Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 886: Local tyrant shot

   The Texas Hold'em Invitational at the Atlantis Hotel was successfully held as early as last year. At that time, due to the lack of reputation, even with the temptation of a $500,000 bonus, few masters were invited.

But this year is different. In addition to doubling the prize money for the first place, you can also enjoy the top service of the Atlantis Hotel for seven days and seven nights. Not only will you win the championship, you will have 1 million prizes, but you can also be in heaven. For a holiday in the Bahamas, such a master of temptation is unavoidable.

   This has also contributed to this year's Invitational Tournament's strong posture.

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue casually found a sofa and sat down. On the big TV directly opposite, a dedicated live broadcast team transmitted the pictures on the du table in real time. They watched the exciting Texas Hold'em from God’s perspective and enjoyed the honorable Du Hall. Service, all this is the charm of money.

I ordered a glass of cream cocktail for Luo Yue. This cocktail made with butterscotch as the main ingredient is actually an after-dinner drink, but it is smooth and refreshing with a hint of sweetness, which is very suitable for little drunk and slightly drunk girls. It's not so intoxicating.

The game has started. The cards in the first round are relatively regular. The croupier issued two 5 of spades and a ace of hearts. This means that the players are very likely to make up three or even four. The **** is minimal.

Yang Cheng focused on Liu Xuan’s performance. In a common 9-seat table, the seated position is very particular. Generally speaking, it is divided into front position, back position, middle position, and blind position, of which the rear position is undoubtedly the most advantageous. The position of, no matter what the situation, there is sufficient reaction time, but the blind position and the front position are relatively weak, because the order of Texas Hold’em is clockwise, not to mention the blind position on the left hand side, almost no opponent’s Intelligence, you need to make decisions such as placing bets, which is very unfavorable in master duels.

Fortunately, Liu Xuan’s luck was good and she was in the middle position. It was good or bad, and then he placed the lowest blinds. The croupier issued the fourth card, which was a red heart K. Now Yang Cheng couldn’t help being before him. Depressed by his judgment, I just felt that the possibility of making a straight is very small, and I didn't expect to hit the face in a blink of an eye.

   If you are lucky, you may even make a straight flush.

   However, the players who participated in this game were all masters. Their expression control was very good, and there were almost no flaws. Unless they were used to cheat, it was difficult to judge the opponent's hole cards.

   At this time, folds have occurred. Obviously, the current card type is very unfavorable for some players. It is better not to take risks in the opening stage. Folding can also be considered as a performance to preserve strength.

   This is the game, not privately.

Liu Xuan kept a poker face from beginning to end, not squinting, neither observing the opponent’s facial expressions to judge the opponent’s card type, nor fluctuating due to the issue of public cards, but from her continued calling performance, Her hole cards should be good.

   Abu sipped vodka, his mouth gulped out, "Jason, it looks like your poker player has hope in this game~"

  Yang Cheng glanced at Joel Glazer, who was not so good because Daniel had just folded the card, and smiled lightly, "What anxious, the game has just begun, and the last laugh is the king."

   Abu's words were originally meant to stimulate Joel Glazer, watching his nose smoke, and the effect is reached, he will close when he is good, holding a polar bear supermodel to send sao.

   Luo Yue stared at the TV screen nervously, worried about Liu Xuan.

   At this time, Florentino, who was sitting not far away, suddenly turned around and said, "Jason, I heard that Bartomeu asked you to buy Coutinho?"

This voice immediately attracted the attention of others. This sentence has a lot of information. Coutinho's potential is well known. His performance in Liverpool will be even higher. If Yang Cheng is really willing to sell, everyone I would never sit back and watch Barcelona increase its strength. A Messi is not enough. If I get a little demon over, I can't be played by others?

Bartomeu saw that the situation was not good, so he glared at Florentino and quickly jumped out to explain, "I did have this idea, but in the afternoon Jason had clearly rejected it, saying that Coutinho is not for sale and I want to buy it. I can't buy it~"

   This guy contains evil intentions in his words, he can't buy it himself, and he won't let others buy it.

Yang Cheng doesn’t care. The players are in his hands and he still has contracts. He is not afraid of being cut off. “Yes, Coutinho is the absolute core of Liverpool’s next decade. I don’t need money unless I take it. Messi will change it, otherwise no talk."

   snorted in his heart, "Who wouldn't transfer the contradiction~"

It’s okay if he doesn’t say that. His words can suffice other people’s minds. Mansour, who has been low-key since the afternoon, finally speaks, "If Chairman Bartomeu is willing to accept Messi’s inquiry Price, I am willing to put out 400 million euros in cash to invite Messi to play for Manchester City."

MMP, the local tyrant is the local tyrant, and the mouth is 400 million euros. And listening to this attitude, it is obviously ready to pay in one time. Think about it, put yourself in the place, and anyone who changes to Bartomeu’s position will inevitably be moved. This is 400 million euros in cash.

You must know that Barcelona has been crazy to buy stars in recent but they have owed a lot of debts. Although they have repaid part of them with their good results in recent years, they still owe the bank for various reasons. Huge debt of more than 300 million euros.

   If this deal is concluded, Barcelona will not only get rid of the debt dilemma in one fell swoop, but also make a lot of net profit. Coupled with Barcelona's already crazy income, Barcelona will make a lot of money in the future.

If Barcelona is a private or listed company, Bartomeu, as the chairman, must not be able to refuse this temptation, but the nostalgia is a membership club in Barcelona. If he dares to sell Messi, he will definitely be torn to pieces by the members. At that time, even if he argued in every possible way to pay off the team's debts to make money, it would be useless!

   But this offer is indeed too tempting, let alone him, even Florentino has become short of breath, thinking that if Manchester City are willing to offer 400 million euros for Ronaldo, he must agree.

Florentino is a typical businessman who is only profitable. Now Ronaldo is 30 years old and two years older than Messi. Although he still maintains a shocking competitive state, his physical condition is inevitable at this age. Entering the downward channel, no one dares to pack tickets for as long as the good state can be maintained.

   Cristiano Ronaldo has made great contributions to Real Madrid over the years, but in the face of real money, it is not worth mentioning. Now Florentino is crazy about Mansour, as long as you inquire, I immediately nodded and agreed.


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