to Tottenham? Harry Kane was even more normally lost. I didn't even see him on the camera during the whole game. Why? He was against his old club. Is your heart soft?"

Yang Cheng sprayed in one breath for several minutes. Ian Ayer could only lower his head and scold him. Opposite his office was the head coach Love. Yang Cheng’s loud voice reached his ears through the phone, except for embarrassment. Still embarrassing, the team's responsibility for this defeat is not 100%, but at least 60% is because of him.

   Now he is reviewing with Ian El, but he didn't expect the boss to call him directly.

   Ian waited for a few seconds, and after confirming that the boss finished his fire, he explained, "Boss, I also discussed this with Coach Loew."

   Love's heart is tight~

"I personally think that the team's mistakes in these two games are not a good thing. The season's winning streak is also a kind of pressure for the players. They are under expectations from all sides. I hope they can continue the winning streak. This is obviously unrealistic. After all, players are humans, not machines. It is impossible for the players to show their best state in every game. A momentary mistake is just an adjustment to themselves. I believe that after this faux pas, they too I can reorganize my mentality and set sail again. This season has just begun, and the show is yet to come~"

   Ian El’s explanation can be regarded as taking out the responsibility of Love, and while making Love grateful, he secretly blames himself.

The winning streak at the beginning of the season not only changed the player’s mentality, but he also underestimated the enemy. There was no way. The coaching national team won the Hercules Cup, and the coaching club also reached the goal after half a season of running-in. For a while, Dugu wanted to lose, even if he was nearly half a hundred people, it shouldn't be so impetuous, but it was difficult to resist the praise of the outside world.

Of course, his pride is only in terms of his own ability, and he will not be indifferent. This faux pas can be said that he underestimated the enemy and sent a bench with several core main players to play. It can also be said that he is preparing for the upcoming Champions League. , The season is so long, the physical distribution of the main lineup is also his homework as a coach.

   In the final score, he slapped him in the face severely, which also made him immediately sober and change. The Premier League has never been easy.

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment. He listened to Ian Al’s explanation, and he believed the other party’s words for the time being. His anger slowly dissipated. After all, he just lost a game, not a 10-game losing streak. He was also angry with the players. His performance on this season is ashamed of his high salary. In order to give everyone enough motivation this season, he has a 15% salary increase for all staff under the suggestion of Ian El. It seems that it is not much to distribute to everyone, but it is good enough. One piece, Yang Cheng bleeds a lot of blood, no wonder he was so angry after only one loss.

   coldly snorted, "I will go to the UK to supervise the game in a while. I hope that before that, I won't let me see the team's **** sleepwalking play."

Ian El heard Yang Cheng let go, and immediately agreed, "Of course the boss, the last game was an accident. Mr. Love also became angry in the team meeting and criticized the players' attitude. I believe everyone will be happy in the next game. Essence will be improved."

   "That would be great, let's just do it~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng naturally didn't know how Ian Al and Loew, who were far away in Liverpool, communicated. As soon as he put down the phone, his eyes went dark, and then he felt the warmth around his eyes. A fragrant scent bursts into his nose, which he has been smelling every day recently.

   A voice that deliberately imitated the little boy sounded in his ear, "Guess who I am?"

   Hearing this sound, the irritation just now disappeared, and the corners of his mouth raised, "Is it a little fairy?"

   "Hey~ I count you through~"

When the eyes lit up, Luo Yue jumped out from behind, gave Yang Cheng a proud glance, bent out a warm smile like SpongeBob SquarePants, and squatted beside Yang Cheng grinning, obviously Yang Cheng's praise made her very satisfied. Women are so easily satisfied.

   "Are you working? I just came over and heard your tone not so good~" Luo Yue stretched out his white fingers to make a ripple on the water, tilted his head and asked.

Yang Cheng sat up and took his legs out of the water, sat cross-legged on the shore, and said casually, "It's nothing, it's just that there is something wrong with my team's record. Give them a call and put pressure to let them know that I, the boss, has been paying attention. They can’t relax~"

   Luo Yue tilted his head, "I don't understand~"

   Yang Cheng smiled, "After I don’t understand, I will teach you slowly, how did you come? Didn’t you say you want to have lunch with Lin Ximan?"

   Luo Yue patted his forehead, "Oops, forget the business, can you lend me a car? Tomorrow is the weekend, so Manman asked some friends to drive to Yosemite Park for camping."

   Yang Cheng naturally wouldn’t say disagree, "Of course it’s okay, you are optimistic about which one will drive away~"

If he only has a car, he won’t easily borrow But in this life, the car treats him like a toy. After the freshness, there is no particular preference. Besides, it is his fiancée who wants it. Car, how could he say no.

   Luo Yue had long been expecting this result. After raising a beautiful smile, he blinked weirdly, "Not only to borrow a car but also to borrow someone, you come with me? Let us be the driver~"

   Yang Cheng smiled meaningfully, "I'm afraid it's more than just being a driver, right? Say, do your friends want to see me?"

   Luo Yue was startled, and spit out her pink tongue, "Is it so obvious?"

   Yang Cheng smiled and nodded affirmatively, Luo Yue immediately gave him a shameful blow, "Then you say you want to go?"

   This is a sub-question, Yang Cheng jumped up, "Go, must go, go, I'll take a shower, and then set off with you~"

   Luo Yue took Yang Cheng’s arm, "Don’t worry, Manman is still preparing to eat and drink, and he has arranged to meet at 3 pm, and stay at the hotel at the destination in the evening, and then hike to the campsite the next day~"

Yang Cheng looked at the time. There were still three hours left, and there was still plenty of time, so he was not so anxious, but he still asked in a worry, "Do I need to do something? For example, book a hotel? You also know. It will be more convenient for me to book a hotel~"

   Luo Yue tilted his toes and patted Yang Cheng's shoulder, "Ah, Manman's organizational skills are very good, so you can enjoy it with peace of mind."

   Yang Cheng stretched out his hands helplessly, "Then we can't go empty-handed, we have to buy something to bring with them~"

   Luo Yue also thought about it, but she didn't know what to bring, so she could only leave the problem to Yang Cheng.

   Seeing her bewildered little eyes, Yang Cheng could only pettingly touch her little head, and then called White~

  . Nine Heavens God Emperor


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