Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 881: Luo? Thoughts

   Batomeu stroked the round-framed glasses, embarrassment can no longer describe his situation at this time, or else you can't talk nonsense, this is not a face? Just now it looked like there were no non-sale items in Barcelona, ​​and now Yang Cheng has nothing to say. It deserves it, I asked for it~

Yang Cheng’s words are not all jokes. After all, compared to Coutinho’s limited future, Messi’s immediate combat power and his influence can bring massive cash benefits to Liverpool, even at a cost of 200 million euros. Yang Cheng is also very sure to recover the cost within 2 years. If nothing else, he can get back at least a quarter of it if he takes a trip to Country Z.

If he was more aggressive and grabbed Messi directly with the penalty, Barcelona would have nothing to do. Of course, he had to convince Messi himself. If he was unwilling, even if Yang Cheng was willing to pay the penalty, it would be useless. The water is empty.

   Batome Ugan laughed twice, "Jason, you can really joke, Messi is our Barcelona kid, who will sell his kid?"

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "There is no such thing as a non-sale item in the world, or should I just drop the liquidated damages? I know that the liquidated damages you set for Messi is 300 million euros~"

Bartomeu was shocked. Barcelona is a membership-based club. Although it is not bad for money, it is a heaven and an underground if he fights with big tyrants like Mansour and Yang Cheng. How can he forget this? .

He regrets that his intestines are all green now, and his idleness is almost like Yang Cheng. This is good, the player he likes has not yet landed. If he catches the logo of the team again, the position of the next chairman will be the same as him. The money relationship is gone, no, I am afraid he will have to be sprayed to death by the fans' saliva before the next presidential election.

Like Yang Cheng, Abu saw a business opportunity as soon as he rolled his eyes. Wasn’t it only 300 million euros? Recently, his money was a bit tight, but he moved around, how could he get 300 million, and Messi brought Compared with the huge business opportunities that come, the 300 million euro investment is nothing at all. At most, it takes more time to recover the cost. After all, Messi is only 28 years old this year, at the peak, and with Messi’s playing method, he has played 34. , 35 should not be a problem, that is to say, he still has at least 4 to 5 years of profit harvesting period, no matter how to calculate it will not lose.

   Batomeu secretly suffers hardships, gotta recruit hungry wolves and vultures, can’t survive~

   casually found an excuse and hurriedly left, looking like that, it is probably ready to get a vaccination with Messi.

Yang Cheng looked at the back of Bartomeu’s departure, and thought about it. If he wanted to impress Messi, naturally he couldn’t start from him. Everyone knew that Messi had a lot of affection. For Barcelona, ​​who had nurtured him, money could not be used. Reasons for him to leave.

Then, you have to start with Messi’s people. There are only two people who can influence Messi’s thoughts. One is his wife Antonella, and the other is naturally his father and manager Jorge Messi. Compared with the former, it is clear that the latter has the highest success rate.

However, there is still one problem. Although Jorge loves money more, he will consider his son Messi and will not force Messi to make a decision. It depends on the sincerity of Liverpool. Of course, the time and place are right. Renhe, who wants to promote Messi to join, cannot do without the assists of the pig teammate of Barcelona. Yang Cheng very much hopes that Barcelona can make a faint move at a critical moment, as long as it creates a gap between the players and the team, even if it is short-lived, That's Liverpool's opportunity.

Now Barcelona’s annual salary for Messi is 22.8 million euros. With various bonuses and trigger clauses, it is not a problem for this figure to climb to 25 million. So if you want to impress his father, Yang Cheng doesn’t mind asking 30 million. Even the sky-high annual salary of 40 million euros, he is not afraid that Jorge will not be tempted. For those who are poor, being able to get as much salary as possible through normal channels is definitely a dream. Even if they are successful now, they cannot change it. The subconscious left by the nightmare.

The more Yang Cheng thought about it, the more he felt feasible, and couldn't bear it. He greeted Abu, retreated to the outside of the crowd, and called Ian Al to get the club staff to take advantage of Messi’s new contract. Before the renewal negotiations are about to start, take the lead and look at Abu's intentions, and definitely have ideas.

  . . . . . .

   Just as Yang Cheng was wondering how to get Messi under his command, in the Atlantis hotel suite, Luo Yue and Susu, who had just settled down, had an unknown conversation.

Susu packed his luggage in the room, and took out pieces of floral dresses and compared them with each other. Suddenly the door of the room was knocked, and Luo Yue was holding his shoulders against the door frame with an inexplicable smile. Are you busy? If you are not busy, come out and let's talk for a while?"

   Su Su was stunned, then dropped his long skirt and nodded again and again, "Miss Luo, I'm not busy, don't hesitate to give me any orders."

