Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 996: 1 series of question marks

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The potential low point of Thutmose III’s treasure is located in Egypt. It is impossible for Yang Cheng to send a large team to dig without anyone knowing it. Egypt has a perfect protection system for everything about the ancient pharaohs. If you agree to take away these amazing treasures, it is absolutely impossible task.

Then again, even if he obtained the permission from the relevant Egyptian ZF authorities and obtained the qualifications to hunt treasures in Egypt, then he would not be able to take away any valuable treasures. Egyptian ZF would not sit back and watch foreign merchants take away any treasures. It may be a treasure of ancient civilization.

This is really troublesome, it's like a peerless beauty lying in front of me, but I can't do anything about it, and I feel aggrieved.

In just a few tens of seconds, Yang Cheng thought of various ways to hide from the sky, and he overturned them one by one.

In his view, the most reliable way is to pretend to be an exploration team of a foreign energy company, and then pretend to find a certain metal or non-metallic vein in that land for mining, and use the cover of mining to transport the treasures little by little.

Only in this way, these treasures have become illicit loot. Because of the famous particularity of ancient Egypt, it created the unique attributes of the relics. It is almost impossible to unearth similar cultural relics in this world except Egypt. Even if this is the wealth of Thutmose III, it may be left along the Euphrates River, this logic is not valid, because no one would put such a huge amount of wealth so far from home.

Even if the unseen treasure is valuable, it can’t bring any benefits to Yang Cheng. It’s impossible to sell it. Whether Yang Cheng has a propensity to collect treasures, his investment in antiques is more meaningful than collecting and admiring.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to confirm whether the treasure actually exists. As for how to excavate it, and how to dispose of it after unearthed, it is something to do.

So he ordered, "In this way, you personally set up an exploration team to explore the area under the banner of prospecting for mineral veins. First, determine whether the treasure exists and the specific location. I will let Hansen send a bodyguard to guard the whole process. Remember that you must take security measures. I don’t want any news to be heard."

Eiffel certainly wouldn't refuse such a stimulating thing, and agreed in one go.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng looked at the jewel-like blue and calm sea, frowning his brows still not loosening, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After 10 minutes of contemplation, he suddenly realized that the feeling of something wrong came from Earl Carnarvon.

If he had already researched the location of the treasure, even if he was unable to open the treasure, why didn't he want to survey it?

Could it be the result of the research that has just been researched and has not had time to send someone to Egypt?

Then why did he take the initiative to hand over the golden mask and choose to share this secret?

Just worried that he could not keep this secret so that the family would be persecuted?

Or did he have sent someone to Egypt, but he realized that the treasure house was not something he could have at all, or he discovered something more terrifying that made him give up continuing to explore and chose to seal the secret?

This series of question marks caused a remorse in Yang Cheng's heart, and he hurriedly sent Eiffel to Egypt without more detailed research. This is likely to cause unpredictable consequences.

But the order has already been issued, and there is no reason to take it back. Yang Cheng can only temporarily press down on the anxiety in his heart, expecting good news from Eiffel, at least not bad news.

Since Yang Cheng came to this world, it is the first time that she has pinned her future on luck.

Just when he was consuming his brain cells madly, Luo Yue and Situ Yanran returned from playing in the water. The two little beauties who were more than Huajiao were also paper men reincarnated. After playing for a while, they panted out of their bodies. The dress-style swimsuit was soaked, and the light jacket was uncomfortable to stick to her body. As soon as she got back under the umbrella, the second woman took off her jacket and wiped the water droplets off her body with a bath towel.

Luo Yue didn't notice Yang Cheng's serious expression, took a sip of Yang Cheng's juice, and asked smoothly, "Why don't you play in the sea? It's boring to lie alone."

Situ Yanran pouted her mouth and joked, "Brother Orange wants to pretend to be deep in front of you~"

A word that almost made Yang Cheng angry, and said angrily, "Your brother, I still need to pretend to be so deep? Little girl, have you been beaten recently?"

Situ Yanran made a face at Yang Cheng and took Luo Yue's hand and said, "Sister Yueyue, let's ignore this big villain. I want to drink coconut juice. Shall we go buy it?"

With that said, Luo Yue also wanted to drink a little, and nodded happily in agreement. Just a few steps out, he heard Yang Cheng shouting from behind, "Bring me one, and by the way bring some delicious food back~"

Luo Yue made an OK gesture without looking back, and ran to the BBQ restaurant not far away with Situ spent more than a week in Hawaii, and went every day Lying on the beach for a day, the'vicious' sun ruthlessly tanned Yang Cheng into a black man, but thanks to the leisure time of the past few days, he had plenty of time to shape his figure, his abdominal muscles began to appear looming and his weight It also returned to normal levels, coupled with the sun-tanned skin, and male hormones burst out. If it weren't for two obvious gunshot wounds on his body, there would definitely be many hot girls who came to him on the beach.

Luo Yue was called back by the company a few days ago. Maybe there was a project that needed her to follow up. After taking such a long time off, Luo Yue was also a little uncomfortable. He discussed with Yang Cheng and decisively left for Los Angeles, but Yang Cheng was worried about C ~I~A troubled her, and specially arranged a team of people to follow Luo Yue silently, just in case.

On this day, Yang Cheng was basking on the beach as always, and just got into the water for surfing. The skill of wind and sao combined with the temperament of the sun will inevitably become the number one star on this beach. Of course, the hot girls are not all seen Open, it's mainly because Yang Cheng is not an ordinary person at first sight, nonsense, which ordinary person is playing at the beach, and there are a dozen unsmiling tough guys with sunglasses standing around?

After sending away a beautiful blonde woman who came forward and gave a small note again, Yang Cheng sighed deeply. He seemed to be enjoying his vacation these days, but he kept thinking about Eiffel's situation in his heart.

After receiving his order, Eiffel rushed to Egypt as soon as possible. The manpower he recruited also arrived one after another, joined with the armed bodyguards arranged by Yang Cheng, and went deep into the vicinity of the Valley of the Kings 4 days ago in the name of exploration. Desert, they will detour to the target location in the desert.

However, on the second day after they entered the desert, Yang Cheng lost contact with Eiffel.

. m.

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