Yang Cheng had already told her the identity of Luo Yue's future boss lady, so Susu didn't dare to neglect at all, and showed the respect and restraint that she didn't have when facing Xu Lingyue. There was no way, if Yang Cheng didn't like Luo Yue, she would also It doesn't have to be the case, but Yang Cheng feels very good about Luo Yue, Susu uses her toes to think and knows which is more important between Mrs. Zheng and her secretary lover, and if she doesn't recognize the situation, she will suffer in the end.

Even though Su Su still has a simple and kind face, but compared to when she first met Yang Cheng, she has grown up completely, and she has experienced so many things after growing up with Yang Cheng, her heart is extremely strong, and at the same time she has grown a little. The thoughts that shouldn't be there are just that she has always concealed them very well. To be precise, she deliberately buried those bad thoughts in her heart not to touch them.

   She will always remember that when she was desperate, it was Yang Cheng who stretched out her olive branch, which not only helped herself but also rescued her family. This kindness is unrequited, so how could she avenge her kindness by nature.

Where did Luo Yue know that Susu’s heart turned thousands of times, and he took a few steps forward and pulled Susu’s little hand, and the infectious smile quickly calmed Susu’s rather nervous emotions. In that moment, Susu I understand the reason why my se wolf boss would like Luo Yue.

   "Don't Miss Luo, Miss Luo, you're so out-of-sight, we are about the same age, so we just call our names."

   How can Susu dare to call his name directly, and his little head shook like a rattle, "I'm still calling my sister, sister can tell me something, I dare not hide it."

   If this scene wasn't for the modern surroundings and the clothes on the two of them, unknowingly they would have thought that they had traveled back to the ancient emperor's harem, a proper plan.

Luo Yue smiled and did not entangle the issue of title anymore, hesitated a little, and started talking about business, "That's it, you also know the relationship between me and your boss. If the relationship between husband and wife is to last, it must be done. They understand each other, but your boss is very strict, and he refuses to take the initiative to talk about anything. My sister has no choice but to ask her for help."

Susu heard that Luo Yue was not instigating the teacher, and he was relieved at the same time, and immediately became entangled. From her own point of view, she should not talk too much. After all, the relationship between Yang Cheng and Luo Yue deepened. There is nothing wrong with her. Conversely, she shouldn't seem to conceal it. After all, having a good relationship with Luo Yue will help her gain a foothold next to Yang Cheng in the future. After all, where else can she find such a good job?

The entanglement was only a few seconds, and she quickly made up her mind. Since she decided to put away the thoughts she shouldn’t have, she shouldn’t be slick at this moment, and she spoke to Shang Luo Yue’s deep-meaning eyes. "Boss is a good person. Except for matters related to his core interests, he seldom pays attention to most of the other things. It is a common thing to forget about turning around, so I usually need to spend a lot of energy to record trivial things for the boss. To remind him when he can’t remember."

   The two sat on the sofa, Luo Yue personally poured a glass of water for Susu, and listened with a smile on his face.

Susu’s face unconsciously showed a look of memories, and continued, “Boss is very good to people around him, and very cruel to his enemies. He is a person who is unwilling to stay behind and can solve problems once and for all. Unkind and sloppy.

   So the people around the boss are very united. Everyone knows that as long as you follow the boss, you don’t have to worry about food. "

   Luo Yue interrupted and asked, "What about yourself? What do you think of your boss?"

   Susu was startled, quickly settled his mind, and said a little against his heart, "I don't have any ideas, anyway, I just want to do whatever I want~"

Luo Yue smiled The white fingers clicked in the void, "You, I still didn't tell the truth with my sister, and I want to cover up for your boss, but I don't know that he has already confessed you. Out."

   Susu's face became stiff, with mixed feelings in her heart, and she wanted to explain something, but she couldn't open her mouth, as if 502 glue was glued to her mouth.

Fortunately, Luo Yue didn't have much trouble for her, and took the initiative to relieve her. "Don't worry, your boss and I have reached a consensus. I don't care how he plays outside, just don't let me know, let alone take home. I Knowing that people like him can't do without this colorful world, hanged on a tree."

  'S self-deprecating tone made Su Su a little bit sad, and while scolding the boss big pig's hoof, he couldn't help but feel a little ecstatic.

Luo Yue shook his head to sort out his emotions, and said sternly, "But, I hope you can check it out for me and your boss. Don't let those glamorous **** outside interfere with my normal life. If I am unhappy, don't everyone. Think about it~"

   If Yang Cheng saw this scene and didn't know what to think, Luo Yue, who always had a warm smile in front of him, could have such a fierce side for his future family.

   But even if he knew it, he wouldn't say anything. After all, Luo Yue will become the mother of the Yang family in the future.

Su Su waved his hand, "Sister, you are too worried, boss is not casual, in fact, the women he can admire are very good, at least I haven't seen him have any confusion with those gold worshipers. Entanglement~"

  :. :

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